ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
So according to the Inquirer article posted in the newspaper article section, the maps won't be released until the end of summer??!!
I'm guessing the closing of roads is expected to take that long? Could be a lot of closures


New Member
Feb 4, 2004
Pemberton, NJ
First they came for OHV's (non-registrable ATV's & dirtbikes). Then they came for the organized, street-legal motorcycle community. Now they're coming for the Jeeps/trucks/4 wheeled recreationist.

Nobody complained when the OHV's were banned. Outside of the East Coast Enduro Association & affiliated clubs, not many have spoken up about our legally held events being restricted to dirt roads. Now they even want the roads too...

In NJ, to give-up an inch or letting them take an inch of access away from the public just emboldens those who don't respect responsible forest management & public involvement in protecting those resources. Those resources our tax dollars pay for! Time to get vocal, call out the DEP & their failed policies & lack of transparency!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ

A small token... We need bumper stickers and t-shirts :clint:

To whomever the original picture belongs, let me know if you want me to pull it.
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Joseph Springer

New Member
Jul 27, 2015
The ECEA has been actively campaigning against the highhanded imposition of restrictions in the Wharton Forest in the past five years. You may want to view the following video to see our position and what we have been fighting.
Auermuller's number is 609-561-0024
Auermuller works for Tom Keck who works for John Trontis, who works for mark Texel who works for Rich Boornazian - you may want to call him in Trenton 609-292-3541 to express your views.
We have had meetings with the bureaucrats in Trenton and have had a write-in and call-in campaign and have demonstrated in Trenton in front of the Statehouse.
Everything the park service are doing is also ignoring the Pinelands Commission (they are actually the good guys - please do not go after the Pinelands Commission) The PPA however is another story. It is led by an attorney from DC recently arrived - by Piney standards.
We are two years into this battle.
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Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I will be writing all of my State reps tomorrow.
In the meantime, I started a thread on New Jersey Hunter in the Conservation forum a on the topic. I was sadly surprised that most of the hunters that read it had no problem with the closures.

I wrote this tonight on there in response:
Thanks everyone for reading this thread. To me, what is going on hits very close to home because I live within 80' of a Wharton boundary. I have lived here 32 years and am fortunate enough to be able to walk out the door to hunt, fish and trap. I started hunting Atsion and Batsto in 1968 with my late father.

This is not about a little extra walking. At age 57 I walk more in a week in these State woods hunting or exercising our dogs than most people will walk in a year.

What this is about is the loss of one of our basic freedoms on public lands. In case no one has been paying attention, we are living in an era where the President of the United States can literally change things with the stroke of a pen using executive powers. On a smaller scale, we are witnessing that now. To the best of my knowledge and a lot of other people's knowledge, no governmental entity has properly or formally authorized the Wharton Superintendent or the Pinelands Preservation Alliance to act on this issue by closing roads.

25 years ago when my kids were little I would take them to special areas along the Mullica east of 206 that were easily accessible with a stock 4WD. Both of them grew up to be ethical hunters and woodsmen and they remember those trips like they took place yesterday. If anyone has ever tried to keep a 5 and 6 year old happy and well fed while fishing, swimming and tubing in one afternoon, you can appreciate being able to transport your gear with your truck to your spot. These areas are still easily physically accessible, not located in environmentally sensitive areas and remain undamaged. Now they are barricaded for no good reason.

Curtailing environmental damage has been done successfully very close to Atsion in an area known as Quarter Mile through stepped-up patrols and stiff enforcement. That is certainly warranted. A shotgun approach to road closures is NOT what is warranted.

I just want to make sure that everyone who hunts Wharton or enjoys it for hundreds of other activities is aware of their loss of freedom. It's happening now and it's happening without the public's input or consent.

Thanks for your time.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Excellent write up!!! I think it was mentioned already but practically the entire great swamp is locked out. I saw that hunting forum and was also surprised by the lack of empathy. I also noticed that a lot of them kept referring to the pineys, there by indicating that they were not locals themselves. that makes a big difference.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Excellent write up!!! I think it was mentioned already but practically the entire great swamp is locked out. I saw that hunting forum and was also surprised by the lack of empathy. I also noticed that a lot of them kept referring to the pineys, there by indicating that they were not locals themselves. that makes a big difference.

Do you have a link to that site Jeff?

Medford Piney

Feb 25, 2008
Those signs, both the 2 stickers and the plastic posts are the same ones used by the PPA and NJCF in and around the Parker Preserve.....

If I had to guess...

Mordecai = Russel or some like-minded PPA minion