Lines on the Pines


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Please remember to set your clocks ahead!

Vienna Inn
920 W. White Horse Pike
Egg Harbor City/ Cologne

Free Events 1pm -4pm
Buffet Dinner 4:30 pm


Sep 7, 2005
Please remember to set your clocks ahead!
Vienna Inn
920 W. White Horse Pike
Egg Harbor City/ Cologne
Free Events 1pm -4pm
Buffet Dinner 4:30 pm

Good advice Guy. It is with regrets I offer the following. We have had a few deaths this week, yes a few in a week, resulting in viewings. Two are over but one is smack between 2:00 and 4:00 tomorrow in Berlin. As much as I have waited all year to meet many of you fine folks and some, again... There is no way I can make the day event and will miss many of you socially. I am making every effort to be there by the dinner though to share with friends.
It seems silly but I really look forward to meeting folks from this little community. This particular viewing though, I must attend.
To add insult to injury, we've been fighting a little illness which had me on the fence against coming but I think I pulled through. My wife however ain't gonna make it. (And she loved everyone's company last year, even you Bob)
Anyhoo, I'll be there but quite late so as to miss pre dinner activities.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
So, how was it?

I thought it went good. I was not real impressed with the room itself, but the food was good enough, and the room was spacious. The had a lot of door prizes. Guy got "A Nest of Pirates" and I got a Batsto Christmas ornament.

Harold Boyd gave a great speech for a 95 year old guy. He spoke about the need for all of us to stand up for the Pine Barrens in all aspects of our lives, and to continue the good fight. He is very disappointed in several areas, such as the Sanctuary debacle in Medford, and the dump closing in Manahawkin.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
So, how was it?

I'll have you know that me, my wife, Largo, Hinchman's Hill and Long-A-Coming were the only ones that stood up to be cpounted when asked who was representin' NJPB.
They separated the table niners this year and Bob, Guy, Gabe, Jess and Chuck got placed together.
They looked like a table full of morticians.

Seriously, I went to hear Howard Boyd while he is still with us and to see my NJPB bretheren.
It was good to meet Chuck and Jerseyman was the consummate MC for the evening.
Linda Stanton did a great job pulling this off.

Sadly, my wife and I are not an artsy kind of people and I can't stay awake long enough to read the cover from a book anymore, so the art and books don't interest us all that much.
I bought a bottle of honey for my morning Cheerios.
I guess I would rather be deep in the pines than rubbing elbows with an artist who drew them. (Except for Terry S.)

The food was sub-par for $33.00 a pop, in my opinion.
Dinner consisted of very basic wedding chow (chicken marsala and ziti) served lukewarm.
No table wine thrown in this year and I had JD on the rocks at $7.00 per. :cry:
Sears wine was $5.00 for a very small glass.

I actually had a better time yesterday morning dragging my wife kicking and screaming through a briar infested swamp along the Skit Branch with my son and his dog.
My wife won't admit it but she enjoyed it too.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I do hear you about the food. You are right. If the $30 is going to go towards the door prizes, then I don't want to pay for that. I'd rather eat damn well for $30 a head than "hope" for a door prize.


Sep 7, 2005
So, how was it?

I woulda posted last eve' but actually hadda rush home to tend to something. (I've had too much excitement this week)
I was really pleased to meet the very energetic Chuck (no, not a pun on how many littlin's he's got) Very nice fellow. Good meeting you as well Mike.
Gabe, sorry but I had actually so little dialogue with you. Not intentional.
Guy, always good to see you and perhaps seeing Jess as the true lady she is, you were best served at table not 9.
Seeing Terry S. is never boring. Gotta lover her!
Hinchman I am happy you were the man who shared my extra ticket yet were so adamant about paying for it. A gentleman. Although as you could see, you picked the wrong table. Good seeing you. Glad you are secure enough as a man to sport a Lynn Mossop tag.

I continue to be amazed at how Linda puts this together. She really is great and deserves kudos. Jerseyman, always the gracious host. I must thank him as well tenfold! I simply came too late to the early event and was only able to speak to one exhibitor who was a friend. I missed the chance to meet the one and only person who's book I wanted to buy and have signed and Jerseyman went well out of his way to correct that during dinner. Thank you so much!

I will echo Scott!!! shame, shame those at table faux 9 (6).
Wear your NJPB hearts proudly. None of you stood when called out.
I tried Lawd knows but you guys are toooo serious. My take home seedling was more spirited. We definately had fun.
Scott.... do we know yet why the musician at our table looked as though he flatlined on us for a bit?
Tom, you're always a pleasure but it seems you don't get me.
Scott and Dott are just fantastic to hang and joke with.
Do not!!! engage Dott politically! you will lose. Tenacious "D" fits her.
I got no door prize so stuff your stinking ornament Bob.
Kiddin', I wasn't there for prizes.
Know this. The real table 9 will always, as seen, rise above.

Our keynote speaker was an inspiration and a shining example of who I look so hard for whence I look to listen. Lucid, crisp, bright, well spoken, all and more. He and the likes of Budd Wilson truly have me believing there's something in the water.

The food... meh. The place I thought was very nice although yes that particular room had a different feel about it. Not bad or anything. I did pick up on your note by the way Bob.
The booze was pricey. Thank goodness I don't drink a lot or anything.
All in all I needed the evening and it delivered just nicely.
I will support Gabe's sentiment with no disrespect to the Vienna.
The Sweetwater was just a cool old joint for this. It is missed.
I wish you could have made it Ben.



Feb 4, 2009
a the pines
Thank you George & Scott (Dottie too!) for the kind words. I had a fantastic view of the event...sorry for the poor quality of the photo....I'm still without my own camera.....


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Mar 28, 2005
Berlin Twp
Great time seeing the brothers and sisters of the pines yesterday. I felt lucky to hear Boyd speak so well and with such serious purpose.
It had been too long since I've kicked back with some good folks.

Hinchman I am happy you were the man who shared my extra ticket yet were so adamant about paying for it. A gentleman. Although as you could see, you picked the wrong table. Good seeing you.

Thanks very much for making the ticket available, and I am happy to have been able to be a member of inverted table 5, and to have the up close and personal opportunity to observe your aeronautic skills.

Glad you are secure enough as a man to sport a Lynn Mossop tag.

In the immortal words of Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, "I was a better man with you as a woman than I ever was with a woman as a man. Know what I mean?"

Great summary, Scott, and my sentiments exactly. It did my heart good to realize that here's a man who has written several important books, and that he wrote his first one at age 76 -- that's an inspiration for those of us who are definitely in the second half of this ballgame.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Poor Gabe fell asleep before 94 year old Harold Boyd did.
Of course Mr. Boyd probably didn't imbibe a belly full of high octane micro brews prior to launch.