Search results

  1. smoke_jumper

    East Plains Wilderness, A PBX Hike

    Nice size white cedar. I want go revisit a past hike where we found some big ones. Chris and I hugged one and only one hand overlapped if I remember correctly.
  2. smoke_jumper

    East Plains Wilderness, A PBX Hike

    Looks like a awesome hike. I wish I could have made it.
  3. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    I was kidding but I know the feeling. We actually held them in check for a bit but we had a dozer at our disposal. Eventually we lost
  4. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    So the custom PBX beaver skin hats I was planning to have made won’t go over well, will they:D
  5. smoke_jumper

    Spring peepers.

    Personally I like it. Last year was dry and we didn’t have many
  6. smoke_jumper

    Spring peepers.

    Well for me it’s official. The spring peepers are here in full force. We can’t sleep with the windows open on these warm nights.
  7. smoke_jumper

    Brotherton Indian Reservation Village News

    I saw them out there too the other week
  8. smoke_jumper

    Saw my first coyote today

    A few months ago. I rolled up on two pups playing on 206 in Shamong. I stopped and watched them until they noticed me. They weren’t any more then 20 feet away.
  9. smoke_jumper

    Who Would Ever Think

    l read this the other day. He was. Able to identify the asailants. I’m figuring he knew them
  10. smoke_jumper

    Closing West Mill Road

    No they can’t
  11. smoke_jumper

    Health Insurance Rates

    Neither Democrat or Republican have an answer so far. Mark my words, health care is the next bubble that’s going to pop.
  12. smoke_jumper

    Closing West Mill Road

    This confuses me even more. It’s not like anyone was going around the original one. What makes this one more legal
  13. smoke_jumper

    Health Insurance Rates

    I work for a small company. The cheapest family plan for me is $1200 a month. The kicker is that it it also has a deductible of $2500. So it doesn’t cover anything until I spend more. Then it only covers 80%. Luckily my wife is eligible for state benifits at her new job with better coverage at...
  14. smoke_jumper

    Closing West Mill Road

    I wonder if the original gate was on the ROW for 206
  15. smoke_jumper

    Closing West Mill Road

    Where is the new gate
  16. smoke_jumper

    Public Service Announcement

    I had one fall through my sunroof years ago. It bounced everywhere!!
  17. smoke_jumper


    I have a feeling the bulk of the rain will be to the east of the center. That might push it closer to us
  18. smoke_jumper

    Pinelands Commission Resolution: MAP 2.0

    I suppose if there was oil and gas below the pines wells and drilling would be a parts of the pines long before we were even born. Luckily we don't
  19. smoke_jumper

    Pinelands Commission Resolution: MAP 2.0

    Here's what other States are doing.