So I ask the question again....I don't understand the urgency for putting this fire out........ It's not in an area near any homes........ If it is where I understand it to be, it is in an area that needs to be cleaned out of lots of kindling and underbrush. I can understand the urgency to contain it, but not for putting it out. Am I wrong?
Side note:
Speaking from experience a few years ago in the pines- May be wise to avoid the actual burned area for a day or two following the fire......Or, do so and expect to be: flagged down/stopped, questioned at length, and then asked if your map can be examined by the d**khead in the firefighter/officer uniform.( I agreed to let him look at them-I had nothing to hide). Then you may be told, "Uuuhh, nah, get outta here, this road's closed".
Lol, what an overpaid ignoramus. Hopefully there's not many on the front line like this guy was.
'Wrong' according to whom? I.E., No, of course you're not. But do you think you'll hear that from many people, if you ask?
Bottom line is, the powers that be in this case don't have the knowledge and/or balls to tell the guys to stand down and just keep an eye on things once they could confidently say it was more or less contained from doing harm to any citizens or their structures........So they took the old head/simpler route, and just go head and put it out. maybe to do otherwise would just mean too many questions to answer, too many angry emails and phone calls to field/reply to. Understandable, but I agree it's dissapointing.
Bottom line, fire suppression is here to stay. Even in the pines, to some degree. And so the forest and everything that lives there suffers as a result....Ok 'suffers' may be an overstatement; 'Is forced to adapt or fades away'...?
You get the point.
This is rich.Watch the entire clip. She is real people!
Wear black pants and I won't take my white dogs.Plenty of nice exploring in that area now.
This is rich.Watch the entire clip. She is real people!
Hey Bob, now I know what you do with all that retirement time.
What search term so you use to find that stuff?
I actually liked it, very clever. Kapooya, Kapooya, I got me a new expletive.
To get back to your point, I don't think the forest is suffering from the fact that they don't let fires burn out of control all the time. They do plenty of controlled burns each year, and the odd fire like this one happens every now and then. This one burned a lot of forest and then they put it out. I'm okay with that rather than them let it spread to all of Wharton or something.
Hey Guy, Does this uncover any stones you couldn't find?