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  1. smoke_jumper

    Drought conditions

    You called that right getting the generator. It makes me a little nervous now, since you bought a snow blower too:D
  2. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Yes it's far from over. To me this is no different then the Santuary Devlpoment in Evessham. The whole project was put on hold to protect the Timber Rattlers. Today all the snake fences and tubes that were installed are now are debris piles. More importantly is that building started back up and...
  3. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Sorry if that came off to sarcastic but I'm upset I can't make it as well as the feeling that they still aren't listening to the public and are just moving forward no matter what we think.
  4. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Yes it is. With guest speakers Cindy and Rob. Representing the MAP plan. You know, the one that's "scrapped":rolleyes:.
  5. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Welcomed to the forums Maggie. Don't think for one second that you would not be welcome here if you're for the MAP. I personally enjoy listening to other opinions. I like to hear both sides of any argument and form my own opinion. I usually fall some where in the middle like most of us. I...
  6. smoke_jumper

    Resuming Rockwood

    I've lost a lot of time battling them that I can't get back. I even had heavy equipment on my side at times.
  7. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    MAP makes no such provisions. It just makes it more illegal :confused:
  8. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I agree but fines would only work if someone was there to give them;)
  9. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    Hint;). Guy drove past it to park.
  10. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    There was absolutely a road up Jemima in the 70's. Now there's many though. It's been closed to vehicles for years but each year I go there seems to be a new one and the existing ones are getting worse. With the plan it will take 3 rangers to close off Jemima. When one stationed there for a...
  11. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    In Rob's presentation he had a game camera showing all this abuse. But there was not one Ranger there. They knew it was going on so much so that they put a camera up. I'd like to see a camera at Jemima over a weekend. I would place money that not one hit would be a ranger. That's just one spot...
  12. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I'm sure they had good reason to be there. It all boils down to logistics. Their job is to protect and serve. Are they going to sit at 1/4 mile and bust the dozen or so people that might be going there during their shift (not to mention also increasing their response time to any other calls). Or...
  13. smoke_jumper

    Drought conditions

    Had a smell off and on all day of a brush fire. Now it's consistent with it cooling off for the night. I hope it's only someone burning brush in their yard.
  14. smoke_jumper

    Drought conditions

    The frog even made it back in the house too. The family had another sighting but by the time I got home they couldn't find him.:bang: I have no idea how they are getting in and I probably never will. I've always had them outside but never inside. I can only guess it's because it's so dry out.
  15. smoke_jumper

    Where is this?

    That is one of my favorite locations. It's been a few weeks since I was there.
  16. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Yes the pines have held up well over the decades. I want them to remain similar for the next 40 years. I hope everyone got my point. The state's policies have influenced the pines more then anything else, for better or worse. I'm not an off road enthusiast by any stretch and don't fall in any...
  17. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Boyd I get your point. I dont expect things to stay the same forever. For the most part for every 1 thing that stays the same there's probably 100 that change. But a ride or walk through the pines takes me back since most of it it has changed so little. The state tore down the buildings at...
  18. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Over the last 40 years I've witnessed a gradual decline in the health of the pines and Wharton State for that matter. A short drive down 72 proves it. There was nothing but pigmy pines. Now the trees are 50 feet tall and on top of each other fighting for every ounce of sun. As they age they...
  19. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I was in Shenandoah National Park. In a designated Wilderness Area. While I'm not sure of their official policy but the ranger that over saw the rehabilitation process was very adamant about trying to keep people on the trails. He didn't even want us to stray too far off. After looking it up...
  20. smoke_jumper

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I have posted this before. In many national parks even hiking off of permitted trails is not permitted. After fires they even rehab trails to discourage even walking off course. A good example of something similar is the beach. Just try walking on a dune at the beach. As a kid I used play on...