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  1. cranbrake

    Little Egg Residents Rejoice Over News: No Transfer Station

    i'm not a nearby resident either but that IS great news;unfortunately as long as there's so much refuse produced,it will have to go somewhere....
  2. cranbrake

    Music for the day

    check out Bob Dylan's latest-'Together through life'; pretty much a romping,refreshing take on the blues with some creative instrumentation.... btw interesting stuff,thanks for the links everyone,obscure and otherwise. btw anyone see the recent(mid '09 release) movie 'It might get loud'...
  3. cranbrake

    Pine Barrens Beer

    LOL.......but seriously yeah there is,and i'd recomend the following: O'douls amber(brown bottle,not the green!);st. pauli's NA;buckler(made by heineken);clausthaler;bitburger drive(a wheat beer);beck's the top of my head.
  4. cranbrake

    Pines Findings

    one of my most bizzare/memorable findings(of things i was not seeking) was during my first visit to the pines;first i noticed a bra on the ground,couple steps later was matching panties,then next to that was a crackpipe.....i just had to laugh,what a first impression,lol
  5. cranbrake

    Pine Barrens Beer

    i am not a fan of fruity beer so i'd consider somehow incorporating white cedar in some capacity if possible or pine like was mentioned.....also like the notion of incorporating use of water from a local stream,as was also mentioned. i can say good beer WITHOUT alcohol is also always...
  6. cranbrake

    Quote from the AP

    As a 'skins' fan(stop laughing please) i was pulling for philly on saturday but man they laid an egg out there.dallas scares me,they're finally playing to their potential at just the right time.gonna be hard for anyone to stop them,i'm afraid.should be fun to watch unfold,regardless..and yes...
  7. cranbrake

    happy '10

    Stuck at work today(like many days when i'm wishing i was in the pines),this site is the next best thing and comes as close as i could hope for...........I'm not usually one to get too caught up in the holidays,but here's wishing everyone here the best for this new year,hopefully it's a success...
  8. cranbrake

    Marsh Hawk

    juvie cooper's hawk.
  9. cranbrake

    Tree Identification Query

    only to the untrained eye,,kidding bob. but seriously if you click on the thumbnail pic,look hard at the leaves on the ground.i am pretty sure i can make out multiple deep,smooth(rounded) lobes on many/most ofthe leaves,so i'll stick with my hunch of white...
  10. cranbrake

    Tree Identification Query

    going by all we can see in the pic,i'm gonna say oak,most likely Quercus alba(white oak).
  11. cranbrake

    re:reporting fires in the pines

    reporting fires in the pines I tried replying to the recent post of the same title,but couldn't(maybe it's locked out from replies?)......... But I was going to say that I'd be very tempted/inclined to NOT reporting a fire in the pines(with the possible exception of a fire burning...
  12. cranbrake

    Splendid Barrens

    great pics of some beautiful habitat.:dance:.....can't get enough,wish we'd see more pics like it here!
  13. cranbrake

    random shots

    ah,i was wondering if anyone got that!that's a goofy name i coined for the pine barrens version of timber rattler,hence the 'cran'.....anyway,thanks for the kind words's a few others...... eastern box turtle northern pine snake close-up northern fence lizard...
  14. cranbrake

    random shots

    you got it! pitch pine pollen was everywhere and i thought it was cool how it made swirling patterns sitting on the puddles;thanks for the compliments people.
  15. cranbrake

    A few photos

    killer shots there bob-esp. your 'flagship',pbtf's......learned something new too-good info for differentiating betw. thje huckleberry and blueberry.
  16. cranbrake

    random shots

    various random images i've shot over the past couple years....enjoy!
  17. cranbrake

    Pair of Timber Rattlers

    lucky you-fantastic find to happen across!for years i've spent hundreds of hours observing TR's in many states but i've never been so fortunate to come upon that,two males in combat..... regarding the temperment of timber rattlers(Crotalus horridus)-generally if you don't grab one or step...