Please help me out


Sep 7, 2005
Seems like there are a couple straight up fellas here that can work a camera like no tomorrow and won't creep people out. One would get some fantastic shots if the truck and she were paired with some mean background scenery provided by the camera sages here. However, it is the lady's choice and yes Ben, no one should be put on the spot.
Me, I would hit that angle about the truck. It's not a fit for the Mini gig and it ain't such a much to look at. Get rid of that one and you're good.
All's fair right?



Sep 7, 2005
I'd help her. I live in Bamber, but my hands would shake too much.

Get yee a shot O' whiskey in ya to settle that tremble old man!
This ain't no swamp flower or some unnamed weed you'd be shootin'.

Kristine, while you knew you had a large support group here to help your cause, I will say you've got guts and humility. You had to have known what can of worms you'd open up. No offense, but some of these old codgers haven't seen much past a pine tree in many a year! And you got a lot of young dudes been playin' with nothin but snakes and salamanders since before puberty so you threw them in to a tailspin! Them what's left (save for the ladies of the group and a few folks who actually get away from sticks, broken down buildings, stones and brown water), pose a threat simply because of good old human nature. This thread has been fun. Kudos to you.

Hey all, just kiddin', you know I love you guys.

I had a solid dozen folks at work ready to hit the vote button but this behind the scenes Nazi, "Websense" at my work prohibits online polling.
Damned technology.

Apr 6, 2004
Largo said:
No offense, but some of these old codgers haven't seen much past a pine tree in many a year! And you got a lot of young dudes been playin' with nothin but snakes and salamanders since before puberty so you threw them in to a tailspin!


Good un!