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  1. amf

    Maskell's Mill Pond

    That's down my neck o' the woods... nice little write-up. Great place for birds. Beautiful fall color.
  2. amf

    Last Call For Sea Breeze

    The seawall failed because they never addressed interior drainage - look at any place where it is collapsing, and its where runoff would pond against it. If they had graded to direct runoff to the ditch, I dare say it would not have failed as quickly as it did (although with all those bayshore...
  3. amf

    Last Call For Sea Breeze

    Scubabruce, the last word is no camping on f&g land. That said, I predict in a short period of time the south end of Seabreeze will become a chain of islands... maybe you could come by sea and claim one for your own.
  4. amf

    Mullica From Jackson Road

    I did it once, many years ago. With a saw. Wouldn't do it again - better to put in at Goshen. As low as I've seen flows elsewhere, I can't imagine it doable at present. But a plastic bridge... how long has that been in, and where is it? Shows you how long since I've been in that neck 'o the woods.
  5. amf

    Here's a good laugh for ya....

    I know ebay is pretty responsive in taking things down when speleothems are offered for sale. This just looks like a piece of ironstone that could have come from anywhere.
  6. amf

    Here's a good laugh for ya....

    100% positive feedback... gotta be legit. His last sale was a jumbo package of condoms... buyer was quite pleased.
  7. amf

    Drawbridge portion of Beesleys Point Bridge to be torn down

    Its a shame they can't turn it into a park like they do with the old bridges down in the Florida Keys. Then again, having paddled under it you can see its in pretty scary shape!
  8. amf

    Who knows about chickens?

    If you want them for tick control guinea hens are supposed to be the fowl of choice.
  9. amf

    Coast Guard Rescues Mother

    This seems to happen fairly regularly. Last year a couple had to be rescued on Woodbury Creek, I believe it was. Funny what happens on an outgoing tide!
  10. amf

    Water Well quality

    Wombat. Mr. Wombat.
  11. amf

    Water Well quality

    Its important to keep in perspective that different standards have been developed for different goals. 10 mgl NO3 is a health based standard to protect infants and young children. 2 mgl is designed to protect water quality in a pristine environment, for which the Pines is really the only...
  12. amf

    Sand operation could yield fracking riches

    Being for or against fracking in NJ is kind of a moot point. We could throw the doors open or ban it completely and the result would be the same, since we really don't have the geology that favors fracking.
  13. amf

    My first Orchid of the season

    Pogonia ophioglossiodes
  14. amf

    Vanderbilt Mill

    Well, I may have answered my question. The postcard is the one my wife found. We did come across an obscure reference on a Rootsweb genealogy site for Salem County that made reference to an 1813 deed for a tract that included Vanderbilts Mill, also known as Stretch's Mill. This was on Oldmans...
  15. amf

    Vanderbilt Mill

    Not in the pines, but still south jersey. My wife came across an old postcard reading "Vanderbilt Mill, near Auburn NJ". The card had a Daretown PO cancellation, and was bought in Woodstown. I have worked in that area for many years, and never come across a reference to Vanderbilt Mill, & have...
  16. amf

    Great Egg Harbor

    You know its odd, the Great Egg is my least-favorite Pineland paddle; I've always thought there was too much intrusion by development, yet it was given national wild & scenic status. Just one paddler's opinion. amf
  17. amf

    Jumbo, Oldmans Twp

    The OldMan is one of the most difficult creeks to access; I have paddled most of the Delaware River tribs, and it was one of my last to bag. Most of the land is private, and none of the public access points are user friendly unless you come up from the Delaware. Interesting to note the...
  18. amf

    What constitutes the Pine Barrens?

    Stow Neck Road runs the length of Stow Creek Neck, south off of Frog Ocean Road in Canton. Purty place.
  19. amf

    bay days

    Reportedly the state was supposed to have demolished the remaining houses (at least those not demolished by vandals) by now. Sad indeed - you could see they were folk's little slices of heaven. But the bay also gives - the debris of the seawall is covered with young oysters in many places...
  20. amf

    bay days

    I was down there a couple of weeks back, great place for photos. I don't know if you noticed, but along the toe of the old seawall there are a lot of young oysters that have taken hold. Maybe it will become the Seabreeze Memorial Oyster Reef after the state bulldozes the town. amf