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  1. tom m

    Altered Road

    I spoke to soon that is the T And that's the little pond on the right , before the tee Correct ?
  2. tom m

    Altered Road

    Hey Guy , I'm about 6 days behind on this thread, But I was wondering what bodies of water are they on your map you posted. I know If you come in off of 563 onto speedwell rd and take it to the T the turn left and then right , before the Cedar swamp there's supposed to be a lake back there is...
  3. tom m

    Batona Trail hike

    I did some of the Batona On Friday, cold but very peaceful and refreshing, It soothed my soul, especially bunkin a stone off the ice of the lake.
  4. tom m

    Bald Eagle sighting

    I think i know the lake you are talking about if we're on the same page. I was down to batsto today and did a little exploring ,but i didn't see the Eagle. There ae a number of them down at Brigantine oh opps ( Let me be politically correct) The Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Refuge .That poor...
  5. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    My next Jaunt is to get up to Bear swamp hill and go back down into that cedar swamp that is visable from the hill, I haven't been down into it in 20 some years. I always seem to be busy when i have a day off so now i'm able and ready . the mistake i made was the map I switched over to the...
  6. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Photo's I have but I have a virus in my start menu and it won't let me down load anything !. I can describe it if ya want ? will that suffice Guy ? And Thanks Boyd. Right inside the Gate there is three inch stone filling what appears to be a flooded area and the same stone at the little spill...
  7. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    not sid, aid LOL
  8. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Attention all involved Parties, I found it !!!!! I found it !!! Woohoo !!!!!!! I found the lake !!!! LOL! And without the sid of ornage sheets of plywood. TeeGate , hope you didn't loose much on me LOL!
  9. tom m

    Bigfoot sighting (it's true_)

    That was just me scaring the hell outta people so they would drop there beers and I would drink them LOL!...........I was thirsty ,what can i say, survival of the fittest Right ???
  10. tom m

    Driftin' 'round The Forge

    Oh and Furb! I noticed ya had to outdo me with the fish i had on earlier LOL!!! Isn't that the decoy snook you showed me before ?????
  11. tom m

    Driftin' 'round The Forge

    Where is this Body of water Pancoast?
  12. tom m

    Cedar Waxwings

    Hey Bob, It's easy to get hooked on Birding , back in the early 70's Furball1 And I saw a Red Tailed Hawk, and we've been hooked ever since, I have a nice sized Life list and most of them I saw right here in South Jersey, and a few in Florida, Which is a Great state to get some very...
  13. tom m

    Driftin' 'round The Forge

    When I first saw the Harlequins at Barnegate Light house there was a local resident taking pics With a DSLR with two telephoto lenses, Bayonet type mount, It Took some awesome pics of the old Squaws and the Harlequins . The camera itself looked to be about the size of a cigarette pack, maybe a...
  14. tom m

    Cedar Waxwings

    I'm surprised that Piker and I didn't see any at Winslow when we went the other week. There are some of the largest Holly trees I've ever seen back there.
  15. tom m

    Small Tavern/Restaurant looking for skilled Bartender (Chatsworth, NJ)

    also ,Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't tooth singular and teeth plural ? So they invented the TOOTHbrush
  16. tom m

    Small Tavern/Restaurant looking for skilled Bartender (Chatsworth, NJ)

    Hold On I have to go brush my toof
  17. tom m

    Cedar Waxwings

    Sue , My Brother Piker56 and I see then down at the Brigantine refuge off Rt 9 also along with Blue birds
  18. tom m

    Cedar Waxwings

    My new Image is of a Bohemian
  19. tom m

    Cedar Waxwings

    Island Beach State Park, it's south of Seaside at the end of the Island. Bohemians are another strain of waxwings
  20. tom m

    Small Tavern/Restaurant looking for skilled Bartender (Chatsworth, NJ)

    I agree with you on that one , I wouldn't want a job like that ,Waitresses Bust there Butt. What happens if it is a slow night ? They make nothing:bang: