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  1. uuglypher

    ridin to power lines nj pine barrens

    Hadn't realized it had been so long since my last post (2007 ?) and your bride were about to have a baby...he or she must be 5 or 6 by now? ....about then I started to get serious about 1. returning to my long passion for photography 2. Getting over being a complaining wuss about...
  2. uuglypher

    ridin to power lines nj pine barrens

    Almost exactly a year ago I hiked along the old rail bed running NW(approx) from Upton Crossong ( near Asa Pittman's old cabin site) and came back with my black plastic garbage bag 1/3 full of obviously casually and thoughtlessly discarded detritus of so-called civilization. Dave
  3. uuglypher

    New Jersey (sonic Boom?

    Guy's fortuitous photo of his GPS unit seem to be an unequivocal time-check to me! Sometimes the planets and stars do align just right, eh?
  4. uuglypher

    Spy camera results-no bobcat but interesting finds.

    Size matters, and it's hard to tell... but the head shape sure looks vulpoid; I bet it's a fox with a bad case of Sarcoptic mange to me. Sarcoptes scabei is a commonly occuring ectoparasite of foxes that becomes especially prevalent when a local fox population is on the increase. Individuals...
  5. uuglypher

    snake venom?

    Jes' f'r the record, that coelocanth was caught AND IDENTIFIED in '38; even I think that's a bit more than "...just a few years back..." My point is that the creature had probably come up in nets before that instance, but had just been considered some sort of trash fish. It wasn't until...
  6. uuglypher

    snake venom?

    Several months (or a year-or-more ?)ago when I brought up this topic of "why no copperheads in the NJPBs?" there seemed to be no satisfactory answer. I mentioned that I'd never seen one when I was herping actively in the PBs in the 50s and 60s and just assumed they weren't s'posed t'be there...
  7. uuglypher

    Don't buy an Apple

    I shall henceforth, whenever refering to the three-legged support for my camera - either orally or in print-, called it my "T.R. iPod." Oh... those periods? That space? And the idiosyncratic capitalizations?... just "typos" Dave
  8. uuglypher

    Bobcat tracks

    I'd be a bit sceptical about the possibility of the tracks being of an otter; the few confirmed otter tracks I've seen pretty uniformly showed five toes, sometimes with the "thumb" (inside toe, fore and aft) a bit smaller and more separated from the rest. This holds, as I recall, for the...
  9. uuglypher

    Luna Moth

    Wow! Haven't seen one in years. So beautiful. Thanks, Dave
  10. uuglypher

    Bobcat tracks

    Any luck? Dave
  11. uuglypher

    extended heat wave harmful to critters?

    Sorry L.A.C.; I see you just went to Schwenksville for football camp, you didn't grow up there. Dave
  12. uuglypher

    extended heat wave harmful to critters?

    Schwenksville, eh? Was my old friend Jim Hahn still on the faculty at the high school when you were there? Dave
  13. uuglypher

    Another Snake I.D Thread

    Let's recognize that the terms "yellow phase" and "black phase" are two extremes of a fairly even gradation within a continuum. That continuum, however, is certainly not represented by a simple Gaussian curve; were that so, then most rattlers would be in the in-between range of collor and...
  14. uuglypher

    Bass River Bigfoot

    Believe in Bigfoot? The key word is "believe." John Locke said it well: "One cannot be reasoned out of an idea that one wasn't reasoned into." Dave
  15. uuglypher

    Tree frog and salamander

    Hey, Sean, That was a both a heartfelt disquisition and great job to boot! The consummate verity and sense of your missive mitigates, however, not a whit my life-long frustration with sincere attempts to keep up-to-date with (in the 50s and 60s) herp systematics - and since then with bacterial...
  16. uuglypher

    Campers learn to love slithering friends

    herpetological falseoids (NOT factoids) Yee Gods; error upon error! The outer surface of snake skin IS made of the same stuff as that of human skin: however, that's keratin (not carotene - a precursor of vitamin A). And coral snakes are NOT found in New Jersey - although the scarlet...
  17. uuglypher

    Tree frog and salamander

    Crap! I 'spose they changed ol' Natrix sipedon as well... (yeah, yeah ... I heard about "Nerodia"... have they screwed around with Desmognathus sp. yet?) Well anyway; lemme tellya'bout back in th'day... Dave
  18. uuglypher

    Tree frog and salamander

    A wee tan frog? With "Brand X" on its back? Gotta be a "Peeper" (Hyla crucifer) If the stream was flowing, coulda been one of several. If the stream bed was only moist I'd bet on a dusky salamander (Desmognathus fuscus). Dave
  19. uuglypher

    Bobcat tracks

    Could well be a bobcat track by its general shape (four toes with a stubby cruciform pad), but even with the baseball cap, it's hard to gauge the size; next time use a coin or a fresh dollar bill for size comparison (can then be definitively measured in a photo). To the best of my recollection...
  20. uuglypher

    Interest Check - NJPB T-Shirts

    You betchum, Red Ryder! Dave (4XL)