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  1. tom m

    Wolf in Voorhees

    Thanks for all the update, Glad it wasn't hurt.
  2. tom m

    The Lost Causeways of the Skit Branch

    Thanks Ed, Appreciate it, That's not far from work, i pass those roads everyday.
  3. tom m

    Driftin' 'round The Forge

    Your Pics are Great! Keep it going ! Now I am sorry I got rid of my Minolta 101 and the lenses. Stupid Stupid :bang::bang::bang:
  4. tom m

    The Lost Causeways of the Skit Branch

    Yup ,That's exactly the reason the water clears up in the winter. Where is this Skit Branch anyway,Looks to be an area I might put my canoe in.
  5. tom m

    What made this trail?

    It also looks like a boot print within each drag mark,Take a real close look,especially at the close up!
  6. tom m

    Life after people

    I agree , Man up and turn your card in dude, asking directions ,Be Ashamed
  7. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    Yes The dams Broke and they are supposed to be in the process of fixing them
  8. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    Baaaaaaaaaah Baaaaaaaaaaah Hawkin baby Baaaaaaaaaaah Baaaaaaaaaaaah !!!:rolleyes:
  9. tom m

    What are these ruins on Oswego Rd

    Opps , again I speak out to soon, I think TeeGate and Boom , there ya are LOL
  10. tom m

    What are these ruins on Oswego Rd

    Hey Pat , I'll tell ya who will most likely Know, TeeGate or Bruset and then a scad of other people .I've been in the pines since i was 15 or 16 but just started learning where a lot of things were within the last two months because of the people on here . Good Luck and have fun
  11. tom m

    Downer & Willimstown Branch

    I'm not far from there , Where is this again? I might like to see that, I love old places like that. Have you ever been to Atlantic County Park on Rt 50 outside of Mayslanding? If you like hiking That's a great place , all the old roads from the munitions dump are still there all the old...
  12. tom m

    Life after people

    Is this Villas Wildlife area in Wildwood?
  13. tom m

    Lehigh Valley

    Hey Bob, If ya want warmth then ya gotta go to the Brew works in Bethlehem, Awesome Place !!
  14. tom m

    Lehigh Valley

    I lived in the Lehigh valley for nine months and it is a very Beautiful Area, About 1/2 hour south of Cabelas On 78. I loved it up there Just no money to be made, Good thing ,My roots are in the pines and they were stretched way to far LOL!
  15. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    Hey Largo, Yup Know em all, been there so long there almost family, Good People, they've been very good to me. Real slow right now tho, i'm collecting but so are most of us . What company do ya work for if it is ok to ask and would i happen to know you? or not. well with so much time off...
  16. tom m

    Life after people

    That was a cool link , good movie. I believe every thing they say can happen.
  17. tom m

    The Slag Heap

    In another era, slag heaps used to be used as fill to strengthen the surrounding Area of use such as train track beds and road beds , so a slag heap in essence is a good thing , LOL! :rolleyes: :rofl:
  18. tom m

    First Robins of the year

    No it's because of all the construction. Put in a retention pond and within a weeks time you have 100 of those filthy buggers. They need to have open season on them for about three or four years to reduce there numbers
  19. tom m

    The Slag Heap

  20. tom m

    Rt. 70 Road Trip

    Yes I do ,Been there for the last 25 years . Whew! that's a long dam time at one place