ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was just on the PPA's Facebook page. They have posted pictures showing the "devastation". None of them are roads. A freshly burnt Jemima Mount. That's been closed off for years and yet vehicles still drive up it. I pile of tv's? This new map will surely stop somebody from dumping.:rolleyes: And the rest are just sand pits. I doubt anybody here would have a problem closing them off. Those pictures only work on people who don't go out in the pines.

That is true. Jessica now calls them Minions.


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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I was daydreaming at work today and realized that this situation is the more recent generations Jet Port that was fought decades ago.

I understand your point that this is a big fight, but it's hardly the same kind of thing. Back then, they were going to develop the pines and we would have lost them forever. I actually find the situation today rather ironic. Usually we worry that the pines will not be adequately protected, but now we are upset because they're being over-protected. :)
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Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
I stopped at few businesses and a hunting club on the way home from work friday with information flyers.

On Monday, I will stop at Harry's AN/Cheyenne Mountain Outfitters and Sportsmens Center... they are about the biggest around in the Burlington County area. Both will be having their huge fall hunting sales this month.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I stopped at few businesses and a hunting club on the way home from work friday with information flyers.

Can you post a copy of the flyer we could print off? If a compromise isn't reached soon, and I doubt it will be, there are several big outdoor events coming up in September. I think the Batsto VC and the Atsion ranger station are also excellent locations for flyers.


New Member
Aug 7, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Joe, you can't swing fully the other way on this issue, It will definitely end up hurting the cause. Your post indicates it is okay to go anywhere, that the damage will heal itself. There are those of us who still do enjoy the forest in its natural state. It should not have to be torn all the hell to enjoy it. You want photos of damage? I have plenty. You need to promote a balance here, you cannot have a free for all out there in sensitive areas.

I undestand the point. But when push comes to shove I value liberty and freedom above all else. Besides people will do what they want when they want despite any restrictions. That's been proven over and over.

How do you stop them? You can't - you can only punish them after the fact. But will this make them comply or just generate anger? Is it a good thing to force ohter to do what the do not want to?

I think the core of the problem is not the forest. It goes deeper than that. We need to change our thinking to find better solutions.

I think the solution is change the perspective of the forest to more than a playground. If you respect it on the way in you will respect it on the way out. But that takes a lot of work and the powers that be have no time it. They want personal gain out it.

If you want tos ee destruction go to hidden lakes. I have photos too.

My point is that old solutions will not work and in my opinion they will never work.

Maybe we should try solutions that promote freedom and liberty. There are other options.
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Don Catts

Aug 5, 2012
Indian Mills
Here is my take on this whole thing, in a nut shell. (me personally)
I have never been on most of these road. I will probably never go on any of them. However, I will never accept anyone telling me where I can and cannot go on my own property, without my input. Especially if this is only phase one.
In every war since the revolution I had ancestors who fought and died so I would not be ruled without representation. I know that this is on a very small scale, but we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. (As far as I know this means all the people)

P.S. Remember, united we stand, etc. Don


Apr 15, 2013
Good place to hand those flyers out would be the decoy show in Tuckerton, cranberry festival in Chatsworth, and the batsto festival.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
A sad day today. I took a long drive today with my son. Sandy Causeway looks horrible. I did go down a road that is supposed to be closed but I did so only because I noticed work had been done to it. I followed the improved road and eventually got to another road that is supposed to be open. They can't even agree on what roads are closed. With that said. I noticed the same pink ribbons marking Batsto fire line road that are on Sandy Causeway. I can only assume it's going to get the same devastating treatment. Their plan is moving forward each day. I did pass a FFS plow working today but it was nobody I knew so I continued on. A ride down Tuckerton road or Sandy Causeway will give everyone a taste what our "legal" roads are going to look like. I could collect just as many pictures as Al has showing devastation but these are done by machines in the name of preservation. The natural state of these roads are being destroyed each day. A very sad day.
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Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
This is a version of the flier that Ben has, but I know he had some revision suggestions. I'm hoping we can get a direct link to a easily printable format of this page. If I play with font size it will all fit on one page. Feel free to play around with it and add pictures or graphics.

