Boyd's Map of the Pines beta available

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
I'll admit to not reading this entire thread, however, I really want to get these maps installed to my Android phone.

Can someone point me to a single post that directs me to the downloads and instructions please?


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Direct link to download the HD Map of the Pines: [bad link removed]

Direct link to download 1999 in the Pines: [bad link removed]

The HD map is a very large file (12gb) so it may take awhile to download, just be patient. The 1999 map is about 4gb so it will be much faster. In each case, after you download, locate the .zip file, right-click it and choose Extract All. This might take a little while with the big file. You may find another folder inside that you need to open (I see this on my Windows computer but not my Mac).

Anyway, there should be four files inside the folder. Skip the file named READ_ME_FIRST for now and double-click the file named tutorial.pdf. It has detailed step-by-step instructions with lots of illustrations for installing the Mobile Atlas Creator software. Work your way through section one of the tutorial and then your computer will be prepared.

Now double-click the READ_ME_FIRST file and follow the instructions for installing the map (this part is really simple). You should be all set at this point, just confirm that you can view the map in Mobile Atlas Creator. You can drag the map around by holding down the right button on your mouse and zoom using the mouse scroll wheel.

When you're ready to install the map on your phone, return to the tutorial and read the rest of it. There are very detailed instructions for installing it in both Galileo and Backcountry Navigator. Let me know if you have any problems, and Happy New Year! :)
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Several weeks ago I was thinking about some recent comments here....

There are serious users who need the article Garmin or Magellan provides. A cell phone just won't do.

Long live the 60 CSX ! I use it year round in the woods and on the water.

I'm guessing it will not be compatible with my NUVI 750?

And this made me realize that I really needed to update my traditional Garmin map. Thought I could get it done in a few days... Three weeks and over 100 hours later, it is finally done. :D

This is a big update to all my previous Garmin maps and it covers all of New Jersey with portions of neighboring states. It's fully compatible with Bob's Montana, Scott's beloved 60csx and even 46er's Nuvi 750! This map doesn't have all the features of the HD Pines map, but it does have the same HD roads and buildings. And vector-based Garmin .img files are much more compact than the universal format Mobile Atlas Creator maps I have recently made. This new map is "only" about 100MB. It includes an illustrated 16 page tutorial that tells you everything you need to know.

Read all about it and download the map here: [bad link removed]

This also marks the unofficial roll-out of my new site

[update December 2023: the site has gone through many changes since this post was made, but here's a link to my 2023 map of the Pines]

Still more work to do and more maps to add, but you'll find nine free maps there now with full documentation. There are new versions of two historical topo maps as well as the original LIDAR in the Pines, all re-packageded in MOBAC format for use on your choice of device.


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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Three weeks and over 100 hours later, it is finally done. :D

Tusen takk

At minimum wage, that's $860.00. :eek: As previously suggested, you should open shop, you already have the web site, or partner with Ben. :) Or open up for refreshment donations. :guinness: We could be your beta testers and still get your stuff free ;)
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Have been adding maps to my site, with more on the way. The NJ 2012 aerials for the entire state are now available at [bad link removed]



To keep the size down to 7 gigabytes, I used a resolution of 6 feet per pixel (level 16) so you won't be able to see all the detail of the originals which have a 1 foot per pixel resolution... but that would be over 400 gigabytes. ;) Going up one click to level 17 would have been a 28 gigabyte file and that just seemed too big. But these look pretty good in Basecamp up to the 500 foot map scale.


Like other recent maps, it opens in Mobile Atlas Creator where you can then export it for over a dozen apps on Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux. Also works with Garmin handheld GPS units, subject to the limitations they have placed on this kind of mapping. Most Garmin devices only allow you to load a map area of about 12 x 12 miles but a few newer models (Montana, GPSMap 64) allow an area around 20 x 25 miles). If you already have Mobile Atlas Creator installed, just drop the files into the folder and start using the map. If not, then a comprehensive Mobile Atlas Creator tutorial will guide your through installation and use.

Update: December 2023
Sorry, no longer offers downloadable maps, but you can view the NJ 2012 aerials on your phone or computer here:
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
My latest map is something a little different - aerial imagery for your Garmin automotive GPS. These devices are not normally compatible with aerials, but I always like the challenge of doing the impossible. ;) Don't expect to see any small details, this is low resolution imagery intended to show the landscape as you drive around. Although it's compatible with most Garmin devices, you will want a recent model for best performance.

[Sorry, this map has been discontinued - bad link removed]

Coverage includes all of New Jersey and parts of six other states - use it on your next road trip to visit Long Island Piney! :dance:


These screenshots are from a Garmin DriveSmart 61 (a current model). When you enable City Navigator at the same time you can use all the regular features of your GPS while viewing the aerial imagery on the screen. It has the same unpaved roads as my HD Map of the Pines.


Switching to night mode renders the map with a high contrast color palette


It's also compatible with Basecamp and even Mapsource with one-click installation


So this is a rather specialized map that probably has a limited audience, but it was a good challenge and I've been enjoying it in the car. I used my own software to convert every pixel in the original imagery into a separate object - there are more than 80 million polygons in the whole map!
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Thank you. You never cease to amaze, the Wizard of GPS :D

How about something like this that works on a Jeep in-dash unit :eek: :worms:
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I have just completed a major update to the Mobile Atlas Creator section on my site, including a new 62-page tutorial that covers many more apps. Check it out, there's a spreadsheet of almost 40 apps that are compatible with my maps and screenshots of over thirty that I have personally tested.

[Sorry, boydsmaps no longer supports Mobile Atlas Creator - bad link removed]

The new tutorial also has some topics of general interest, such as the appendix that explains how to access free classic USGS 24k topo maps of the whole US and use them with your favorite app or Garmin/Magellan GPS. These are the same as the USGS topo's available here on NJPB maps. There's also an advanced tutorial for getting around the "tile limit" on Garmin GPS devices to load your own huge maps. :)
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
New year... new map! :) I will now offer my maps in a universal format that can be used on almost any device under any operating system (MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android). But to make use of these maps, you must first install a free open source program called Mobile Atlas Creator ("MOBAC" for short).

That post was four years ago. Bumping this old thread now to let everyone know that, unfortunately, I'm winding down support for Mobile Atlas Creator and downloadable maps. It was fun while it lasted, but MOBAC is just too problematic. This was brought home recently when I spent a whole afternoon trying to get it working on my new Macintosh and ultimately failed. Then I went through a long exchange of PM's with another NJPB member and we couldn't get it working on his new Windows 10 computer. To add insult to injury, in order to download the Java Development Kit, you now need to register and create an account at Oracle. This is all just too complicated.... I want out.

Beyond that, Garmin has never properly supported this kind of map, they have restricted you to a very small coverage area at one zoom level, which is a pretty poor experience. The main advantage of MOBAC is using the maps on a phone in a variety of apps. But the new boydsmaps web app already offers a large number of maps and is compatible with all phones and computers.

So, the bottom line is that all the downloadable maps will soon be going away. I don't have a firm date for this, but if you want any of these maps this is your "last call". They're very large files (up to 16gb) and I will not send them to you after they're removed from the site. Please download anything you want now. You'll also need to figure out how to use them on your own since I'm not going to support MOBAC in the future. There's a tutorial [bad link removed] available on my site, but the section on installing MOBAC is already out of date and it will not be revised.

Mobile Atlas Creator just isn't a good solution anymore and it's time to move on. I also need to free up valuable (and expensive) disk space on the server which can be put to better use.
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