Attention NJ Forest Fire Service


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Al, I was once almost killed by a squirrel. I was up on a ladder cleaning a nesting box out the Nuthatches use. Put my hand on the box to steady myself, and this 'THING' jumped out, ran down my arm and jumped from my shoulder. Fell off the ladder, ladder fell on me. Seems I had disturbed one of the squirrel air guard members. He had soared to an oak and when I approached he took off again. Nice to get a good daylight view of one, but my BP must have been up around 450 :rofl: His was probably up around 1000. I always bang on the nestboxes now.

That reminded me of a squirrel running up my arm though no ladder involved.I was about 14 and playing basketball at the union lake court before the tornado back in the early 80's blew the steel racks and poles to the ground.I seen a squirrel go into a city trash can with no lid so I snuk over to peek in and see if i could scare crap out of him.When i peeked over the edge the squirrel was gone.There was a big pizza box on top so i reached in and lifted the box.All the sudden a ball of grey fur shot up my srm to my shopulder and went airborn and landed on a pine tree that musta been near ten feet away.I think we both soild ourselves that day.Lucky he didn't take time to tatoo me on the way up.

local vollie

Apr 6, 2011
Wow !!!

You know,If I'd of wanted to hear it from an A__hole I'd of Farted.
I'm only man enough on days I'm Alfie,but I'm also woman enough on days I'm Alfreda

Well, Al, not ONCE have I resorted to profanity, but it's okay. I'd rather be the A**hole than the WHOLE ASS. Remember....if the a**hole shuts down, the body shuts down, so I would suppose that the a**hole is an impotant thing.


Jul 29, 2003
I'm only man enough on days I'm Alfie,but I'm also woman enough on days I'm Alfreda

I’d fear Alfreda way before I’d be concerned about Alfie. Alfie is a teddy bear unless he is in some sort of pain. He can be taken by simply pouring a jar of ants down his pants. Or let loose a wasp on him. Alfreda, though, is fearless. I’ve seen her level a rabid moose with one rap of her purse and (on the same day) scratch the eyes out of an attacking grizzly.
Apr 6, 2004
I’d fear Alfreda way before I’d be concerned about Alfie. Alfie is a teddy bear unless he is in some sort of pain. He can be taken by simply pouring a jar of ants down his pants. Or let loose a wasp on him. Alfreda, though, is fearless. I’ve seen her level a rabid moose with one rap of her purse and (on the same day) scratch the eyes out of an attacking grizzly.


I have my money on Alfreda.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Well, Al, not ONCE have I resorted to profanity, but it's okay. I'd rather be the A**hole than the WHOLE ASS. Remember....if the a**hole shuts down, the body shuts down, so I would suppose that the a**hole is an impotant thing.

I'll take a chill pill now Local.I would have normally stayed out of this but you attacked my buddy.I do understand the controlled burn thing to protect property but do not understand why they feel that have to do it in the middle of the forest and tear up Jack so.Ecologically wildfire has it all over controlled but there are people in the Barrens and I guess allowances must be made but it aggravating to have a nice piece of woods suddenly ravaged as happened to Bob.If it had been a patch of what i considered my woods I'd be frothing to:confused:ver the last sevral years I've lost a good patch of MY woods to developement and now they are tearing up most of the rest of it,pine snake den and all.Yes the roads will eventually heal.My den never will,it's under shop rite now.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
And in the words of my beloved father...."Tis better to be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove ALL doubt". I have NO doubts about you !!!!!!!

Hahaha, oh man. I really wish I had seen this thread sooner. You don't really think your old man made that one up, do you?
Apr 6, 2004
Recently, the Forest Fire Service really did a number on the Batsto nature area where the footbridge (in disrepair) crosses the Sleeper Branch. They burnt a very small area and left a really big mess. A couple observations:

- They senselessly dug a trench right through the Mullica River Trail and didn't bother to fill it back in.
- Part of the trench goes right through a historic dam
- They needlessly made a new trail with the dozer through the floodplain.

It really is disgraceful. I look forward to getting some answers from the Superintendent.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
it really is disgraceful. I look forward to getting some answers from the Superintendent.

Gabe to Super: This is disgusting what they did; reckless and rash.
Super: now....boys will be boys.
Gabe: Can't they be controlled?
Super: No, its impossible. They have the ear of the public and the big boys in Trenton. They cite damage to lives and property.
Gabe: Don't they have any sense of how this wild digging and rooting up the forest floor looks? It takes years to settle down and look like a forest again.
Super: Now Gabe, don't get your blood up. Here, sit down...that's right....take a chill. These are good old boys.....why don't you look at their side? Do you really think they don't care? Even if they don't, think of the lives and property lost if wildfire has it's murderous way. You have to fight back....dig, bulldoze, scrape, and hack!
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Just'a good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm.
Beats all you never saw
Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born

Staightnin' the trail
Flatnin the trees
Someday the Pines might get 'em
But Gabe never will

Makin' their way
The only way they know how
That's just a little bit more
Than the law will allow.

Makin' their way
The only way they know how
That's just a little bit more
Than the law will allow.

I'm a good ol' boy
You know my momma loves me
But she don't undestand
They keep a showin my hands and not my face on TV


Jan 2, 2003
They butchered a beautiful road at Hampton Park. They ran their plow right down the center of the road and left a ditch. There was no effort to smooth it out and keep it usable. It is unwalkable, roots stiking up and very uneven groung. They could have shown respect for the road and forest and cleaned the road up gently but no, they were butchers.
You have to walk it to really appreciate how bad it is.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
There are property stones along that road. Some I have not found. Did they go all the way to the sandy area before the bridge across the Skit?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
What home are they trying to protect from fire there?



Jan 2, 2003
The area of that road is between the Batsto and the Skit, a fire wouldn't go anywhere.

They were creating a pay day.