Search results

  1. NJSnakeMan

    NJ Alien...or not.

    Yeah Red-Eared Sliders are a non-native species, "introduced".. didn't find any spotted turtles so far... hopefully i'll have some luck before it gets too hot out. Lots of Redbellys, painteds, sliders and 2 snappers today. Also lots of bullfrogs,green frogs, and a pickerel frog. As for...
  2. NJSnakeMan

    Red lil' snake

    Cool.... it only got up to 50 that day right?
  3. NJSnakeMan

    No snakes, but still somethings...

    BTW.... good luck in NC.. bring me back some kick @$$ photos.
  4. NJSnakeMan

    No snakes, but still somethings...

    Yeah Birch Grove... on the sunny days there are loads of redbelly and painted turtles basking.... Andrew caught his first Redbelly turtle a week or two ago- it was basking on a log, all i remember is Andrew grabbing it, and him ending up neck deep in water. Other then that, my friend found a...
  5. NJSnakeMan

    No snakes, but still somethings...

    sry i don't think the pics work there... here are they...........
  6. NJSnakeMan

    No snakes, but still somethings...
  7. NJSnakeMan

    The Amphibian Migration

    I saw some pickerel frogs this weekend too..... but none that pretty! Good stuff!!!
  8. NJSnakeMan

    The Amphibian Migration

    same person on fieldherpers? I didn't relize. I heard it got up to 78 this weekend in Bucks Co.
  9. NJSnakeMan

    Various turtles

    I was just out Saturday looking for spotted turtles but came up with nothing. I am finding a lot of Redbelly turtles, painted turtles and sliders though. And just today I stumbled upon a medium sized snapping turtle on the bank, i grabed it and it was dead............ it had a weird defect on...
  10. NJSnakeMan

    Frog's Calling

    Anybody starting to hear any frogs calling? Yesterday I was out and found some pickerel frogs, and in a vernal pond near by there were a lot of green frogs, and NJ Chorus frogs calling.