My friend Pat and I went out in the woods today trying to locate Harrisville, and I think I goofed somewhere. Acording to a friend, Martha Furnace is located right off the highway there, next to the sign for Bodine Field (right by the highway, not the sign on the dirt road), and then Harrisville is on the opposite side of the road, back in the woods a bit. I found what he says is Martha Furnace, no problem (which is good, since I called to get directions him from the picnic spot right there on the lake). When I went looking for Harrisville, however (which I did on foot as my car may be a mighty '89 Toyota, but it's not that mighty), I found nothing. It wasn't a waste, as my friend and I found a lovely canoe put in spot on what was probably the Wading River, and got a nice day hike in. Also hit up Bricksbrae, Green Bank, the Pleasant Mills/Batsto Cemetary, and that really fancy neighborhood over by the Sweetwater Casino where every house has it's own marina.
Can anybody help me out, please? Was I close? Was what I thought was Martha's Furnace actually Harrisville? Where is Jimmy Hoffa? Why are the members of the Phillies pitching staff dropping like flies? Is Elvis still with us?
Can anybody help me out, please? Was I close? Was what I thought was Martha's Furnace actually Harrisville? Where is Jimmy Hoffa? Why are the members of the Phillies pitching staff dropping like flies? Is Elvis still with us?