Chatsworth Atv park

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G. Russell Juelg

Jul 31, 2006
Burlington County
Russell, I think you must be describing the vast minority there. ... if i see a big truck bogging in a swamp, i'm gonna get my butt over to the ranger station asap.. ... i've reported illegal camping and camp fires before ....and our riding club has very good relations w/ the horse ppl riding out there. so let's not say they want us gone as well, cause that would just be horse ****.. play nice children.

10-4. Like I say, it's only the irresponsible riding that causes the trouble.

But, all this talk is making me thirsty. Why don't we all get together for a beer somewhere?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
10-4. Like I say, it's only the irresponsible riding that causes the trouble. But, all this talk is making me thirsty. Why don't we all get together for a beer somewhere?

As a good friend of yours, I'll join you. I'm betting most people on this site don't know how close you and I are. I like how you defend yourself and I like how you defend the important issues. You do just fine on your own, and you are a big boy, so I tend to stay in the background, enjoying the back and forth.

By the way all; I didn't mean to suggest the construction debris was dumped by the riders. The fire area was littered with bottles and cans tossed haphazardly in the woods by someone. Hell, I can't even prove the riders did that. It may have been teenagers from Waretown out there partying.


May 31, 2007
I think meeting for a beer is an excellent idea.

location ?

and p.s. russell.. i've always wanted to go on one of your jersey Devil Hikes or the Cougar hunts that you used to do (not sure if you do them anymore).. ok ok .. and the outdoor survival course, esp w/ the overnight and solo cross country trek.. sorry if i've been fired up (seemily without reason). you seem to be much more open to discussion and listening to other sides RE: this topic - which i appreciate.


May 31, 2007
i'm a little bit of everything russell. off roader, fisherman, tree hugger, hiker, animal lover to the "n'th degree", jackass.. i guess that's why i get so worked up..

G. Russell Juelg

Jul 31, 2006
Burlington County
location ?

and p.s. russell.. i've always wanted to go on one of your jersey Devil Hikes or the Cougar hunts that you used to do (not sure if you do them anymore).. ok ok .. and the outdoor survival course, esp w/ the overnight and solo cross country trek..

I still do most of that stuff, and the spring and summer schedule should be out soon, so I hope something will work for you.


Jun 28, 2007
Green ATV's

Russ, Let us know a time and place good for you. We'll take it it from there. You're invited to come over to my property in Whiting to ride a quad leagally as are any others on this site. After a brisk winter ride, there are a number of establishments offering refreshments:guinness:
We could discuss the value of these machines to do scientific research, search and rescue, fire response and alot of other valuable tasks.
Thanks, everyone is welcome.


May 31, 2007
Yo Tom !! I'll come ride w/ ya.. but my ORV is not green.. She's "Orange".. we all know what that spells.. 3 letters.. :)

G. Russell Juelg

Jul 31, 2006
Burlington County
Russ, Let us know a time and place good for you. We'll take it it from there. You're invited to come over to my property in Whiting to ride a quad leagally as are any others on this site. After a brisk winter ride, there are a number of establishments offering refreshments:guinness:
We could discuss the value of these machines to do scientific research, search and rescue, fire response and alot of other valuable tasks.
Thanks, everyone is welcome.

Sorry for the delay. I've been a little tied up.

That is an offer I cannot refuse! Thanks for the hospitality! Now all we need is a day and time that works. Let me know what's good for you.


Jun 28, 2007
Whitingrider --

What kind of quad do you have? The only one I have ever ridden was a Polaris, which was an automatic. It was nice since I don't know how to shift on a bike yet.

Ben, I've got an automatic Suzuki King Quad 700cc, an electronic shift Honda 350 Rancher (no clutch), and a 5 speed Yamaha Blaster. The Honda is my 15 year old daughter's and you could learn to shift it in all of 5 mins.
Learning to operate it safely takes a little longer, but it's still not rocket science.
I hope to see you soon. Tom
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