Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2021/2022


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Is there any relationship between the large stone and the monument?

The stone was and is the original and exact corner. When Wharton was surveyed they came up with the idea to place the monuments away from the stone rather than next to it. Depending on the terrain the monument is usually 4 to 12 feet away and that number is stamped into the monument with a line pointing towards the stone. When there is a stone present the monument is NOT the true corner, the stone is. If a stone is not present and never was, the monument is the true corner.

A year or so ago I walked the full property of the Stamping Mill on Carranza Road and discovered a minimum of 4 mistakes in the recent survey of that tract. At a couple corners where a stone was present and easily visible, the surveyor used the monument as the true corner. The monument was 10 feet away from the stone and it was 300 feet to the next corner. This meant there was an error 10 feet wide that narrowed down to the next corner 300 feet away. That is a large chunk of property. The state owned the property next to it so it really did not matter. However, at one corner it was private property so the surveyor in effect took a 10 foot strip of land 90 long away from the state and in effect gave it to the private property owner.

I contacted RednekF350, a licensed surveyor, and with Jessica we visited these locations and we reviewed my finding and I was correct. This shows a stone that was present but the surveyor used the monument hidden behind Rednek.



Nov 19, 2008
Interesting. So the "8" stamped in the buried monument means the large stone is 8 foot away and the "M" means Medford.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Interesting. So the "8" stamped in the buried monument means the large stone is 8 foot away and the "M" means Medford.
Correct. And the monument was always placed on the line. So lets say the line runs exactly North and South, the monument will be north or south of the stone exactly on the line. I will have to look for it as I have a photo of one monument hat has I believe a 32 on it. The monument was on the other side of the road.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We visited Parkdale again today trying to find some elusive monuments and stones. As with all of the other times we have visited there recently, we both agree that Parkdale is really a sad looking place. Invasive plants everywhere, and the beavers have destroyed the place. Places we walked freely 10 years ago are now flooded and in some area's washed away. And almost every cedar is dead or dying from the flooding. The state is trying to increase the cedars we have and the beavers have other idea's. It is just a mess.

Anyway, in my notes for one monument we found years ago, I mention it was loose and almost out of the ground. I also mention it would not last long and it hasn't. It is gone. Others were under water and we could not even get to them even though years ago we walked right to the area. This photo shows the location of one monument and we are in the center of the original route of Fleming Pike. We spent 15 minutes searching and the monument is gone.


The only evidence that it was ever there is a nail and blaze in a rotting tree nearby. The nail points directly to where it was and we could not find it.


In many multiple locations at Parkdale we also came up empty. This map says a stone is in the center of Fleming Pike and we also gave up there.


The dying cedar and the muddy mess of water.


To be fair, the view can be nice in some area's.


On our way out we ran into a hunter carrying his gun and kayak, presumably putting in at the bridge. We walked past his new Bronco Sport and it really is a nice looking vehicle. The blue paint color was exceptional. On our way home, close to home, we saw another one with a different color. Blue is the way to go.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Went out again today to a place we were at recently and the briers were horrible. We only made it to one location and could not even reach the others. We did find this location which obviously was man made and I believe it is for runoff. I doubt it was actually a stream.


So after fighting briers forever we decide to call it a day and were walking back to the car when I spotted a plane in a tree.


I gave the tree a strong shake and the plane crash landed next to Jessica. It is a remote controlled plane made out of styrofoam and all of the electronics and battery are present and look good. If any current member is interested in the AR630 6 channel receiver let me know and I will tell you exactly where to find it. We left it there. That itself sells for $80 on Amazon it appears.





Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Long time members may remember that back in 2004 Jessica and I spent a few months searching out the Friendship Bogs property stones and monuments. We were able to find most of them; however, a few of them eluded us. Fast forward to today when I headed out alone to search for one in particular that frustrated me.

When Wharton was acquired in the 1950's the Wharton heirs really must have not fully been concerned with where their property was or who may have been claiming ownership to portions of it. The state on the other hand wanted to know exactly, so when they purchased they obviously scrutinized the documents and set things straight. It turns out that the state had a 1/5 interest in a portion of the Friendship Bogs property. This particular tract is between Friendship and Speedwell on the south side of the road. The state set up an arbitration with the owners and took their 1/5 ownership from them. This map shows in red the 49.5 acres the state took. Stone 10 is what I was looking for today.


