Another 5AM outing


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Guy that wooden construction is at a favorite break stop of Bill and mine when we canoe the Mullica.That is our first stop actually,the road into that spot has some awesome heather shots in may.I am amazed you got you car back that far,there is some serious sand back that way.I was there last week and noticed those boards,it appeared to be the frame for a lean to.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It was dark while hitting those sand spots so it was hard for me to gage how fast I had to go. I was too far into the really sandy area before I realized it, and I had to put the pedal all the way to the floor. Went right through it like it was asphalt.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I would have thought for sure you would bottom out..Where that road meets the road to constable bridge is a massive sandy area,if you get through that in your car you will be considered immortal!
PS don't try it.

Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills

It wasn’t 5:00AM but I was out Saturday morning,

I was talking with Jerseyman the other day about the Goshen Neck area and thought I would take a ride out there. I haven’t been there in about 35 or 40 years. I was looking for four structures that I remembered being in the area. I see they replaced the Goshen Bridge over the Mullica River with a new one.

The first site was a small dam or foundation or dam and foundation just north (up river) of the existing bridge. However, the brush was to thick and I could not remember exactly where it was so I’ll have to wait on this one.

The next one was also a dam on the Mullica. This one I did find, it is about 15 feet down river or south of the bridge. It was used at one time to divert the water to a power canal on the Burlington County side of the river. I could see it just below the surface of the water, but I couldn’t get a good picture of it.

The third one was the mill foundation just south or down river from this dam and about 60 ft or so from the bridge. I did get some photos of this one. All photos are from the Camden Co. side of the river.
1 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 003.JPG

2 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 002.JPG

3 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 007.JPG

The last structure is a large mill foundation or maybe even two mills sitting on the power canal I mentioned earlier. It looks like they built the Goshen Bridge right over the mouth of the headrace. The canal parallels the river fairly close for ½ mile down river before emptying back into the Mullica River. The foundation is a couple of hundred feet before the canal re-enters the Mullica. In others words the tailrace is about 200 ft. long.
headrace side looking down stream
View attachment 2407
still looking down stream
2 Aug28,2012 032.JPG

headrace side looking down stream
3 GoshenNeck MillRace 010.JPG

headrave side down stream
4 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 031.JPG

5 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 036.JPG

6 Goshen Mill Aug28,2012 033.JPG

View attachment 2416
Tailrace side looking upstream
8 tailace side Aug2012 016.JPG

Tailrace into the Mullica River
9 re-entering Mullica Aug2012 032.JPG

Sorry, I can’t post a map with the location on it. I would need the help of Boyd or Guy for that.



Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills

When you mentioned the water was low at sleepy Creek I thought it would be a good time to get some pics at Goshen as well. Also, wanted to see how much was still there after 40 years. An older friend of mine as a boy use to go to Goshen with his father to pack cranberries back around 1915. He remembered two houses both on the Burlington side of the river.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
are you saying the wood boards I see in the photos are remains of a mill?It wouldn't be that old if these boards are part of it.Any stone foundations? I don't doubt there was a mill there but these boards look awful recent???


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

They look about the same as the one on the Sleepy, and that may be hundred's of years old.


Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
are you saying the wood boards I see in the photos are remains of a mill?It wouldn't be that old if these boards are part of it.Any stone foundations? I don't doubt there was a mill there but these boards look awful recent???

You should have seen them about 40 years ago. You could walk on them. They are cedar and under water most of the time. In 1915 the only thing in Goshen were two houses both on the Burlington side of the river. On the Raleigh Land & Improvement maps 1887 it shows a saw mill at Little Mill (Goshen pond camp site) but nothing at Goshen Neck, so they have to be at lease 130 years old. And I am sure they are much older than that. One thing is for sure; what ever it was it was big.


Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
Hey Al, you asked about any stone foundation and I meant to add this photo to my last post. It is on the Burlington side just before and adjacent to the woodwork.

7 stone bank Aug2012 025.JPG


Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
I have a question,

After leaving Goshen Saturday morning I took a ride down Ephriam’s Road, which turns into Sandy Causeway Road once you cross the Mullica River. I wanted to get to the Machescatauxin Creek where it intersects with Saltar’s ditch. There is a bridge over Saltar’s ditch before you get to the Machescatauxin Creek. Here is a picture of that bridge.

My question is why would someone go all the way out there, and it is far, to break that stone up like that? It wasn’t done with anything you happened have in your car. This was done with a 6 or 8 lb sledge or maul. The only thing I can think of is they were going to steal it and it broke when trying to knock it out. But then why did they keep hitting it. It is broken three or four time.


Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
When I seen that stone I was inclined to think that maybe it had been hit by a grader in the past.Perhpas it was laying over and was hit and has since been stood up?

May be and if it was laying down something could have run over it. If the road has ever been graded it doesn't show. I got out and looked and I think the bottom back is still mortared in place.

Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
They take care of Ephriam’s road up to the camp site. After that they don’t do much any more. I got a little past Machescatsuxin (I love that name to bad I can’t pronounce it) then I hit water and decided not to go through it. So I backed out.