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  1. cranbrake

    A trip to Jemima Mount and Rockwood Road bogs 09.04.10 second set of pics-a locale i can't say i'd heard of before-if i knew any better(which i don't) i'd swear that looks like it was done maliciously just to piss off 'enviromentalist treehuggers'. not saying it was done for any reason other than 'innocent fun'(?) but goddam,if...
  2. cranbrake

    Exploding Deer Population

    sorry no i don''s just something i see all the time and i have been told that the deer love eating young atlantic white cedar saplings,at least to a certain age/size.this option allows you to protect the tree(s) without fencing it off completely(which is obstructive to not just the deer,but...
  3. cranbrake

    Exploding Deer Population

    you probably already know about those corrugated plastic tubes you can use to protect the seedlings until they reach the age/size at which they are unappetizaing to the deer(at which point i guess you can just slice them off),but you may wanna give that a shot......
  4. cranbrake

    Exploding Deer Population

    After my last trip I now have no doubt the amount of whitetails seen in the pines this year alone probably triples all I'd seen in the last 6-7 years combined.In two days I saw 4 buck(all sixpointers or better) and maybe 20 doe and immatures/juveniles,being conservative. Also at least one more...
  5. cranbrake

    Is this why Pine Snakes are a threatened species in the New Jersey Pine Barrens?

    The usual three-pronged scourge of reptile populations-habitat fragmentation(roads and other travel barriers),degradation(alerations made for development),and destruction(think bulldozers) is much less a decimating factor in such a large,mostly protected area as the pine barrens than in most...
  6. cranbrake

    Fire in Bass River

    Re:the bass river fire-kind of weird but I was in that general area sunday,and well long story short I got unofficially named as an arson suspect responsible for that fire and another nearby!........All because I happened upon the same crew of foresters a couple times at two locations where they...
  7. cranbrake

    2010 pics

    bob,chris-thanks;man it'd be nice to see someone post some other stuff too *coughCOASTALS*cough cough...... swwit-yeah that king was crossing the road when spotted.this one was a male,and one of the cleanest,prettiest i've ever seen,including dozens from the carolinas on up........only thing...
  8. cranbrake

    Fire in Bass River

    thing is though routine fire keeps down the encroachment of woody plants that dry up the wetlands;think muhlenberg habitat,etc.....but i definitely agree the timing of this is not ideal,that's why prescribed burns are usually done before march,when most of our beloved criters are down for the...
  9. cranbrake

    Fire in Bass River

    i'd have to admit i am a fan-or perhaps better said,i'll always choose fire over fire suppression......i see so much of that and it's fugly resulting tinderbox thickets everywhere-mostly outside the PB's-and the contrast is stark.If I make it to that area this weekend,hopefully i can get some...
  10. cranbrake

    what is must-see pine barrens?

    thanks everyone for all the suggestions!
  11. cranbrake

    2010 pics

    thanks again guys......bobpbx-re: the first shot-i didn't know it was called sweetwater run,but i think you nailed it,good eye.....and yeah that is a northern d'back terp.maybe not the prettiest one i saw this year but i'd never seen one with such a crazy pattern so i thought i'd share it.
  12. cranbrake

    2010 pics

    thanks turtle yeah that creek in the first shot,i'm embarrassed to say,but i can't recall the locality off the top of my head.i do remember that the road it's off of is right there,you could take the same photo more or less form your car........and yes that frog's a southern leopard,you got...
  13. cranbrake

    what is must-see pine barrens?

    ok i may be have to be a tour guide for my pops-he's never been,and wants to see the pine barrens.i'm pretty familiar with the forest and wildlife but could probably use some suggestions for things to do,places to eat,historical oddities,etc. that are unique to the pines. i could probably come...
  14. cranbrake

    2010 pics

    too hot for me to be out right now,so i figure i'd share some of my shots from the pines;constructive criticism welcome......enjoy!
  15. cranbrake

    The "Project"

    beautiful flowers,i was not familiar with them....very nice looking swamp too!i have seen similar fencing around small areas in various locales in the woods,and it was not always apparent to me what they were there for.just reiterates to me how much i have to learn about the local flora. about...
  16. cranbrake

    NASCAR coming to S Jersey

    NO NO NO NO !!! PLEASE someone tell me that's not happening,this is a joke i hope? nothing good to come of that crazy talk......
  17. cranbrake

    Some more random 2010 stuff . . .

    nice coastal! ;).......hey couldn't you have at least brushed the sand off that virgatipes' nose before hassling him for a pic? would you believe i still have never taken the time to get a pic of one of those? like the gray tree frog shot too.
  18. cranbrake

    Music for the day

    i'm usually moved to grooving to bluegrass during my appalachian montane excursions but i'm thinking of bringing some with me on my upcoming trip to the barrens;of course some zeppelin,dead,and blues will make the trip with me-i like hearing that stuff with a timeless quality when i'm in the...
  19. cranbrake


    a sign warning of road conditions won't solve the problem but it's a good idea still.and signs like this definitely should give anyone with a brain pause,they get my attention when i see those,in no small part due to the numerous places i know of cameras 'hidden'/mounted in the surrounding...
  20. cranbrake

    Snake ID

    redneck is right,eastern garter snake(Thamnophis s. sirtalis)......i suspect that is someone's released or escaped captive-that color phase to my knowledge is not known from this area,and they are commonly selectively bred in the pet trade for their coloration.that's pretty cool if it was truly...