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  1. NJSnakeMan

    Diamondback Terripan

    nice pics teegate what camera do you use? There is a local park near by, there are tons of redbelly turtles, painted, musk, snappers and occasionally you'll run into a box, terripan or a slider. I just went there a couple days a go and there are tons of turtle nests and turtle egg shells laying...
  2. NJSnakeMan

    Diamondback Terripan

    heres a box
  3. NJSnakeMan

    Diamondback Terripan

    hehe i wish box turtle's got that big =) No it's just a Redbelly turtle, i have some pics of em on my site
  4. NJSnakeMan

    Diamondback Terripan

    Sorry for the bad pic attachment, wouldnt let me post a file bigger then 100, so i just put the terripan pics on my site. There are 4 pics of him, and 2 habitat shots. Luckily i found him before someone else did, they might of took him home and kept him...
  5. NJSnakeMan

    Diamondback Terripan

    Today i was riding my bike on our towns bikepath and 15 ft away i just happened to see a turtle poking his head out of the grass. I live right near atlantic city so i was preety amazed how the turtle cross three busy streets, managed to get through all those people and make it =) I've been going...
  6. NJSnakeMan


    ditto that swit... hey bobbleton maybe we could head out together if he gives us a loco, i just need a better camera with macro capability
  7. NJSnakeMan

    Black Bear in Atlantic City!!

    Is it true that the black bear was seen near the borgata? Seem's a little far'fetched but just asking
  8. NJSnakeMan

    Jersey Devil-real or unreal?

    hmm... I beleive the jersey devil was just a deformed son that everybody beleived was possesed by the devil since he was the 13th child. Most likely if his parents ditched him like that he isn't living now.
  9. NJSnakeMan

    Freaking Toads Everywhere

    woodjin you might not see it again. In the summer of 2003 i saw the toads every time i went on the trail. 04' barely and 05' none yet.
  10. NJSnakeMan


    Goanna, The Barrens may have a decent ammount of herps but they are elusive or too hard to find. You could go for days or maybe even weeks with solid herping and finding nothing but water and garter snakes.. I would try to take a trip upland to North Jersey or Pennsylvania (if you're willing...
  11. NJSnakeMan

    Freaking Toads Everywhere

    There was a trail i use to go on. Fowler's Toads were everywhere, every step you took there was a toad jumping. But not as extreme as your story. That's amazing! =)
  12. NJSnakeMan

    Albino Squirel

    out of curiosity. Why are you more likely to see Gray Squirels in a suburb then in actual woods? Whenever i go out in the Pine's or the Woods i might only see a couple squirels, if not none. Around my town i see a million every day. Anyone know why is that?
  13. NJSnakeMan

    Albino Squirel

    Yesterday i was riding my bike and from the corner of my eye i saw a white rodent. I turned back and it was an Albino Squirel. Completely white with pink eyes. Unfortiently i did not have my camera with me but I am going to go look for it again. Do Gray Squirels usually stay in certain limits of...
  14. NJSnakeMan

    Bear sightings....

    I'm going camping at Belleplain State Forest near Woodbine in Cumberland County. Has there been Bear sightings there?
  15. NJSnakeMan

    field herping.. post comments!
  16. NJSnakeMan

    A Snapping Turtle and a Spotted Turtle

    yeah probualy just a huge common snapper. Found two huge ones like that last year at my park. I got a picture of a common snapper on my website in Album ''Birch Grove Park'' my main site: -njsnakeman
  17. NJSnakeMan

    Snakes moving?

    caught a water snake week or so ago
  18. NJSnakeMan

    temps warming...

    Tempatures are warming up... should be getin up near the 70's by the end of this week, anyone doing any snake huntin??? Im seeing if i can go to Wharton sunday -brandon
  19. NJSnakeMan

    Pinelands to Pine waist

    well said and agreed, couldn't of said it any better. brandon
  20. NJSnakeMan

    Pinelands to Pine waist

    We didn't clean it up, it would take a nice good day to pick up the trash, and the cars we can't carry out. Only things i would leave is a couple tins and boards for snakes and toads to hide under. And i wanted to point out i spelled waste wrong, sorry. Brandon