Tyndall Island revisited
Whazit-all-about Alfie and yers truly returned to the bay tract west of Greenwich today and enjoyed the moderate effort required to access Tyndall Island. The distance traveled wasn't far, but the way there and back often required the usage of trails used by deers apparantly dieting upon Slim Fast and the like.
W-a-b Alfie was attacked by a reptile at one point. The fact that I discovered him with this specimen wrapped around his throat (my dear friend three shades of purple) has me believing this snake is in the
constrictor family. "Boa, Alfie?" "Gurgle,
garter, gurgle." "Oh, sorry. Let me save you first."
The beast below!
This fungus spoke three languages...
Land ho!
A rare whippoorbill sighting (a species generally shy and nocturnal), caught in a cattail swamp ...
We'll be back.
Thanks for looking,