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  1. tom m

    Altered Road

    Thanks Guy, that was helpful. It's amazing how much history there is and most people just ride on by. I also Heard at one time there was supposed to be a large development on apple Pie Hill Rd. For years I saw these Brick Pillars on the left going up to the tower and later found out that it was...
  2. tom m

    Pinelands Commission certifies Stafford Master Plan

    I've delivered quite a few loads in that area, and it has slowed considerably probably a combo of that and the economy which is fine by me , I know construction is my lively hood but to much of the pines are being chewed up by that .Thank GOD for the Conservation Foundation and the Conservancy.
  3. tom m

    Burlington Island and Jessup's Grove

    A Friend at work has fished it and says it is fairly deep with some real nice bass in it . I'd love to get my canoe in there , How hard is it to portage it off the river?
  4. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    Well I'm 55 & 7/8 and at least i'm all on the same floor LOL!
  5. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    Back in the day when i was on the CB. we had Heat wars now it's internet wars . Everybody just take two deep breaths of Pine Barrens air and exhale real sloooooooow...... Ahhhh, that feels better. Now think about the water babbling over the cedar falls at Goshen Pond and no other sound:mrgreen:
  6. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    Hey Ben, The area across from that old station , do you or anybody else remember if that was a lake years ago? I seem to remember it being one .
  7. tom m

    Altered Road

    Hey Guy, What is his name that comes on once in awhile ? I've delivered concrete to Lee Brothers before but never knew they owned that part. I've always loved stopping on that little bridge in the spring and summer and just watch the water flow past. There's also another nice spot down...
  8. tom m

    First Robins of the year

    The last time I was down at Edwin B. Forsythe that was the main sight everything else was staying hidden from the cold winds But Robins?......... all over the place ,they are an astonishing bird, very resilient.
  9. tom m

    Seal Sighting

    As a youth My parents used to go to the light house any time they went to LBI. and the little mom and pop restaurant that is there used to have a tank on the bulk head end of it with seals in it , They have been coming thru there for a long time , I see them not frequently but i do see them...
  10. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    Talking about the pines, I went out to Goshen Pond and decided to do some cruisin out there just cuz I've never been past the camp ground . I wound up being out there for about two hours just Riding , I came to a bridge that crossed the Mullica way up stream and then finally came out on Jackson...
  11. tom m

    Wildlife web cam.

    Chez Piney', It's Got a nice ring to it Sue
  12. tom m

    Altered Road

    I've often wondered about That , it's been abandoned for quite a few years Right ? The other lake i see in the photo is the one i was thinking about .
  13. tom m

    Bald Eagle sighting

    I know , I meant that I think i went past the lake you were talkin bout, I was just down Batsto LOL! I'm on my way out to the Atsion area now . Good Birding , Good luck
  14. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    Hawkin I've often tried to figure that out ,maybe some thing was said or an argument that was offensive and Ben didn't want it re-opened, I know the thing with the raptor shooting was almost one of them.
  15. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    Talk about a head and soul clearing , I'm off most of the time from lack of work and I've been out in the pines almost everyday, I'm heading out in about an hour and it is the best clearing I've had in a long time . The silence and beauty of the pines is just about the best it can get!!!
  16. tom m

    Bald Eagle sighting

    I've also seen a pair at Chatsworth lake , They landed on the low dead falls across the lake from 532 and I watched them for a half hour ,Also a nesting pair in the Brooklawn area along the Delaware , They are awesome Birds in the wild, ones in the zoo do them No justice at all as far as there...
  17. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    The Guitarist/ lead singer and drum player are Our company salesman and One of our drivers that plays at the cruise at the Evergreen, I've never been there tho, once i get done driving for ten hours I'm gone ( the dead do come back to life at quitting time)! I hear they're pretty good Tho. The...
  18. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    I can remember seeing that Homestead when i was little going to seaside . That is the one on the circle.
  19. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    I work right in Vincentown ,on 206 ,and I've seen those sights many times ,but when some one takes the time to see them thru a lens , you can't help but appreciate them and also see a little bit of History along the way, Especially that old station on RT 70. I remember pulling along the road...
  20. tom m

    The Orphan Works Art Bill Re-introduced

    Signed it to , A good cause for once " The Jersey Devil is real" (Fred Brown)1968<< this to I believe ! Had some very strange things happen out there In Lower forge in the middle of the night and Indian Mills at two AM:jd: