Missing persons search underway for couple who took ATVs into the Pine Barrens in Stafford
The married couple went missing after heading to the Pine Barrens in Stafford on ATVs, authorities said.
Nothing public was mentioned.Unrelated to this, but similar. Was there ever any closure to the hunter some years ago who was lost in Warren Grove?
This reminds me of the hunter that went missing in a similar area. Items that you think they would take left at the car/atv. Becoming very disturbing.
Zeldon wasn't reported missing for a day or two and it had rained. From what we were told I can't help but think foul play was at work. This may be eerily similar but it hasn't rained yet to wash any scent away. I'm wondering what the shotgun was for. Shotgun deer is not in season yet. Maybe small game? Was the gun a spare or were they both intending to hunt?This reminds me of the hunter that went missing in a similar area. Items that you think they would take left at the car/atv. Becoming very disturbing.