Al, I was once almost killed by a squirrel. I was up on a ladder cleaning a nesting box out the Nuthatches use. Put my hand on the box to steady myself, and this 'THING' jumped out, ran down my arm and jumped from my shoulder. Fell off the ladder, ladder fell on me. Seems I had disturbed one of the squirrel air guard members. He had soared to an oak and when I approached he took off again. Nice to get a good daylight view of one, but my BP must have been up around 450 :rofl: His was probably up around 1000. I always bang on the nestboxes now.
That reminded me of a squirrel running up my arm though no ladder involved.I was about 14 and playing basketball at the union lake court before the tornado back in the early 80's blew the steel racks and poles to the ground.I seen a squirrel go into a city trash can with no lid so I snuk over to peek in and see if i could scare crap out of him.When i peeked over the edge the squirrel was gone.There was a big pizza box on top so i reached in and lifted the box.All the sudden a ball of grey fur shot up my srm to my shopulder and went airborn and landed on a pine tree that musta been near ten feet away.I think we both soild ourselves that day.Lucky he didn't take time to tatoo me on the way up.