Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2021/2022


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have always thought the data on the parcel sight was a privacy infringe,ment and really no ones business but on the other hand since it was there I always made free use of it when I wanted to.I"m mostly interested in Block and Lot numbers anyway and most of those deeds can be brought up which have a bunch more info thats no one elses business but stones are what I"m after,I have nothing against any judges and the only person I"d like to hurt is long dead so their info is safe with me.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I would think you might want to consider checking into this.

I have just now removed the two parcel maps. Existing links will say the map is no longer available and show my 2020 topo, which includes property lines at level 17, but there are no labels. Sorry, If the state no longer thinks it's appropriate to show names then I'm not going out on a limb to do it myself.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have just now removed the two parcel maps. Existing links will say the map is no longer available and show my 2020 topo, which includes property lines at level 17, but there are no labels. Sorry, If the state no longer thinks it's appropriate to show names then I'm not going out on a limb to do it myself.
That is most likely a good move. You don't want the knock on the door. Give it a few months and you may be good to go.
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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
We also have a paid subscription to NJ Property Fax at work and we have had it for a number of years. It was one of the best sites out there in the dark ages and has pretty much kept pace with the technology. Some of our draftsman love it but I don't use it very often because I could navigate the free stuff pretty quickly and their tax map plates are typically outdated.

I just logged into the program from home and ran my address and I can get everything but my blood type. So, I suppose I'll be using it until the names go blank on this one.

Thanks for the Mod-IV link. My guy couldn't get names out of that either. Not sure if it is related to Daniel's Law or if he just needs to spend a little more time on it.
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Based on the e-mail you forwarded to me, I'll bet NJ OGIS removed the names from the downloads as well, since it's all managed by the same entity and it was (apparently) mandated by state law.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
After years of looking over some of the information I have, I just noticed that I have a map that tells me who owned this property in the past. By the past I mean in 1740. They called it Tranquility Branch back then and now it is Hospitality.

Dan Smith 2.jpg
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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Well, I can tell you this change has already effected how I operate here. I am working blind now.
For what it's worth Guy, I discovered that NJACTB is still fully functional for name search in Atlantic, Burlington and Gloucester Counties.

Today, I was researching something by Block and Lot in the Collings Lake area of Folsom Borough on NJACTB and all names are apparently still intact for Atlantic County. NJACTB is a quasi-public and free site and was always the most current with ownership data because the Assessors keep it up to date throughout the year as information comes into them from real estate transactions and subdivisions.

I then tried a few properties in Burlington and Gloucester Counties by name and by block and lot and they all have names intact. It makes no sense to me that the names in those are still up but Camden County has all names redacted. It may be a temporary oversight.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Guy I have a free app called Parceled that still gives names but it gives nothing else unless you pay for it.just lets me know if I"m trespassing or not.I used to have a better free app but it disappeared.There are some nice hunt apps that cost but had all the info you wanted,don;t know if it's still there.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Today I headed out with retired Rob from work and we explored an area of Wharton that nobody goes to. The only way to legally get there without crossing private property, or walking for forever, is a 2008 property purchase by the state. There is about an 82 foot access to the area that we used to get there. Jessica and I have been there and headed north, but today we headed south for a much more intense workout.

Rob making his way through a serious unusual quaking bog location.


We had many multiple stones and Wharton property monuments to find and we struggled to do that. We were 2 for 10 I believe.

This was the first one.


Then we discovered a pretty large cedar tree most likely still there because of it's remoteness.


We ran into one location where we had to leave the original Wharton property and make a detour onto a more recent acquisition. Rob was leading and noticed this ahead. The 4 poles had a mound in the middle of them and after digging in it I noticed it was old cut wood. When we started looking around we realized they were used to block a very old corduroy road that was almost indiscernible. Nobody has been at this location in many years.


And our final find was this monument.


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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I found that really interesting (above). Are you missing the line (below) or is there something else stopping finding the monument? Stone moved or monument/line error etc..
It appears I may have made a mistake and I am off 40 feet on my calculations. I will be going back soon to check on this.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We went to Howardsville today and will be going back soon. In 2006 we searched for a few monuments and the last Howardsville stone that I could not find, and recently I have been going over my info and came up with another place to try. It is a long walk to visit all of the locations and in the end it was close to 5 miles. We could not find the monuments on the Lawrence Line and we could not get near the stone because of briers. In 2006 we made it there but the briers are horrendous now.

Anyway, here are a couple from today.

Jessica's heart rate was above 155 for much of the tough woods walking and this shows it as the rate was coming down. 148 BPM. It was tough going at times.


The upper reaches of the Oswego are behind Howardsville and this shows a property stone along the banks of the Oswego at Howardsville. Bob and I were at the very beginning of the Oswego a few days ago in Greenwood Forest off of 539.


And the view behind Howardsville.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I saw this on aerials and we visited. They were metal trash cans and even though I did not open them they were filled. A hunter had a game camera up and I said hello :D However, no evidence that food was on the ground or had been. I am not even sure the camera was working. I did not spend much time there.

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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Today we made another attempt to look for the final Howardsville stone that I was not able to find in 2006. This time we came in from another direction and along the way we had to pass through the remains of the tornado that passed through the area back in the summer.

Looking over aerials I noticed something odd on them and decided to check it out. It turned out to be an old hunting location.


I believe this location has not been used this year and maybe even longer. This is not in working order and the wooded ground supports are old and faded and the metal is rusting.


This had a lock on the bottom but no camera was inside it.


However, this camera was still sticking in the ground, had batteries in it that seemed to be going bad, and the card was missing but otherwise it seemed it may be in working order. I am going to wait a few months and if it is still there and the batteries have not been changed I am going to see if it still works.


The road ahead with trees down from the tornado and with Jessica trying to get through it.


After a struggle we finally made it to the area where I believed the stone was. I had looked over my info and noticed discrepancies in the old maps I have and so we started to search about 100 feet sooner than the last time. After striking out at my first choice we moved to the second which seemed more plausible. The other location was on the wrong side of the canal I was thinking.

After just a few seconds searching I saw this.


Howardsville is an old cranberry town so this stone may have been there a long time.


Old Howardsville maps call this the East Branch of the Wading River and modern maps call it the Oswego.

The dike at Howardsville


Jessica, retracing our steps for the mile walk back to the car.


If you are interested, here is a video of the tornado damage in the woods.

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