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  1. mike242424

    Blueberries? Anyone?

    interseting information thank you
  2. mike242424

    Medford Preservation

    burlington county was number one in the state last year for the amount of acres they preserved right?
  3. mike242424


    interesting to know that. I just couldnt tell by looking at the road
  4. mike242424


    whats the storywith speedwell friendship road it almost lookslike it was paved before it was dirt haha. I know thats probably not the case but does anyone have more information on the road.
  5. mike242424

    Blueberries? Anyone?

    can you eat high bush blueberries? Is their a difference? ive noticed both in the woods near bogs and only have eaten the low bush ones
  6. mike242424

    freshwater clams

    Thanks for the information I never payed much attention to the freshwater ones.
  7. mike242424

    freshwater clams

    Kind of a random topic but i've heard of a few people stumbling upon freshwater clams in sandy shallow spots of local lakes. I myself have dug up a few and so has my brother. I was curious as to know if these guys are edible. If not here anywhere else in the country?
  8. mike242424

    Light Pollution

    I'll never forget the time I went to Nova Scotia 3 years ago when a meteor shower was taking place. I never knew so many stars could be seen at one time. And i thought you could see alot in the pines and at my house
  9. mike242424

    Looking for a small tractor

    Thanks alot for your help Mark i'll start snooping around a little more. Thanks again for the info.
  10. mike242424

    Looking for a small tractor

    Yeah thats within our price range. Is there any good tractor auctions anyone knows about or a good place to go?
  11. mike242424

    Looking for a small tractor

    Prob only a few times a year to grate the road but I imagine there could be other tasks we could use it for around our property.
  12. mike242424

    Looking for a small tractor

    I'm looking for a small tractor just to use for grating my dirt road. I'm not looking to spend too much money but am looking for a small good running tractor with a blade to grate my long dirt driveway
  13. mike242424

    Green Burials

    Yeah even if i become a fertilzer for some tree to grow alittle bigger It won't bother me when my time comes.
  14. mike242424

    Coyote puppies

    when an animal becomes overpopulated it gets a new disease or epidemic to kill it to lessen the population humans however find cures for those epidemics and that explains why the animals have no space. Its a ghood and a bad thing for us humans to have cures for things.
  15. mike242424

    Pinelands Lot Clustering

    Yeah you make them any closer and people will feel like they live in a giant bee hive.
  16. mike242424

    Fishing help

    Thanks for the advice Jeff i've always caught bass and pickerel alot but havent caught any catfish. I'll have to try those spots out
  17. mike242424

    Fishing help

    does anyone know of good catfishing spots not too far from my area im in tabernacle? Any info would be great thanks mike
  18. mike242424

    Atsion to Constable Bridge and Back

    ive been there plenty of times when i had my little toyota .
  19. mike242424

    So long Hampton Furnace Building

    theres primary lowlifes for you
  20. mike242424

    Enemy of turtles

    very nice pictures of the fox