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  1. enormiss

    Can't post pics

    You can just delete the "e" in windows by renaming the file. If you don't see the .jpeg when renaming then you first have to enable the "show extension" option I'll dust off the old windows machine in a bit...
  2. enormiss

    FIOS is coming to rural Atlantic County

    Got my first "come back" offer of $74.99 and up to $500 to cover my early termination fee.
  3. enormiss


    Haven't been to Benezette where I didn't see an elk (never saw one on 144 or 120) There's a rattlesnake hunt (believe returned to wild) in Cross Fork PA, went last year. Nice area, enjoy your new surrounding's
  4. enormiss

    ATV's in Wharton???

    So where are all the ATV's going after Rodio's now?
  5. enormiss

    Article: Please Stop Tagging the Locations of Your Outdoor Photographs

    I appreciate locations when given. Not sure what it is but I need a destination or I don't really get out... Finding other interesting things along the way to "somewhere" is great but I need that somewhere first. Same for riding my motorcycle, and I love riding, but I don't just meander. That...
  6. enormiss


    That's interesting
  7. enormiss


    Sun is peeping thru now... Here anyway
  8. enormiss

    FIOS is coming to rural Atlantic County

    I could get by with internet only, but the way pricing is makes triple play logical. Only have TV service on one, rest are hooked to small rooftop antenna pointed at Philadelphia...
  9. enormiss

    FIOS is coming to rural Atlantic County

    I've always been happy with FIOS service it's their marketing I don't agree with. I called to let them know I was leaving but would stay if I could get their currently advertised triple play. Told they only offer that to new customers, not existing. They couldn't offer anything to me close to...
  10. enormiss

    FIOS is coming to rural Atlantic County

    Going back to Comcast today, tech just called to confirm. Verizon held the price for a few months after contract but then started increases...
  11. enormiss

    Motorcycle Event

    I sent the guy who organizes the event the link in the off chance he didn't see it yet. All these organized rides get prior authorization from numerous officials and municipalities...
  12. enormiss

    Atlantic City Rail Line shutting down for 5 months

    Heard this a little while ago, they blamed the shut down on installation of positive train control. I found it odd a complete shut down is needed and for so long. Probably more to do with "the line carries fewer than 2,000 of the transit system’s more than 900,000 daily riders". Odds they run...
  13. enormiss


    Camping in a hammock in Vermont in two weeks. Intentionally picked a site near others so I wouldn't be animal bait. First in a long while my camping isn't inside a camper LoL.
  14. enormiss

    Terrapin trafficker caught...

    Saw that on the news last night, crazy quantity...
  15. enormiss

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    Agree, that T shirt is terrifying!
  16. enormiss

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    If not chiggers then what's been burrowing in my ankles all these years
  17. enormiss

    Squirrel eating pizza

    Maybe I'm just lucky but I have my feeder hanging off a tree limb from a 1/16" steel cable about 5' long and the A frame roof covered with aluminum flashing. I put the flashing on for weatherproofing the wood, think it's the lack of grip on the cable that's a deterrent.
  18. enormiss

    Any Flickr users?

    Must be connected in some way?
  19. enormiss

    Any Flickr users?

    I was glad to see the "bucket" photos reappeared. Think it was yesterday when I went to check my AOL mail account I got the new oath terms Never heard of them before, guess verizon owns all these businesses now?
  20. enormiss

    Those durn GPS

    That's odd, I use "Here" on my phone (apple) and netbook (android) for GPS because its free. I also like that you can save the maps by state for offline use, no cell signal required.