Apple Pie Fire Tower - Fence/Gate being installed?

92 Blazer Jeff

Aug 24, 2015
It was Craig I was talking with Monday, he was telling me about the problems listed in the article they were having.
He said I could come up in the cabin, it is small in there, but a good view.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If they want to leave it for someone they do. People are distgusting.


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
While I drive by APH fairly frequently, it has been a while since I have been up to the tower itself. Figured it was a good time to swing by and see the new fence. Perhaps I hadn't noticed it on my last trip to the fire tower, but there is now a STOP sign at the base of the road up to the tower. Have I just missed this in the past or is this new?
Feb 1, 2016
Camden County, NJ
I would disagree with the statement about no light pollution.The pines may not put out a lot of pollution but between Philly and the NJ suburban sprawl that surrounds it and the NJ shore towns,Atlantic City,Toms River etc.the light pollution is quite bad.The best area I have seen in NJ for low light pollution is down here near the bay.You can actually make the Milky Way out down here but compared to places like Cheery Run ,Pa. Dolly Sodds, WV or many places out west it's still pretty bad.In WV at night I"m actually confused about what is what because there is so much between the bright stars that are at your limit here that it takes a bit to get your bearings. The best night vision in the barrens would to be to get in a pit or small field where the horizons are cut off and all you have is straight up.This will cut the light somewhat. The sad truth is the Barrens aren't as remote as some would like to make out.We send most of our light up into the sky to bounce back down off the atmosphere into our eyes. The orange lights with shields are so much better but it's like pulling teeth to get businesses to use them.They want it to look like daytime at night.
Great comment. Organizations like International Dark Sky Association are actively working to help educate folks about ways to cut down on light pollution. Locally....Belleplain SF hosts a gathering for astronomers as one of the best places in NJ. I would think Speedwell Road area is pretty good for central pinelands. However the absolute best within a few hours drive is in Cherry Springs State Park, PA. Noise pollution, and light pollution are factors in robbing us all of natures gifts.....
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Great comment. Organizations like International Dark Sky Association are actively working to help educate folks about ways to cut down on light pollution. Locally....Belleplain SF hosts a gathering for astronomers as one of the best places in NJ. I would think Speedwell Road area is pretty good for central pinelands. However the absolute best within a few hours drive is in Cherry Springs State Park, PA. Noise pollution, and light pollution are factors in robbing us all of natures gifts.....
Cherry Springs is what I meant.been there once. Yes belleplain right down the road from me is supposed to be about the best area in NJ but I think some areas along the bay are just as good.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I was at Zion, Hoover Dam, and Bryce Canyon this June. I only learned upon my return that Bryce is a premier location for night viewing.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
My back deck in Gandys Beach is a perfect spot. If it wasn't for Dover AFB across the way it'd be pitch black.
over this way at Moores Beach and Thompsons beach is nice except for the Prison to the north which messes up that horizon.Turkey point is great but you can see Fortescue in one direction and Bivalve in the other but neither one of those places puts out a tremendous amount of light. My favorite spots would be Turkey Point and Hansey Creek and a less well known spot at the dead end at Toms bridge Road.The bridge is still there but has been closed off for maybe ten years now so hardly anyone ever pulls back there.Once in awhile a crabber or fisherman but thats only from evidences left.I have never actually run into anyone at that bridge since they closed it.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
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