ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton


Jan 13, 2012
So I am hearing that the FFS is "most likely" not going to fix the road from High Crossing to Quarter Mile. The reason being is that they would have to bring the complete state of PA "and all of its invasive bugs :D" to fill in all of the puddles.

Just a little FYI. The dirt is not from PA. It is Bank Run Gravel from not very far away. There is no clay in it at all. And that is a fact!
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I never heard of that place. A quick search and Wall NJ comes up. Is that it?


Jan 13, 2012
I never heard of that place. A quick search and Wall NJ comes up. Is that it?

It is the type of dirt called bank run gravel right out of the Pine Barrens not a place. You can find the same similar dirt right at Arpins in Chatsworth. Same type of dirt. And it is native to the Pine Barrens.


New Member
Jul 21, 2015
Here is my take on this whole thing, in a nut shell. (me personally)
I have never been on most of these road. I will probably never go on any of them. However, I will never accept anyone telling me where I can and cannot go on my own property, without my input. Especially if this is only phase one.
In every war since the revolution I had ancestors who fought and died so I would not be ruled without representation. I know that this is on a very small scale, but we are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. (As far as I know this means all the people)

P.S. Remember, united we stand, etc. Don

Hey Don, who's saying you can't go to any part of Wharton State forest? You can go to every inch.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
It is the type of dirt called bank run gravel right out of the Pine Barrens not a place. You can find the same similar dirt right at Arpins in Chatsworth. Same type of dirt. And it is native to the Pine Barrens.
I did look a little closer. It is simply gravel. I'm not a geologist nor do I try to be. It is a little darker then what I usually see but that is probably simply because it was just dug up.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills

Just one example in thousands of why there is a need to restrict vehicle access.
Looks like something that can be resolved by enforcing rules that are already in affect. I don't see how denying the rights of someone who wants to drive down a road that they have driven down hundreds of times without causing any damage would prevent this from happening.
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ

Just one example in thousands of why there is a need to restrict vehicle access.
That was never a road. And was never legal and I don't condone it. It is also 1/2 a mile from the ranger station off a highly traveled road and yet they still got away with it. If you think a few plastic signs and a map is going to stop them you're crazy.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2015
Looks like something that can be resolved by enforcing rules that are already in affect. I don't see how denying the rights of someone who wants to drive down a road that they have driven down hundreds of times without causing any damage would prevent this from happening.

The current enforcement plan is not working, as seen in the thousands of videos on youtube of vehicle abuse in our forest. A new strategy is warranted.
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Greg OBrien

Mar 22, 2011
This nonsense is just the smoke and mirrors being used to ram more closures down the publics throat. Another step toward taking the land away forever. Even NEW closures will still require enforcement or they are just a gesture. Proper enforcement will require communication between SPS and SPP, targeted surveillance, and commitment.

For the past 5 years, the SPS and SPP could've been sitting on the railroad tracks next to 1/4 Mile with binoculars and a picnic lunch, mailing citations to the registration address of stuck drivers. Citations that require a mandatory court appearance. BUT that wouldn't of supported the closure plan... dare I say it? It might of ACTUALLY worked!

My conscience is clean, I would NOT have been found there... Russ and Al might've had a few bad days though.

I dare SPS or PPA to deny these facts and failures. These abuses are their failures in management after all. Failures that we are now expected to pay for? BS.

Examples of real management and enforcement of modern problems (note, none of these roads were closed afterwards):


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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
The current enforcement plan is not working, as seen in the thousands of videos on youtube of vehicle abuse in our forest. A new strategy is warranted.
Could you please tell me how this new plan is going to help stop this. Other then limiting the law abiding people and reducing the chance of of them getting reported. I spent the day yesterday inspecting those plastic signs. At at least two locations there are tracks going in or out right over or around them. Tell me have there been any citations given in these new areas. The people you are targeting are kids, either by age or maturity, and if you have kids you know empty threats don't work. Quads have been illegal since 2003 that didn't work too well. I don't see a rush of off-road vehicles going up for sale so I doubt the targeted people are taking it seriously.

PS. Save your propaganda videos for the people who just click donate on the PPA website.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ

Just one example in thousands of why there is a need to restrict vehicle access.

Did you file a complaint with the SP police against this vehicle owner? I sincerely doubt it, although it is very easy to do; Pennsylvania plate 449-XLY, and you have video proof. As the saying goes, 'If you see something, say something'. Better yet, take a photo with the GPS co-ords, then report it.
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Apr 4, 2011

Just one example in thousands of why vehicle access is needed. (Sullivan Wounded Warrior Project)