Pine Barren History Shorts


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
December 20, 1937

Deer Hunters Jailed For Does, Illegal Gun


Three more deer hunters are serving time in the Burlington County jail as the result of violations of the game laws while they were hunting in the deer woods on Saturday. Two of the number had a doe in their possession, and another was armed with a gun that would shoot more than twice without reloading.

Samuel W. Batchelor, 27, or Thorofare, and George Biddle, 32, of Mantua, were arrested by Game Warden Roy R. Carson, of Medford, with a doe in their possession. They were arraigned before Justice of the Peace William Stewart, of Chatsworth, and fined $100 and costs of $7.50 each were imposed. In default of payment they were committed to jail for 90 days each.

Harry A. Springer, Jr., of Pennsgrove, was the third prisoner. Justice Stewart imposed a fine of $20 and $7.50 costs. Being unable to pay he took a 30 day sentence in the county jail.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Good lord, kind of stiff justice. I read a story about Gary Driscoll today, of Tuckerton (by Gud!). He and his family have a long history in the bay and the pines. In the story he was talking about the past: "A lot has changed. Deer hunting - we had to use buckshot - never rifle shot. Does were illegal, baiting was illegal, and we only had a six day firearm season. That was it". I knew that, but he brought it all back. Now he just goes out several miles a day looking for antlers, and just to be out there. Sounds like a good team member for PBX.
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Apr 4, 2011
Food for thought. In 1937, the deer population was still recovering from being hunted to an estimated population of two hundred animals thirty(?) years earlier and that there were only three dozen game wardens state wide. These hunters had the best of luck and the worst of luck at the same time.


Nov 19, 2023
Sea Isle City, NJ
December 20, 1937

Deer Hunters Jailed For Does, Illegal Gun


Three more deer hunters are serving time in the Burlington County jail as the result of violations of the game laws while they were hunting in the deer woods on Saturday. Two of the number had a doe in their possession, and another was armed with a gun that would shoot more than twice without reloading.

Samuel W. Batchelor, 27, or Thorofare, and George Biddle, 32, of Mantua, were arrested by Game Warden Roy R. Carson, of Medford, with a doe in their possession. They were arraigned before Justice of the Peace William Stewart, of Chatsworth, and fined $100 and costs of $7.50 each were imposed. In default of payment they were committed to jail for 90 days each.

Harry A. Springer, Jr., of Pennsgrove, was the third prisoner. Justice Stewart imposed a fine of $20 and $7.50 costs. Being unable to pay he took a 30 day sentence in the county jail.
Wow, another example of how awful it was living in the depression. Could you imagine not being able to raise $27.50 to keep yourself out of jail for 30 days? The inflation calculator puts that amount at $599.06 today. With today’s easy credit, almost anybody can get their hands on that. And even if they can’t, no judge would throw them in jail. They’d work out a payment program.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Wow, another example of how awful it was living in the depression. Could you imagine not being able to raise $27.50 to keep yourself out of jail for 30 days? The inflation calculator puts that amount at $599.06 today. With today’s easy credit, almost anybody can get their hands on that. And even if they can’t, no judge would throw them in jail. They’d work out a payment program.
And just think one thing this country was supposed to have trashed when we broke from England was debtors prisons.That applies to me owing you or you owing me but try stiffing the government for too much tax money and see where you end up.


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I found a newspaper article where my grand father’s grand father was arrested along with his brother for possessing a doe and fawn. They were held on $200 bail for each in 1913.
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