I woulda posted last eve' but actually hadda rush home to tend to something. (I've had too much excitement this week)
I was really pleased to meet the very energetic Chuck (no, not a pun on how many littlin's he's got) Very nice fellow. Good meeting you as well Mike.
Gabe, sorry but I had actually so little dialogue with you. Not intentional.
Guy, always good to see you and perhaps seeing Jess as the true lady she is, you were best served at table not 9.
Seeing Terry S. is never boring. Gotta lover her!
Hinchman I am happy you were the man who shared my extra ticket yet were so adamant about paying for it. A gentleman. Although as you could see, you picked the wrong table. Good seeing you. Glad you are secure enough as a man to sport a Lynn Mossop tag.
I continue to be amazed at how Linda puts this together. She really is great and deserves kudos. Jerseyman, always the gracious host. I must thank him as well tenfold! I simply came too late to the early event and was only able to speak to one exhibitor who was a friend. I missed the chance to meet the one and only person who's book I wanted to buy and have signed and Jerseyman went well out of his way to correct that during dinner. Thank you so much!
I will echo Scott!!! shame, shame those at table faux 9 (6).
Wear your NJPB hearts proudly. None of you stood when called out.
I tried Lawd knows but you guys are toooo serious. My take home seedling was more spirited. We definately had fun.
Scott.... do we know yet why the musician at our table looked as though he flatlined on us for a bit?
Tom, you're always a pleasure but it seems you don't get me.
Scott and Dott are just fantastic to hang and joke with.
Do not!!! engage Dott politically! you will lose. Tenacious "D" fits her.
I got no door prize so stuff your stinking ornament Bob.
Kiddin', I wasn't there for prizes.
Know this. The real table 9 will always, as seen, rise above.
Our keynote speaker was an inspiration and a shining example of who I look so hard for whence I look to listen. Lucid, crisp, bright, well spoken, all and more. He and the likes of Budd Wilson truly have me believing there's something in the water.
The food... meh. The place I thought was very nice although yes that particular room had a different feel about it. Not bad or anything. I did pick up on your note by the way Bob.
The booze was pricey. Thank goodness I don't drink a lot or anything.
All in all I needed the evening and it delivered just nicely.
I will support Gabe's sentiment with no disrespect to the Vienna.
The Sweetwater was just a cool old joint for this. It is missed.
I wish you could have made it Ben.