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  1. S

    The month of august

    ive only seen about 3 racers my whole life, and ive seen about 10 black ratsnakes this year, i dont get out much and usually i see them in a short amount of time, like 5 in two days, and this is in millville, menantico area, i dont know how you guys find any racers, maybe its just my luck
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    Another Snake I.D Thread

    the first one definitely looks like a water snake, id bet money on it, and i agree on the hognoses, and that is the nicest looking rattlesnake i think ive ever seen, great photos
  3. S

    possible illegal pine catching

    then you would probably appreciate what my dad did, we were driving and we saw a garter on the road, we went to move it off and it was dead, sadly it was pregnant, most of the young died, but my dad is a nurse so he cut open the dead snake and saved the baby, we put it near where we found the mother
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    possible illegal pine catching

    this is why i ask these things just to be on the safe side, now i understand why its a bad idea, i just though that new born hatchlings wouldnt have anything wrong with them, dont worry i wont ever release animals into the wild now that i know about that, so how do the biologist help...
  5. S

    possible illegal pine catching

    if i contact the state and they give the okay, i want to breed them, and if im successful maybe i can help restore the population a little bit, thats my main objective, it would probably be a good idea to contact someone from fish and game when releasing them, and taking them to the vet to make...
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    possible illegal pine catching

    :siren: remember the post when i asked if you could buy captive bred snake native to jersey, well i wanted to get a captive bred pine and kingsnake, and i found this, ( by the way this buy was talkin i think he might have caught these...
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    huge snake

    thanks for the info dragoncjo: ive had real good luck finding black ratsnakes especially this year, i think all but one, if that were over 3 or 4 feet, maybe its just my luck:) badfish740: that was interesting info, thanks, i didnt know they ate eggs oh and i just wanted to let...
  8. S

    purchasing pets

    ok, thanks alot guys, sounds like it isnt easy but maybe ill give it a try, again thanks
  9. S

    huge snake

    my dad was on his way to work and saw a monster black ratsnake on the side of the road, he estimated it at almost EIGHT feet, and ive heard from someone else of a sighting of another one that big, has anyone else seen any black ratsnakes even neer this size?
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    purchasing pets

    can you buy a native species online if its captive bred, is that legal or is it illegal to buy native species online, even captive bred thanks
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    i agree, i dont know very much about snakeheads, i think that i heard they eat basically everything where they inhabit thats in the water (bass, pickeral, anything) is it true that they are so carnivorous and dangerous to whatever ecosystem they're in. And isnt there another kind of fish like...
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    pueblan milksnake

    thats interesting, ill check it out, thanks
  13. S

    pueblan milksnake

    well, i think thats what the paper said in the pet shop, but i saw a pic of a pueblan milksnake and it looked similar, so i thought it might be that, honduras also rang a bell, oh well, you guys would know better than me anyway, so ill just go with what you guys think, but ya hes a really good...
  14. S

    pueblan milksnake

    not exactly pines related, but it is a snake, a pueblan milksnake i got about a year and a half ago, not exactly the best picture, but its something
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    black ratsnake

    ya, thats just my luck, im gonna have pics of pine snakes soon, im gonna be out there constantly, and im gonna have my camera every second im out there, i need to spend more time in the field
  16. S

    Finally a pinesnake

    dont worry i havent seen one, ever, i wish i could, they may be too illusive for me, im gonna try again this weekend, and by the way, those are some really nice pictures, especially the pine and black ratsnake
  17. S

    black ratsnake

    this year seems to be a great year for black ratsnakes, ive seen them more than any other kind of snake this year
  18. S

    Its been a while . . .

    does anyone know what kind of bear that is? those are really cool pictures, i love wildlife but i dont know if id take a picture of a bear that close, LOL, the closes thing ive seen to a bear is a coyote
  19. S

    black ratsnake

    went out to menantico the other day and i found 2 fence lizards, and a black ratsnake which was about 3 1/2 feet long, perfect health, i ran back to get my digital camera (which i finally got) and he was nowhere to be found. just thought id share
  20. S

    Possible bear encounter??

    looks like a black ratsnake skin, because racers dont have white bellies right?