Search results

  1. tplife

    Swan Bay

    Green Bank is a lovely little town full of nice people - as I remember it. But it's a long haul away from W. River, unless you're driving. I'm pretty sure Stan bought my rats too, but my trapline was only a 1/2 mile or one mile at most away from our house in W. River off Old Brace Road (good...
  2. tplife

    Swan Bay

    Not too bad, $2/rat. Wish your photo links still worked! It's a nice area in photos and in person. BTW, I knew Turtle Creek when it had a nice wooden bridge and small dock in the '60s. A cool place to fish with my dad as I remember.
  3. tplife

    What happens if Oyster Creek Shuts down now--Mar 29

    Sidney and Edith will hand out aluminum foil, propellers, and aprons to the first 100 visitors for a tree-hugging ceremony afterward. :hist101:
  4. tplife

    Land Preserved, Turtle Creek Rd.

    "The forested land, off Turtle Creek Road and next to the state's Swan Bay Wildlife Management Area, will be open to the public for hiking and nature observation." And no doubt forever closed for fishing, hunting, trapping, and other no-impact public wilderness uses. I'm eagerly awaiting...
  5. tplife

    Swan Bay

    Jeff, I can get you a good price on one of those 'Stangs... :clint: Anyway, Tplife ran a muskrat trap line in '71 off Turtle Creek Road at the edge of Swan Bay's marsh. Got up at 5am to do the checks before taking the bus over to Green Bank Elementary. There's a well hole off the dirt-road...
  6. tplife

    Haunted Hammonton Hotel

    During a visit "back home" about ten years ago we put up at the only place around the RT542 area, the Hammonton Ramada (formerly the Hammonton Inn I believe). We got our gear in to Room #127 and took turns getting freshened up. With the bathroom door open, in the mirror I noticed a black form...
  7. tplife

    What was your first (Pine Barrens) car?

    And getting smaller. Blankenbush loved to hunt, I have slides of his deer, fish, and ducks lined up outside of the house. Bernard's brother was an Annapolis grad, I have his yearbook and I was at his funeral reppin' the right-coasters who couldn't be here - he's buried in the Point Loma...
  8. tplife

    What was your first (Pine Barrens) car?

    My great-uncle owned BLANKENBUSH DRUGS in Merchantville. Had an ice cream parlor there and everything. He was a great guy. Wish I had known him personally instead of through 35mm slides...
  9. tplife

    What was your first (Pine Barrens) car?

    Well I'm from Wading River, so there's no stores, one streetlight, a stop sign, and only two paved roads - RT542 and Turtle Creek Road. My dad gave me a hand-me-down woodsbuggy: 1961 Mercury Monterey. He didn't have time to teach me to drive so I taught myself - and ran it over a bush that took...
  10. tplife

    My Brooksbrae, Harrisville, Etc. Pictures 4/7/09

    Those Harrisville pictures look very dated. The last time I was there they were just rockpiles. I have shots from the mid 1960s and 1980s that show the sandstone walls even taller than that, but they are 35mm slides and I don't have a slide scanner yet to share. As an exploring boy, I could...
  11. tplife

    anyone with info on old house near batsto ?

    Heart of the Pines contains a lot of incorrect things, too. There's a picture of my mother as a young girl living off Turtle Creek Road in Wading River, with someone else's name on it. And of course it's Chips Folly, not Chip's Folly. I also like the Bass River Gazette website for articles in...
  12. tplife

    canoe trip

    First post: Hey, don't overlook Sooy's in Jenkins Neck for your canoes when visiting the Wading River. Steve is an old classmate of mine from Green Bank Elementary and his family's business is an honest one deserving our business. Remember too that rangers will hide out on Godfrey's Bridge...