Guess Who ?

Ok, final word on this diatribe because I have a life to live, family to take care of, photographs to take, images to process, working with other photographers on printing and photoshop, planning for my NJ Museum exhibit in Oct., escorting concerned citizens around the Pinelands, talking with legislators about the problems in the Pinelands, going to Pineland Commission meetings, helping guide PPA as a board member, attending Freeholder meetings, volunteering for Pinelands Projects, assist with running a photo competition about the Pinelands, staying in contact with the DEP, and giving talks to nature, civic and photo clubs about the Pinelands, and enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day. So you see why I have to end this discussion. I will get professorial here....STOP TALKING ABOUT THE PINELANDS, GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING TO PRESERVE IT! GET A DIRECTED PURPOSE NOT JUST EVERYONES SCATTERED OPINIONS. HELP SAVE THIS MOST PRECIOUS PLACE WE HAVE IN THIS STATE!!!!! IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE IT WILL BE UNDER 3' OF MUD FROM THE ORV CROWD IF THEY GET THERE WAY. WANT TO TALK ABOUT A GROUPS THAT WANTS TO RESTRICT ACCESS TO THE PINELANDS LOOK AT THEM. THEY WANT IT ALL TO THEMSELVES TO HELL WITH THE OTHER 8 MILLION SOULS IN NEW JERSEY.
bye for now,
Albert D. Horner, Photographer and Pinelands Advocate


Apr 9, 2011
I think some one is butt hurt! He can't grasp that we all want pretty much the same thing but we want it to be fair to all not just one group so he's going to play like Eric Cartman and say Screw you guys I'm going home! We all need to stay the course and stand our ground because there(al and the PPA) aren't going away. Maby someone should start a petition to get Rob sent some where again and find some one who is going to be impartial and not just rubber stamp anything that the PPA wants them to do

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
The thing about certain 501c(3)'s is if there is no drum to beat, they tend to fade away. That is simply why there is always a drum, most times a perceived drum, that gets beat to a pulp.

I am for clean water, less impact on the environment, keeping the forest clean, pristine, safe, navigable, and monster trucks out the wetlands. Just like the PPA and Al.

The problem is the didactic, professorial tone. He came on here here to teach everyone, including people that may have a deeper understanding of the pine barrens than he does. He has some good points, but he refuses to have a dialogue.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Okay, group hug everybody ! Except you Al. :D
Seriously, we should all be proud that we conducted a lively, civil discussion that went (6) pages in less than 72 hours without a sleigh ride down into the Slag Heap !

Public access is obviously one of the most polarizing issues that comes across these NJPB Forums and it was good to refresh everyone's resolve on this matter.


Pine Needle Joey


Apr 9, 2011
I am for clean water, less impact on the environment, keeping the forest clean, pristine, safe, navigable, and monster trucks out the wetlands. Just like the PPA and Al.

The problem is the didactic, professorial tone. He came on here here to teach everyone, including people that may have a deeper understanding of the pine barrens than he does. He has some good points, but he refuses to have a dialogue.

We all want the same things but when you have the mindset that you can't have dialogue and what you say is the truth and everyone else is the enemy your going to be hitting a brick wall. I'm all for more enforcement out there and the more enforcement the more the idiots that are doing the damage will see that there actions are not going to be tolerated anymore the park police officers don't play and do enforce the rules but they need to be better equipped and more of them. The money is there it just needs to be spent more wisely

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
It is common science, not my will. Science wins every time in my world.

You are ridiculous. And don't accuse me of being anti-science. You know nothing about me.

None of this is true, you are wrong. Things have gotten worse and it is getting worse on a very steep uphill curve.

Jemima Mount is worse? Quarter Mile is worse?

You're a loudmouth fear mongering bully. Go away.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Despite being asked to ratchet down the rhetoric several times, I've finally had to remove Al from the website.

There is a large body of evidence that shows that the things that Al wants and the things that most all of us want are not far off. But his haughty tone, his acidic delivery, narcissism, and the way he talks down and belittles other people who disagree with him is not welcome here. Al would probably feel more at home raging on Twitter.

Since he, or his friends, will undoubtedly feel like he was silenced by the "ORV crowd" and try to make a martyr of him, I just want to set the record straight. We all want to preserve the Pinelands. There are just better, more effective ways to do it than by throwing a temper tantrum at people who could have been potential allies.

There would likely BE a MAP in place now if it hadn't been for people like Al.
Ok, final word on this diatribe because I have a life to live, family to take care of, photographs to take, images to process, working with other photographers on printing and photoshop, planning for my NJ Museum exhibit in Oct., escorting concerned citizens around the Pinelands, talking with legislators about the problems in the Pinelands, going to Pineland Commission meetings, helping guide PPA as a board member, attending Freeholder meetings, volunteering for Pinelands Projects, assist with running a photo competition about the Pinelands, staying in contact with the DEP, and giving talks to nature, civic and photo clubs about the Pinelands, and enjoying a glass of wine at the end of the day. So you see why I have to end this discussion. I will get professorial here....STOP TALKING ABOUT THE PINELANDS, GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING TO PRESERVE IT! GET A DIRECTED PURPOSE NOT JUST EVERYONES SCATTERED OPINIONS. HELP SAVE THIS MOST PRECIOUS PLACE WE HAVE IN THIS STATE!!!!! IF YOU DON'T YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE IT WILL BE UNDER 3' OF MUD FROM THE ORV CROWD IF THEY GET THERE WAY. WANT TO TALK ABOUT A GROUPS THAT WANTS TO RESTRICT ACCESS TO THE PINELANDS LOOK AT THEM. THEY WANT IT ALL TO THEMSELVES TO HELL WITH THE OTHER 8 MILLION SOULS IN NEW JERSEY.
bye for now,
Albert D. Horner, Photographer and Pinelands Advocate

Off his medications again?
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No, there were built in provisions to accommodate the hunters.

I take offense to that. I have nothing against hunters and I am friends with some of them, however, why should they or anyone else have special privileges? I and many other don't want to be on the outside while certain individuals can freely move around. That is just wrong.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
One of my favorites was Jacklyn's email to Rob saying that people from this website would be mad at first but we'd all forget about it in time.

Shows you how much her finger is on the pulse of the Pinelands. That comment irritated the hell out of me and still does. I have never met her but if we come face to face she will be reminded of it.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I am for clean water, less impact on the environment, keeping the forest clean, pristine, safe, navigable, and monster trucks out the wetlands. Just like the PPA and Al.

The problem is the didactic, professorial tone. He came on here here to teach everyone, including people that may have a deeper understanding of the pine barrens than he does. He has some good points, but he refuses to have a dialogue.

I don't believe I ever met someone that wasn't.

But their is a BIG difference between the two sides. The PPA'ers believe with all their heart that the only way to manage the Pines is THEIR way; there is no other option. Simply put, they want to be in control. Mr. Horner is a shining example of that. There can be no dialogue as none is needed, just do it our way. The term supercilious comes to mind.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
The thing about certain 501c(3)'s is if there is no drum to beat, they tend to fade away. That is simply why there is always a drum, most times a perceived drum, that gets beat to a pulp.

I was referring to the 501c comment. The "drum" is not perceived, it is real. I am with Horner about the idiots who make a fetish of riding through the pines, make videos crashing through streams, spungs, and winching themselves out. The work the PPA does to protect the pines is real, and not just the ORV issue. Al is just, as you said, supercilious about everything. It's too bad because his message gets lost.
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