This shows the two owners who sold to Joseph Wharton and each gave him a 1/10 interest.


I traveled there today using the long route as I other things to look for as well. This shows one of the roads though the old blueberry fields.


A few area were semi open with some nice cedar trees; however, stepping in the wet area at the bottom of the photo is not recommended.


In 2004 I was using an eTrex and when I arrived this time I was at least 30 feet away from where I was on the last visit. I was a little concerned about that but as usual I started circling around poking at the ground. In 15 minutes I had enough of that and loaded my bag to leave. One last circle before leaving and my stick hit the monument. The stone was easy to find after that.



A view from further away.


And finally, I also visited another stone I found in 2004 and I still can't find the monument.

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Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
Interesting. So the "8" stamped in the buried monument means the large stone is 8 foot away and the "M" means Medford.
Correct. And the monument was always placed on the line. So lets say the line runs exactly North and South, the monument will be north or south of the stone exactly on the line.

I found that really interesting (above). Are you missing the line (below) or is there something else stopping finding the monument? Stone moved or monument/line error etc..

And finally, I also visited another stone I found in 2004 and I still can't find the monument.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I found that really interesting (above). Are you missing the line (below) or is there something else stopping finding the monument? Stone moved or monument/line error etc..
I know the line and still could not find the monument. It is very remote there and it should be there. I have the lines in my GPS as a track. I have a system where I walk away from the stone and slowly walk back to it. Using the map I can see the direction of the line and can determine which way I need to search. Then I do the same thing from the other line to the stone. Now I have two directions to search. I use my walking stick and a 1/4 diameter bent one foot long poker I made at work and work every inch of the ground. I also have other ways to search and tried that also. Nothing.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Guy, are you actually in an old cranberry bog in the last photo? Was wondering about the berm.
I don't think so. Whoever made the burm knew the property line well and so it appears the bog is on the other side of the burm. They just left a 10 foot section of their property unused on this side keeping the stone intact. At least that is how it appears to me.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I found a buried stone once at the southeast corner of the intersection of speedwell friendship rd and eagle hawkind bridge rd,is that one part of this?
Are you sure it was Eagle Hawkins Bridge road or was it the road right next to it that is the Speedwell line? There is a buried stone there.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This be it without specific coord
Yes, that is a state corner with the Speedwelll Tract. It is related to all of the other tracts in that area including the "Mystery Stone" I told you about years ago. It is not a mystery anymore but still a rare find for me.

The stone you mentioned.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We spent the morning in Ocean County again looking for property stones. We were 2 for 4 today. I don't know much about the history of these particular stones but the property was acquired by the Nature Conservency and is now owned by the state. I see that happen often where someone must offer it to the Nature Conservancy so they acquire it and eventually it is either sold or traded to the state of NJ. All of the signs for the NC were still there with the state signs nailed over them.

Took a while to find this one.



This one has been cleared away most likely by the neighboring property owner as they had it well marked so hunters and anyone else knew where to stay away from.


We ventured near two spungs so we stopped in to visit. This one has a hunters tent but I am uncertain if it is in use this year. I did not see any feed and whoever goes there had not walked in the spung. It was nice there mainly because the edges of the spung and the surrounding area was absent of briers. Nothing at all!



We then headed to Webbs Mill and they apparently had to fill the road in with dirt.


The water level is higher than it should be even though the water is flowing. I just think they need two pipes or the path to the pipe in the water needs to be dug out. I texted Bob and he asked me to check out the boardwalk and after going there it is obvious that if the state want the plants to grow well there something else needs to be done. The deceiver is working but .......


And here is a "Then & Now" of a Ford truck that I visited back in 2009 shortly after a fire, and again today.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The state did some burning on Washington Turnpike this past year and I am searching for an old graveyard in that area. The deed basically says:

16 links from an old pine stump standing in the middle of a small pond lying in a course of nearly N82°E 9 chains from an old graveyard. I have a general idea where the pond is and will be sometime in the future walking the 9 chains from it and searching. Maybe there might be some pieces of stone unless it was all wood.

I have to consider they were calling it old in 1861. And one deed is from 1793.
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