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  1. NJSnakeMan

    Toad Identification

    He's probably a little happy camper, =) Free crickets. Don't have to worry about water. All the heat he wants and needs, and can hide whenever disired. Plus no predators!
  2. NJSnakeMan

    Black rat snake

    Wow, you guys only run across snakes once in a blue moon and im finding them every week. And out of all the black rats i have found, all were very docile. When am i gonna run into one of those big mean ones to wrangle!! =D
  3. NJSnakeMan

    Toad Identification

    it's a Fowler's Toad. As long as he is okay and can still live, once i got one out of somebodys wood pile they were moving. Sadly enough his insides were well.. inside out.
  4. NJSnakeMan

    Guys' red toad

    wish my fowler's toads looked like that
  5. NJSnakeMan

    Tick Bite

    Okay we are all fimiliar here with tick bites. I've gotten them a dozen of times. But just a couple days ago when i came back home from hiking i was taking a shower and noticed a tick biting at my stomach. When i got out his head was already in me so i put some green oil on and he stoped biting...
  6. NJSnakeMan

    A Case in Herpetological Conservation

    not necessarily, i've been stoped a few times and just questioned, but if you just have a camera they won't give you much trouble. But if you have snake bags and boxes etc. that's another story.
  7. NJSnakeMan

    A Case in Herpetological Conservation

    whatever happened to the simple guy in the woods with a snakehook and a camera
  8. NJSnakeMan

    A Case in Herpetological Conservation

    Sick and disturbing -brandon
  9. NJSnakeMan

    The low down on ticks?

    okay i've been doing a little reading about the different kinds of ticks in NJ and the dieseases each individual species of tick carries. But i ran into a indentification problem. first the Lone Star Tick(Amblyomma americanum) And the other...
  10. NJSnakeMan

    The low down on ticks?

    We may not have Brown Recluse spiders but i know we have Black Widows! Found two a couple years ago camping. Never found any again since then. But anyways, does anybody know the range of brown recluse spiders?
  11. NJSnakeMan

    Some NJ Finds Yesterday

    i do not know much about that stuff or my type of lens, never really looked it over but its just the basic lens that comes with the Olympus c-725
  12. NJSnakeMan

    Some NJ Finds Yesterday

    no, as you can see from a post i made a couple weeks ago from camping, the pictures do not compare to those photos of my present ones. I just purchased this digital and had it for about 2 weeks. Yesterday was my first day out in the field with it though. But yes i am very impressed with the...
  13. NJSnakeMan

    The fun begins in about a month

    no chiggers but found atleast 25 ticks so far -brandon
  14. NJSnakeMan

    Some NJ Finds Yesterday

    Im trying to improve on my camera skills, guys tell me what you think thanks -brandon
  15. NJSnakeMan

    Finially I Got Him!!!

    Yes he does have redish/pinkish eyes, i dont know if might of been the sun or the flash that screwed with the pic but he defiantly had redish looking eyes. What should i name the guy? =D This was the third time i've seen him so he is a local resident, most likely ill see him again!
  16. NJSnakeMan

    Rechargable AA Batteries

    stu, how did those sony rechargables work out for ya?
  17. NJSnakeMan

    Finially I Got Him!!!

    thanks for the kind words, i saw an advertisment on animal planet for a photo contest. You know what would be a cool photo though? A black phased,albino and gray squirell in one pic!
  18. NJSnakeMan

    Finially I Got Him!!!

    think the bottom photo is good enough to enter in a photo contest?
  19. NJSnakeMan

    Finially I Got Him!!!

    Haha, yes i finially got pics of the same alb. squirell, check it out. -brandon
  20. NJSnakeMan

    Rechargable AA Batteries

    didnt get the lot of 4 64mb, got a 128mb instead