More Eco Terrorism?

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Helllo All,

Some friends of mine were in the pines on a Sunday ride and discovered these in one of the 2 track puddles they were going thorough, luckily no flats, hopefully my attachment is good, if not pics are in my gallery.



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Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
I'm not sure if I want to gove up the exact, but it was near Carranza and Hampton. By looking at these there has to be more out there somewhere. These 2 were cut from one piece of 8" I-beam, but they are different lengths. I-beam is not easy to cut with a torch as these were, it takes some skill and a while on beam this size.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
As far as alerting the authorities, If I could find a ranger I would. Plan on taking them to Batsto this weekend. I am hesitant to give up the exact location due to the fact there are many lurkers on many boards that just may be the culprit. If they don't know its missing, they can't replace it. I have seen the spikes in boards while riding 2 wheel out there as well. I remember reading a post on here about someone catching the person that was sawing sections from the rail bridges, did anything come of that?

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
As far as alerting the authorities, If I could find a ranger I would. Plan on taking them to Batsto this weekend. I am hesitant to give up the exact location due to the fact there are many lurkers on many boards that just may be the culprit. If they don't know its missing, they can't replace it. I have seen the spikes in boards while riding 2 wheel out there as well. I remember reading a post on here about someone catching the person that was sawing sections from the rail bridges, did anything come of that?

Most rangers on duty will be in Wharton this weekend..

You need to bring them here::

District Headquarters Region 1
31 Batsto Rd
Hammonton, NJ 08037
(609) 561-6656
Fax (609) 704-1892
Region Commander:
Lieutenant Carmel Capoferri
Assistant District Commander:
Sgt. Scott DiCesare


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
south jersey
regardless of lurkers- we should really get the location. Not that I'd want to have to fix a tire or something on my jeep, I can't imagine what it would do to a motorcyclist. My husband and son were riding in that area last weekend...On top of that- my friends and I ride our horses around Caranza Rd all the time. We do our best to stay out of the puddles, but it can't always be avoided... these goofy tree huggers don't use their heads do they?

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
If anyone comes across someone or a group doing this sort of activity, it should be reported, pull out your camera or cell phone and take a picture of them in the act, if they are on foot, their car is very close-by so snap a picture of the cars and tags. The Rangers, State Park Police and a division of the State Police (racing commission) have stated in a meeting with a group of motorized vehicle users that they would investigate and prosecute any vandalism or booby trapping within the forest. Even as little as dragging dead fall trees and branched into firecuts, as it would be a bridge for a fire to jump the fire cut


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
Please Contact Law Enforcement

These spikes could have killed a motorcyclist if one hit them under water. Combined with the other stories I have heard of wires being strung across trees, it has become clear that we have a true terrorist on our hands who must be dealt with swiftly and severely.

The FBI and local law enforcement must be contacted to begin a serious investigation into these booby traps. Whoever hiked through the woods to place these traps must have left evidence and can be caught. They need to be found and brought to justice now.

Please go to the Police or FBI with any evidence you can find and DEMAND an investigation.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
OK ,approximate coordinates are 39.766292 74.661026. They were found in one of the large puddles on High Crossing Road on your way from Hampton Furnace to High Crossing. There is a lot of damage at Hampton and at High Crossing from vehicles as well. Some of the holes on High Crossing Road are almost impassable unless you have a decent sized vehicle. Now, with this discovery, I think I'll change my route as well. I will be using the contact information provided by Medford Piney to report these items.


Nov 21, 2008
man thats horriable , i would not be happy , im always out in that area ! someone was doing that out towards lacey and forked river not long ago , these people need to be stopped !!!!!!!!!! tires on my truck are over 200 bucks a peice


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
They have to be intended for 4x4 users who this person thinks is destroying the woods in that location. There are many people who are not happy with what they have damaged there.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
They have to be intended for 4x4 users who this person thinks is destroying the woods in that location. There are many people who are not happy with what they have damaged there.


Agreed. I am in the camp of wishing a lot of the 4x4 thrill-seekers would go somewhere else, but this is stupid and counter-productive. Aside from the destructiveness and possible danger to life and limb, those things aren't going to keep any 4x4 owner out of the woods. It will just cause them to drive around the existing puddles and do even more damage.


Jul 29, 2007
Both sides are in the wrong, 4x4ers should not be permitted to destroy the forest and the "Eco Terrorist" obviously should not be putting in booby traps that could hurt a non 4x4er.

I cant really say which is worse, a person that is passionate enough about there cause to hurt or maim someone or a moron with big tires that does not respect the woods. Hopefully they all get caught and dealt with swiftly and harshly


Jan 10, 2010
I agree these are dangerous. I personally hunt the are as well as 4x4 in the area. when i wheel in the area, i stay on marked roads and trails. I do not go into area that are not permitted. and i do report when i come acrross people doing inapropriate things. I have also blocked them in place untill rangers arrive. IF everyoen could just respect the grounds and do what is right "Tread Lightly" we would all get along.

I have gotten exctreammly bad looks when a group of us wheels pull up to Apple Pie Hill in our rigs form hikers. But then they change there attitude when they see us bust out trash bags and start cleaning up all the crap and we haul it away. There is alot of trash now including windows and large tv's, and bunch of us are heading there this weekend to haul it out.


Nov 21, 2008
Both sides are in the wrong, 4x4ers should not be permitted to destroy the forest and the "Eco Terrorist" obviously should not be putting in booby traps that could hurt a non 4x4er.

I cant really say which is worse, a person that is passionate enough about there cause to hurt or maim someone or a moron with big tires that does not respect the woods. Hopefully they all get caught and dealt with swiftly and harshly

To hurt a non 4x4er ?? So it's ok to hurt someone who is out there in a 4x4 ? That's a total douche bag statement and makes you no better then the person who put them there or the person out there in a 4x4