Update: December 2023
Sorry, boydsmaps.com no longer offers downloadable maps and doesn't support MOBAC, so just ignore the rest of this old post. However you can view aerial imagery overlaid on LIDAR terrain in 3d here with either your computer or phone:
Here's a brief guide to installing and configuring MOBAC. The procedure should be the same on both MacOS and Windows.
NOTE: revised 1/31/2017 to correct some errors
For starters, you need to have Java installed on your computer. Click on the link below and follow the instructions. It will check your system and download the current version of Java if needed. After downloading, run the installer.
Next, you need to install the Java SE Development Kit. Go to this link:
Click the "Accept License" button in the
Java SE Development Kit 8u121 section. Now choose the proper version for your computer. On the Macintosh, click the
Mac OS X download. For 32 bit Windows, click
Windows x86. For 64 bit Windows, choose
Windows x64. After downloading, install the software.
Now install MOBAC from this link. I just installed version 2.0.0 beta 3 on both Windows 7 and MacOSX 10.8.5 and it only took a few minutes:
For Windows Computers
Do not put the MOBAC folder into the programs folder. You can put it anywhere else that you like though. You start the program by double-clicking the
Mobile Atlas Creator.exe file.
For Macintosh Computers
You can put the MOBAC folder anywhere you like. Start the program by double-clicking the
Mobile Atlas Creator.jar file.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After you have MOBAC running, you can download my map here:
After downloading, unzip the file, open the folder and move the files as shown. Be sure to quit from MOBAC if it is running.
Now start MOBAC and choose
OpenStreetMap 4UMaps.eu from the Map Source list at the upper left (it will probably already be seletcted by default). Zoom in to the Forked River Mountain area so you will be in the right place to see my map. One odd thing about MOBAC is that you must press the
right-hand mouse button to drag the map around. The left button is used to select an area to export. You can zoom with the mouse wheel or use the zoom slider at the top left.
You should then be able to choose LIDAR in the Pines from the Mapsource list. This map is designed to be viewed at zoom levels 11 through 16 (notice the number next to the zoom slider).
If everything works, you may want to customize a few things. Click the Tools > Settings button at the top right of the screen. The Mapsources tab will allow you to remove any maps you don't want to use from the mapsource list. Just select the unwanted maps from the list on the left and click the arrow to move them to the disabled list on the right. You can always move them back in the future if you want them.
Next, click the Map Size tab and select
1048575 from the drop down Maximum size menu. This will allow you to process large maps like the full version of LIDAR in the Pines.
Macintosh Note
Guy and I have noticed one bug in the Mac version. It does not remember the last location you were viewing and always opens up with the full world view. The Windows version always opens up exactly as you left it the previous time. I found a fix for this on the Mac however. Zoom in to whatever location you find convienient, such as Batsto for example. Now go the the Bookmarks > Save current view menu and give it a name. You will see the name listed as a bookmark. The problem is that these bookmarks are not automatically saved and they will be gone the next time you open MOBAC. The trick is to go to the Tools > Settings menu and just click the OK button. This will force your bookmarks to be saved. From what I can tell, MOBAC will then always open up to show the first bookmark you have saved.
The next step will be understanding how to export maps from MOBAC in different formats, but we'll save that discussion until later.

You might have a look at the Quick Start Guide here for starters:
Let me know if you have any problems getting up and running on MOBAC. Hopefully this thread can become a self-help resource where people share their experiences!