Lebanon State Forest Project


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I drove past the shingles today and they are still there.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was out deep in the swamp in the back of the lake at Lebanon Lakes this morning and was attacked by a hornet. It first landed on my ear and I started crashing through the swamp flailing my arms to get it to leave. In the process I knocked off my glasses as I fell to the ground. For some reason it left and after 10 minutes I found my glasses stuck in a tree. I straightened them out and stood up to leave and it returned with a vengeance. A quick sting on my lower back on the left side had me running at top speed, but I was no match for it and got hit again on the right lower back. It followed me out of the swamp and partially across the upland, and as I entered the road it was finally gone. Two hikers coming by looked at them and they were really swollen already The pain was really severe so I went to the ranger station and they gave me something to wipe on it. That actually worked quite well and by the time I got home the one I put it on was much better.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Sounds like my Yellerjacket story.I got hit 13 times and also fell on my face and lost my glasses my gps too but they only follered me about 100 ft to swamps edge and then left.You must've been near the nest.They (Yellerjackets) apparently build their nests in moist spagnum when low water levels allow it.I also hit a nest of them in an open bog on Skit Branch.I have no idea where the nest was as I was knee deep in water and muck when they hit me.There was a small dead stump next to me and I assume it was in that.I have never been hit by a bald faced Hornet,they build the football and larger sized paper nests that hang in trees.I hear they hurt like hell,is that what got you?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
For the most part it was not a good day. I actually lost my glasses three times. It is really tough back behind that lake. Anyway, the final time just before I got stung I came up with a way that I would not have to deal with loosing them again. After straightening them out I did this to them.


That must have been an odd sight for the hikers I ran into ... seeing a man run out of the woods with that tied to his glasses.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
In recent weeks I have found a few interesting things. This is one of the original Lebanon concrete monuments that no longer is a corner. It is quite remote and took us three visits to find


I found this at about sunrise this morning so I had to use the flash. It is a corner stone to a Lippencott Tract and J. J. White tract that the state now owns.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Odd about that hornet Guy. Just yesterday I inserted an army headnet into the flap in the back of my day pack in case of an emergency run to the truck. I had a bald faced hornet on my deck 3 days ago snooping around, so I looked them up. Scared the hell out of me just reading it, and the one youtube video I saw really put the fear of God in me. I almost called you the other night to warn you about this time of year. Check this video out.

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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
For the most part it was not a good day. I actually lost my glasses three times. It is really tough back behind that lake. Anyway, the final time just before I got stung I came up with a way that I would not have to deal with loosing them again. After straightening them out I did this to them.

That must have been an odd sight for the hikers I ran into ... seeing a man run out of the woods with that tied to his glasses.

Quite a few years ago I lost my glasses into the river when canoeing the Toms. Found something called 'Chums' that work very well keeping them on. There are much cheaper knock-offs or you can easily make your own.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Unrelated .... have you noticed they dug rumble strips down the middle of route 70 recently? I was in the woods far from 70 last week and could hear the cars crossing them. I would imagine those who live close by may not be happy with them. Each time a car passes another car they have to cross them and they are loud when it is quiet.


Here is why they added the rumble strips on Route 70.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I don't quite understand how rumble strips would keep someone from trying to pass. It is a conscious decision to do so. I can see it helping those dozing off and moving across the center line, just as the shoulder side ones do.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Yes, they really have nothing to do with determined passing. A coworker and friend of mine was heading home (west) on 70 about 15 years ago, and a guy heading east after his job fell asleep, crossed the line, and raked the side of his car, ripping it up pretty good and putting my friend in the hospital. That is the real intention.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I could hear them again in the woods yesterday morning. They really are quite loud and if I lived along 70 I would not be happy about them being in the center.


Dec 22, 2011
I was out deep in the swamp in the back of the lake at Lebanon Lakes this morning and was attacked by a hornet. It first landed on my ear and I started crashing through the swamp flailing my arms to get it to leave. In the process I knocked off my glasses as I fell to the ground. For some reason it left and after 10 minutes I found my glasses stuck in a tree. I straightened them out and stood up to leave and it returned with a vengeance. A quick sting on my lower back on the left side had me running at top speed, but I was no match for it and got hit again on the right lower back. It followed me out of the swamp and partially across the upland, and as I entered the road it was finally gone. Two hikers coming by looked at them and they were really swollen already The pain was really severe so I went to the ranger station and they gave me something to wipe on it. That actually worked quite well and by the time I got home the one I put it on was much better.

Glad that you are okay. I carry an epi-pen everywhere because of this. I don't even know for sure that I am allergic, but there is always a chance that I, someone with me, or someone else who I come across may need it.

I've experienced similar things to what Al wrote. Just yesterday I was walking through the woods in Mercer County and I flipped over a promising looking log (looking for salamanders) and I saw a white, mushroom-cap looking ball. I couldn't figure out what it was, and then a single yellow jacket came to the top, then 4 then 18, etc. I put the log back down slowly so as not to set them off and ran like hell. I can't believe that I wasn't tagged. I also can't believe how fast a 42 year old man can sprint in hiking boots.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I noticed that but it does not just stop there. All of my posts going back years are that way. You changed the name of my webspace. Basically, every post of mine from the very beginning of the site no longer displays photo's.
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