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  1. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I would think that the signs on Sandy Causeway will stay up like the ones on Quaker Bridge since they too were posted long before the MAP and there is no reason to be driving in those pools anyway.
  2. smoke_jumper

    Spotted Camels

    I can't recall if I ever used spotted camels. It just gave me flashbacks of being a kid. Anytime I came across a bunch of crickets of any type I used to scoop them up and head to the dock. I always hooked them in the neck area.
  3. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    It looks like sign at the entrance to Lower Forge to me.
  4. smoke_jumper

    Let's Talk about the PPA

    Maybe there's a secret password that we haven't been given ;)
  5. smoke_jumper

    Let's Talk about the PPA

    The same seems to be going on with the November public meeting. I registered weeks ago by email. I didn't get a response, so I called. They had my name but no email adress, which seems strange since I sent it by email. After calling I was told I'm on the list and they have added my email adress...
  6. smoke_jumper

    Spotted Camels

    Lets go fishing:D
  7. smoke_jumper

    Let's Talk about the PPA

    Kind of like this? I don't think boycotting PA is right but if I were to rent a canoe I would likely use one of the others in light of their ties.
  8. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Don't sell the towns that filed resolutions against the MAP short either.
  9. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    It will rot away first.
  10. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Jason since we're setting the record straight. Ben was correct with the location of one if those pictures. "Where is the respect for the truth? Ben didn't even know where this photo was taken and he denied the fact that it was a push line. Smoke_Jumper said the truth about this." J. Howell...
  11. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Ok I just made the mistake of going and checking out Facebook. I'm tired of hearing this line. "The road is only closed to motor vehicles you are still able to go there" Closed to motor vehicles means it is CLOSED!!. Last I checked roads are not needed to walk. I've been stuck on the Turnpike...
  12. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    The same thought crossed my mind. I'm concerned that raising these "improved roads" will cause areas to be flooded longer and provide more areas for plants to decay and silt to deposit in larger amounts increasing the PH. I'm not saying that it would but to me it seems more likely to raise the...
  13. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I was down Quaker Bridge Road Sunday. All the signs were still up along there. Most of them are short dead end roads though.
  14. smoke_jumper

    Site Maintenance 10/19/2015 @ 9PM

    Hopefully it's one worth watching.
  15. smoke_jumper

    Fruitland Monuments

    That was kind I my thinking. It looks like like left over from pouring the iron into a mold, especially at the top. I would tend to think that if that's what it is then it would be in the earlier days of the forge or in its hay day when it wasn't so concerned about waste. Either way it looks...
  16. smoke_jumper

    Freeze Watch

    Death to chiggers:dance:
  17. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I'd assume now. But I'd also assume someone has to go out and clean up some trees:p
  18. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Maybe the PPA should present this well thought out plan to Mayor Nutter. It's got just as much chance working there too. All he has to do is label 50% of the city as "Crime free zones". Then they only have to police the other half. Any criminal caught in a crime free zone will be prosecuted to...
  19. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    That was nothing more than an editorial. Even if a reporter is biased they have to acknowledge the other sides case. They could have just cut and pasted one of AL's blogs.