Bass River Bigfoot

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Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
My sister told me a couple summers back that the film crew that was responsible for the famous bigfoot video in the pacific NW. You know the video I'm talking about. Anyway, I think she told me the film crew admited recently that it was a hoax/staged. I recall that the main guy running the expedition swore that it was for real on his death bed (I could be wrong about that). It must have been a huge blow to the bigfoot is real people.



Feb 24, 2006
Fredericksburg VA
I know this puts me in the whacko category with most folks but who cares.
I can no longer make fun of the Bigfoot believers because I saw a "bigfoot" in Virginia.Saw it plain as day,my hiking partner saw it to so I am not nuts (at least in that sense) was not drinking or in any other way impaired. It was at least 7 foot tall,jet black and walked with a very strange gait.when it saw us it moved off through heavy brush and rough terrain without making a sound,quiet as a cat. so I wish I could laugh with the rest of you but I can't.
I guess you could say that the woods are a different place for me now, I still camp, but I am a little more attentive to the night sounds if you know what I mean.
Also, I posted here awhile back under the thread"is the Jersey Devil real or not" about screams I heard when I was a kid .Well there are some recordings on and guess what,they are real close. I am aware of the logical arguments against all of this,I used to think people were idiots for believing in could it stay hidden during hunting season?Where are the bones?Why doesn't everyone see the tracks,especially when it snows?Why has one not been hit by a car?It goes on and on.It just is not possible.Then I saw one.Have fun with this all, I can take it.But I can't make fun of "bigfoot" with you no more.


Dec 11, 2005
Big Black Something

Black bears have a funny gait, especially when tip-toeing stealthily through the wilderness on their hind feet.:rofl: All kidding aside, I have a story (check my postings history) to tell about a "big something" that visited my campsite one night at Lower forge. Tom M will vouch as an eyewitness. He was there too. We were the only ones camping, at least we thought we were. :ninja:

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
Furball1 said:
Black bears have a funny gait, especially when tip-toeing stealthily through the wilderness on their hind feet.:rofl: All kidding aside, I have a story (check my postings history) to tell about a "big something" that visited my campsite one night at Lower forge. Tom M will vouch as an eyewitness. He was there too. We were the only ones camping, at least we thought we were. :ninja:
Any chance it was just a really big, hairy guy?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Heh, Grendel actually is a monster :)

In Beowulf, Grendel invades Heorot, the mead-hall of the Danes, and eats men too drunk to defend themselves.

He is also the subject of a new opera which is getting a lot of publicity:

The world premiere has been delayed due to technical problems, reportedly costing LA Opera $300,000 in unanticipated costs. The production is by Julie Taymor who directed The Lion King on Broadway.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Actually, like the author of the investigation, I too was compelled to investigate a bigfoot sighting in Jenkin's Neck. Here is an excerpt from my report:

I smoothly folded myself behind the wheel of my polished sophisticated toyota camry, my bigfoot alarm jauntily hung around my neck on the polyester string and set to "high alert". It was only a couple minutes later that I joined the throng of cars southbound on the GSP. Little did the puny, narrow minded citizens hurtling towards atlantic city realize that a true bigfoot hunter was motoring just one lane away from them, deep in thought on the most logical way to investigate this latest sighting. Suddenly a buxom blonde in a porsche with the top down looked my way and winked at me. She mouthed the words.."I want you". But I was not to be belayed by any hussy, I had more work to do in the deep woods of Jenkins Neck, there would be no time for Hanky Panky. No sir (to be continued).


Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
bobpbx said:
Actually, like the author of the investigation, I too was compelled to investigate a bigfoot sighting in Jenkin's Neck. Here is an excerpt from my report:

With bated breath we eagerly await the next chapter....
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