I was simply trying to get a summary and call to action out to affected parties ASAP.


Have you noticed brown fiberglass posts labeled 'No Motorized Vehicles' spring up around our public lands in Wharton State Forest? These closures are part of the State Park Service's new Motorized Access Plan which was forged in secrecy and is reported to be closing 55% of the roads in Wharton State Forest. Visual inspection of the recently released map suggests the closure may affect as much as 70-90% of the roads in Wharton, but it is also unlikely State Park administration is fully aware of how many roads actually exist. They only know and care about what they will be 'kind enough' to ALLOW to remain open on the "State's Land!"

This plan represents a blanket closure of virtually ALL narrow interior woods roads and non-through roads that lead to points of interest, while citing motorized damage for the closures. Don't believe the hype, irresponsible damage is already illegal and is quite simply an enforcement issue. Additionally, the explanations being given by the administration are NOT consistent with the types of roads being closed.

The remainder of the still open major roads will be 'rehabilitated' into wide, graded orange clay/gravel roads which will likely be dusty and heavily washboarded in short time with all traffic focused on so few roads. These wide graded roads, made of non-natural earth, represent a HUGE environmental impact themselves and will forever change the inherent charm of Wharton. This closed-door shift in policy is the largest and most negative change in the management of Wharton State Forest since it was purchased in 1957.

What can you do?
Contact your local pine barren's municipality.
Contact your local representatives for Trenton
Call Governor Christie: 609-292-6000
Call Lt. Gov. Guadagno: 609-777-2581
Call Director Bob Martin DEP: 609-292-2885
Call Mark Texel, Head of the State Park Service: 609-292-2773

Tell them:
* You are concerned by the lack of transparency and public involvement in reaching this decision.
* You are concerned this closure is not consistent with the plan of conservation under which the Wharton Tract was originally bought and paid for, by tax payers.
* You are concerned the closure of many of these 100+ year old roads will negatively impact accessibility of cultural and historic sites, which will in time be lost to NJ.
* You feel this closure unfairly affects veterans, the very old, the very young, and the disabled.
* You are concerned about the severe negative effects these closures will have on Hunting, Fishing, Canoeing/Kayaking, and many, MANY other forms of recreation.
* You are concerned about the State Park Service's close relationship with special-interest groups, such as the Pinelands Preservations Alliance, and you are wonder if these closures may more closely represent the interests of these groups than the publicly stated purposes of the closures.

Be polite, be honest, but BE FIRM. This land BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE and motorized access should remain open for ALL to enjoy EVERYTHING it has to offer!
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I want the roads open also and I don't own a monster truck or ATV. And the vast majority of the users of these roads follow the law. You have been here long enough to know the facts so you must not be reading much on the site.


New Member
Aug 2, 2015
Your absolutely right about the land,
And everyone should be able to use it, I hunt those woods, I ride those woods and I take my niece and nephew to geocache, all done respectfully! As do many of the thousands that use them, for What Ever, reason! I had by far be have a mudhole hindering me and others from doing what they desire than an alignment of trees laying across roads, hindering the person who walks,bikes,horseback rides, hunts or the emergency vehicles that need to access, Everyone! Deserves to enjoy the history and the heritage that we are denied!
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
So I am hearing that the FFS is "most likely" not going to fix the road from High Crossing to Quarter Mile. The reason being is that they would have to bring the complete state of PA "and all of its invasive bugs :D" to fill in all of the puddles.

Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
Pineyprincess: I don't own a monster truck or an ATV. I drive a Subaru... and I want all legitimate roads open, which contrary to misinformation, is the vast majority of those affected by the closure plan.

I want to access Wharton's PUBLIC lands for dozens of reasons... none of which should ever need to be justified to a vocal minority with connections.
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Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
I would love to see some of those pictures.

I posted some pictures of the road renovations he is referencing last night on page #24 of this thread. If there is anything else you are looking for let me know.
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