Pineland Commission approves pipeline

Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
What good is the commission? The pipeline is clearly in violation of the cmp, voted down twice, illegally approved, sent back to the commission by a Judge, suddenly changing the date and location of public meetings without notice, then passing the commission with one member abstaining. Hell, with Trump as president I wouldnt be surprised if they cleared all the forest to build that airport and city that was intended long ago before the reserve was formed.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Hell, with Trump as president I wouldnt be surprised if they cleared all the forest

Jason, these are important issues that affect us all. However I suggest that you choose your words carefully…

We've had a "no politics" rule here for a while (with various amounts of enforcement over the years) but I just want to say how amazed and proud I am of everyone for keeping the politics away this year.
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Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
Jason, these are important issues that affect us all. However I suggest that you choose your words carefully…
You got me wrong here. I agree that politics should not enter into the realm of politics. This is my point, as clearly this pipeline is being built because of political maneuvering with corporate interest and money. I advocate for the sovereignty of the commission and I assert that any correspondence between government and corporations with environmental administrations should be prohibited. This pipeline was voted down twice, the only reason is survived is because Christie stacked the commission. This isn't trivial to the situation. To address this pipeline we have to address the politics that have failed the protection of the reserve.

Jason Bladzinski

Feb 15, 2014
I don't understand that, but perhaps it's a bit premature to discuss whether you'd be surprised by what the president might do.
Not really. The guy signed an executive order to start completion of the keystone and Dakota Access pipelines blocked by Obama's administration pretty much the day he assumed office. Trump doesn't care about the environment. He had put emphasis on returning to widespread coal burning. Trump only cares about himself.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Not really. The guy signed an executive order to start completion of the keystone and Dakota Access pipelines blocked by Obama's administration pretty much the day he assumed office. Trump doesn't care about the environment. He had put emphasis on returning to widespread coal burning. Trump only cares about himself.

*EDIT-Enter the realm of the Forum. Sorry for the confusion.

One should practice what they preach ;)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Not sure where this is going so lets all be careful what is posted.
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
This presidential election has been so divisive that I'm not sure how we can recover as a nation. The mere mention of the president's name here on the forums immediately sends up red flags. I have to admit I enjoy this forum because of "no politics" but this thread started with several posts about Chris Christie and his policies which was ok. I'm not sure the difference except maybe everyone hates Christie so there's no debate:)
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I didn't mean to offend you and thanks for telling me where to go. Personally I don't discuss political views on Facebook or here. You may have missed my point. This entire thread is politically charged. There is no way to discuss it with out bringing up politics. Albeit it's state politics but none the less it's politics. Please don't confuse my observation with any type of intentions.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I didn't mean to offend you and thanks for telling me where to go. Personally I don't discuss political views on Facebook or here. You may have missed my point. This entire thread is politically charged. There is no way to discuss it with out bringing up politics. Albeit it's state politics but none the less it's politics. Please don't confuse my observation with any type of intentions.

I read Boyd's post this morning, and thought you might misinterpret it as being directed at you John--because I initially thought the same thing. But I decided he was not directing it at you (he may have thought you were an offender), so an apology seems unnecessary.

Several years ago Ben brought up the idea of a thread (or forum?) just for politics. I was gung ho, as I like discussing politics, but it was nixed.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I'm sorry, my post sounded too personal and that wasn't my intention. Let me try again…

If forum members enjoy the "no politics" aspect of this site, then just don't participate in discussions of politics. I remember the days of the "politcs forum" very well and virtually every thread ended badly. Since I know how passionately many long-time site members feel about political issues, it's especially remarkable that they have shown such restraint over the past year.

Now I do understand that you were not engaging in a political "discussion", your post was actually a political meta-discussion (a discussion about discussing politics). Unfortunately, I think both roads lead to the same end.

The pipeline is certainly fair game to discuss here and I don't want to be the "thought police". Post whatever you like (as long as it isn't spam, abuse or illegal). But when I see things headed in a direction that could spell trouble, I'll point it out because it's easier to prevent a train wreck than to clean up after one. :)


Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
I'm sorry, my post sounded too personal and that wasn't my intention. Let me try again…

If forum members enjoy the "no politics" aspect of this site, then just don't participate in discussions of politics. I remember the days of the "politcs forum" very well and virtually every thread ended badly. Since I know how passionately many long-time site members feel about political issues, it's especially remarkable that they have shown such restraint over the past year.

Now I do understand that you were not engaging in a political "discussion", your post was actually a political meta-discussion (a discussion about discussing politics). Unfortunately, I think both roads lead to the same end.

The pipeline is certainly fair game to discuss here and I don't want to be the "thought police". Post whatever you like (as long as it isn't spam, abuse or illegal). But when I see things headed in a direction that could spell trouble, I'll point it out because it's easier to prevent a train wreck than to clean up after one. :)
Thanks Boyd, like Bob said there was no apology necessary. I just wanted to clarify my post. I have and still travel all over this country and it's impossible for a conversation not turn to politics at some point. Some of the conversations I had actually changed my outlook on some things and I'd like to think I influenced some opinions as well.
I'm glad we didn't have a politics thread here during this past election. It would have been ugly the slag heap would be busting at the seams. Talking about protecting the environment will always include politics. This thread was about the pipeline I think I hijacked it enough.:)
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