Lines on the Pines


I am glad that a goodly number of you have signed up for the dinner and/or are planning to attend the day’s festivities. Maxwell—it will be good to have you at the infamous and rowdy “Table 9” at the dinner!! Now, for those of you still on the fence or have NOT signed up for dinner yet, you will be missing the event of a lifetime! Not only will you have great entertainment by the pros and amateurs alike, but you will get to meet and greet many of the forum subscribers that you heretofore know only by their user name—including me, your humble servant!!!

So, come on—jump off that fence, come in out of the cold, stop being a stick-in-the-mud and sign up for dinner already!! The memories you will carry home with you are worth far beyond the ticket price for admission!!

Oh, and Larry told me to tell you to “Git-R-Done”!!

Best regards,

P.S. Guy: Thanks for taking care of providing the poster for all to see!! just makes you lucky that you aren't "ecampbell" from the "Scat I.D." thread! :rofl:

Looking forward to another wonderful Lines event! See you there!


Thank you very much for the suggestion that I read the “Scat I.D.” thread!! I am still wiping the tears out of my eyes from laughter!! I can’t believe that Mr. Campbell thought he was going to get a straight answer with a set-up question like that! It sounds like something right out of vaudeville!!

Best regards,


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Linda sent out some last minute info that you may want to check out. Everyone really should read it so you know the best way to enter the building to get directly to the book signing. Also, make sure you don't confuse the info for NEXT years event with THIS years.


Here are a few last minute tidbits!

1. The Lines on the Pines event is a week from this Sunday...March 8th.
2. ---groggy Americans will turn their clocks forward one hour on Sunday March 8th at 2 a.m. (Second Sunday in March) DST.

3. The following folks in the book, People of the Pines, will definitely be at the March 8th event:
Bob Birdsall
Howard Boyd
Janet Jackson Gould
Budd Wilson
Gary Giberson
Niki Giberson
Ted Gordon
Jim Murphy & the Pine Barons

4. One of the fascinating books of the Pine Barrens, is Early Recollections and Life of Dr. James Still. A facsimile copy of this book will be available to purchase at the event….Henry Beck once said: “In the pines, they speak of him as ‘The Black Doctor.’ Probably no figure of backwoods country is greater revered or more graphically recalled. Only a few of us remember that Dr. Still wrote a book. It is from this book that the doctor’s story is best told.”

5. Two of Dr. Still’s descendents will be at the event, selling that book as well as The Underground Rail Road by William Still. The artist who did the cover of this book will have her art available too.
6. We have had a lot of interest this year including the PPA sending out the poster to all of their electronic members.

7. The NJ Pinelands Commission has put it on the state website
8. For more info on the Vienna Inn you can get there from this posting:
9. The Vienna Inn will be open for bar food and bar items from 1:00PM until they close March 8th. There are booths and tables and of course the bar for meeting, eating, greeting and interviewing throughout the day.

10. The event is most easily reached from the outside (side) Banquet entrance doorway. If that is crowded you may enter the main entrance to the Vienna Inn and walk thru the bar to the first banquet area.

9. Since the Lines on the Pine is always on the second Sunday of March...Next year it will be on Sunday, March 14th.

10. The ABC's for next year's dinner will be...About Blueberries and Cranberries. Nancy O'Mallon, documentary filmmaker has accepted the offer to be a keynote at the event.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th of March at 1PM!
Oct 25, 2006
Daylight savings time, more time for exploring the Woods, concerning Dr.Still, every time i go out to the Pines i drive past his former office, it is a shame his house is gone though, a drawing of it just is not like seeing the real thing.

It is said that the Doctor had a herbal cure for cancer, i wonder if the drug companies squashed that.

Have you been past Lenape High lately ?

Oct 25, 2006
How lately?


Past month or so, the new wings on the school are basically finished, i could not really tell on the progress on the new sod fields.

If you haven't been there lately, on the way to the Pines Wednesday i will take some pics for you.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No need to. I usually take the next road over to get home and can swing by. It has really changed since I went to school there way back in the stone age. I remember sitting in class all through January and February and all one saw was snow in the corn fields. Not like that today for various reasons.

Oct 25, 2006
No need to. I usually take the next road over to get home and can swing by. It has really changed since I went to school there way back in the stone age. I remember sitting in class all through January and February and all one saw was snow in the corn fields. Not like that today for various reasons.


Did the Johnson's own that Farm then across Hartford Road ?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yes, but it was no where near as involved as it is today. It was just a farm stand basically.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002