Managed to get a nice sunburn to remind my of my visit, but it was well worth it!
Pine Barren sunburn

Managed to get a nice sunburn to remind my of my visit, but it was well worth it!
Where else did the fire hit?
Is this some sort of hunter's blind?
A photographic offering from the Gremlins. I apologize in advance, our previously great camera was sent out for repair and it isn't right. Everything's out of focus. It may be a setting or something, but we can't figure it out. It may have to go back to Canon.
Too bad about the OOF (out of focus). Nice shots anyway. Is there a manual focus feature on that camera? Maybe it was set to manual.
That marker is interesting. Was their letters on all sides or just this one? Did it appear that the bottom letter we see is the final letter? Does it appear old or more recent?