Search results

  1. B

    Very nice maps....

    Holy crow-nice find! I just scrolled over some of the areas I was exploring this past weekend at Stokes/the DWG and found some interesting spots that passed right by.
  2. B

    Someone should reenact this commercial in the pines

    Ironically I saw this the first time I turned on the TV after getting home from camping: Love the authentic late '70s/early '80s feel. It almost seems like the A-Team or Night Rider should be coming on after it's over.
  3. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    We had two passing showers on Saturday but that was it. Sunday was beautiful-wish I could have stayed up longer.
  4. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    Day two-broke camp and headed out to Stokes (Brink Road): After taking Brink as far as we could (Just past the Brink Road shelter) we hit the rocks that block the way down the mountainside to Route 521. I'm betting it's because the road just fell into disrepair because of the steep slope and...
  5. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    We got to Bear Creek around 11:00 but we had to wait for the owner to get back because the Wednesday rainstorm flooded out a lot of the wooded campsites along the Flatbrook. He showed us where we could set up-we made camp and got a little lunch going: We hit Buttermilk first because none...
  6. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    Pictures are taking forever to upload but we had a great trip. We had to cut it a little short and only hit the highlights because we got a late start. We had a blast exploring Stokes. It's not the Rubicon but there are some nice rides through the woods and it is challenging driving, but that's...
  7. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    Taken about 18 hours ago (not by me):
  8. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    We'll definitely check out Buttermilk. I've been there a bunch of times as has another one of the guys, but we'll be bringing up some South Jersey boys who consider the Forked River Mountains, to be well, mountains :p The falls ought to be raging this weekend given the rain we're getting today...
  9. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    Cool-this will be our first time staying there. I've been past the place a bunch of times and talked briefly with someone who keeps a trailer there. From what I understand the tent sites down on the Flatbrook are nice. The weather looks like we might get some showers Saturday but that it will...
  10. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    No-it's pretty bare bones. It used to be called the Walpack Valley Campground, and Mrs. B's (I think?) before that. The guy who owns it now is a State Trooper who runs it as a side business. One part of it has an area with trailers that are more or less permanent-most are used by hunters and...
  11. B

    Walpack for the weekend
  12. B

    Walpack for the weekend

    I'm sitting at my desk counting the days/hours until Saturday morning when I'll be heading up to the Kittatinnies with some old friends for a weekend of camping and exploring in and around the Delaware Water Gap. We'll be staying at Bear Creek Campground, which is basically an old farmstead...
  13. B

    Bing Maps vs. Google Maps imagery?

    Boyd-once again you amaze me! I checked out the site and downloading the imagery is no problem but viewing it is. Any recommendations on free software for viewing JPEG2000 files? Also, is there a way to view multiple files at once since large areas are split up into tiles?
  14. B

    Bing Maps vs. Google Maps imagery?

    At least for the areas I tend to study the most (the NJ Highlands), I've begun to notice something. The imagery Bing maps has for the area was collected during the late fall or winter (no leaves on the trees), and the imagery Google has was taken during late spring or summer (full foliage)-is...
  15. B

    High Crossing never disappoints

    Eek...Mom's gonna be mad about that one. The reality is that Land Cruisers are still built to be excellent off road vehicles with good gearing, available lockers, etc...and haven't been "neutered." The problem is that the Land Cruisers shipped to the US is that they are primarily luxury vehicles...
  16. B

    Revisiting the Shoemaker Farm

    Sorry I haven't posted them yet-I took them with my phone and am having problems uploading them. I'm posting an update today because we had breakfast with an old friend of my wife's who grew up on a farm on the east side of the Kittatinnies and knows the area well. She told me that there was...
  17. B

    Revisiting the Shoemaker Farm

    I was just up there today but am too tired to post the pictures I took right now. The driveway was a gushing torrent and is now a full grown stream-what perplexes me about the place is the evidence of recent habitation? There is a circa 1970s satellite dish on the property along with two double...
  18. B

    Myriad Lots on 563

    You're welcome ;) Fascinating isn't it? Through that site I was able to deduce that a gentleman with a Trenton mailing address (not far from where my mother grew up) owns some acreage smack in the middle of Walpack, the town that managed to survive the ill fated Tocks Island Dam project and is...
  19. B

    Man Goes Missing During Hunting Trip

    Sounds like the area I was exploring over the summer-definitely easy to end up going in circles out there even if you do find a road or a trail.