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  1. L

    WOW! Just when I thought the Bush administration couldn't get any lower...

    Not exactly. The Spanish American war was a result of the US blowing up their own ships and blaming the Spanish. More men died from the canned food we gave them then from the enemy. WW2 -Just saw on the war channel how the Brit general surrendered 130K men to Japan in Singapore even though...
  2. L

    Pine Barrens Jamboree 10-14-06

    Just wanted to not that the Batsto county fair is this Saturday also.
  3. L

    batsto to lower forge and back

    Did you camp out without a tent?
  4. L

    Ace Campgrounds, Re-Revisited

    Ed, Thanks for taking me to the site before it was demolished. My wife keeps tying to get me to throw out that salvaged canoe found on the trip. She almost sold it at a yard sale until I convinced the potential buyer that it was not a reliable vessel. My kids have fun color painting it...
  5. L

    You get three guesses!

    Rusted out chair, over an old out house.
  6. L

    Body Id'd at Brendan Byrne SF

    What town if you do not mind me asking? I grew up in the lovely city of Gloucester.
  7. L

    Careful what you say!

    No, I know I will learn more and gain perspective from people who disagree with me than those that agree. That is especially true on this site. I have a lot of respect for many of the people who post often here, because they voice their opinion rather than follow a path of indifference, because...
  8. L

    Cedar Run

    Anyone ever visit the Cedar Run wildlife refuge in Medford. I take my children their every few months. Not a whole lot to see but young children really enjoy it. They have a nature trail about a mile long and lots of birds outside in cages that have injuries that prevent them form being released...
  9. L

    Man's Dream Unfufilled

    "Life ain't always fair," Bill said. "You've got to take it the way it is and do the best you can." Seems like a very typical quote from the good old folks from the pines. I love it since it is likely he lived according to this philosophy happily rather than it just being something people...
  10. L

    Careful what you say!

    Here the author states it was a must pass bill. So if the president did not sign it he would be bashed for not supporting the Dept of Justice. “To grease the rails for this idea, Sen. Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania Republican, and the section's other sponsors slipped it into an unrelated...
  11. L

    Have you seen or heard something you cant explain?

    Said religion started education in this country and the population was more literate as a percentage than it is now hundreds a years after the all mighty government took charge. Lets not forget for instance that a Catholic Priest for founded the Big Bang theory. Religion and science do not...
  12. L

    lions in the barrens?

    How about a Bear?
  13. L

    What kind of tracks are these??

    Did you notice any car tracks or a person’s footprint close by of the same age as this print? If not that would convince me that this print is from a wild canine. After a fresh snow from the night before I was in the woods around High crossing at sun up and found prints that looked the same as...
  14. L

    Mystery solved.

  15. L

    Giant waterfall discovered in California national park

    Agreed, I wonder if the park ranger knew where to find the falls all along and his secret was uncovered by mistake or another ranger that he shared the info with.
  16. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    I replace something new each time it does not start. It is one of those problems that is hard to determine if it is fixed.
  17. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    abandoned canoe I attached below at Ed's suggestions some PMS we shared regarding an abandoned canoe we saw on our Kayaking Trip. He thought some members may enjoy it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I think our PM's about the canoe would amuse alot...
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    Trivia Question for this Forum

    I know, I am not telling either
  19. L

    Parker Preserve, a red toad, and the State Police

    The troopers may know of other problems in the area. I witnessed what I am sure was an exchange of money for drugs last year near the memorial.
  20. L

    Kayaking this weekend

    Thanks Bob. Looked it up on Google after you gave me the name. That is it.