Red Oak Grove (and Union Clay Graves)

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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Probably either too difficult to get out, or they never found that piece. It's kind of grizzly, considering that the pilot died there.

Actually, how did the gear get lowered from the fuselage in the first place. It must have been stowed when he hit the tower - I can't see the pilot lowering the gear. I think the main fuselage landed near the gear. This is very puzzling.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
clay works again

manumuskin said:
had enough chiggers this year.I"m layin for em this time:)

You make me laugh when you talk about the chiggers Al. :lol: I got 10 of 'em on me this year from laying down on my belly taking a photo of a flower.

Whats a dark green vitara?



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
getting ready to head out about up there around noon cause i have a few errands first.
i found the landing gear last week off of kendawgs geocache coordinates.thanks for them anyway,i appreciate it.
like i said i took a few hints from the grave photos and the vegetation type and terraserver photos and i think i have a handle on it.we"ll see this evening.I"ll post what i find.
I was out in the UCW/ ROG area today looking around a bit. That door near ROG is a garage door for sure, trash not treasure. While looking around in the woods I came upon a stripped Chevy G10 van.

It was up on blocks and totally stripped. The only thing any good on it was the rear bumper. Guess what. I nead a rear bumper for my Chevy van. Woo whoo!!!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I saw a bunch of people to my left in the woods just past red oak grove where the road from the clay works comes in (the skinny one though the most direct route)I was wondering if that was anyone from the forum.didn"t look like hunters.
I found a whole lot of new stuff at the clay works but not the graves yet.headin out now again.give a full report when i get time.I"ve covered about 50% of the clay works block and am concentrating on the middle eastern section today.everything east of the pond and north of the kiln road.I may never find the graves but I"ll probably end up knowing the clay works better then most on this forum:)
hot booger out yesterday.nice and cool today.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
When I was with Ben on Saturday I somehow lost my knife, and decided to go back today to three places where I felt it may be. I stopped by my moms on the way, and her and my brother decided to ride along with my daughter and I. We went through Chatsworth and picked up another lollypop and headed to Cedar Bridge. I found my socks but no knife, and within a minute on the road searching I was covered in Chiggers again. They were on my shoes and socks and I was able to kill them with spray before they came in contact with me. On to the second site without finding the knife. The last place was all the way back at Bullock where I parked my car, so I decided to go through the woods past Red Oak Grove and Union and I believe I passed you Al walking along the road. After reading the posts I am certain of it now. I did not see your car at the time, so I was not certain it was you.

Just before seeing who I believe was Al, we saw a Fox slowly run across the road in the Red Oak Grove area, and my mom really enjoyed watching the deer. One of them stood in the road for quite a while, uncertain of what to do. It kept picking up each leg like a nervous twitch, and it's tail bounced up and down. I had to start forward for it to decide to run.

In the end I did not find my knife, but enjoyed the ride anyway.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
yes the car is still there and in the last two days I"ve found besides that car a pond that was on the terraserver photo but I didn"t notice it till I found it by mistake.I also found the actual clay pits and some cellar holes and a whole load of bricks and sewer pipes and some more metal pipes sticking out of the ground.have found pieces of pipe far and wide some 6 ft long and also found kendawgs cache today but his pen wouldnt work so i couldnt log it.I"m not a geocaher but seen it advertised here so figured while i was there why not find it.
I wanna show yopu guys the tracks I"ve made with the gps but dont know how to put em on here.ain"t found the graves yet but know whwere the different vegetation types are now and roughly half of this 82 acre block of woods looks similar to teegates pics of the graves.the other half the trees are too big and the scrub oaks too thick.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
were you in a white mini van?I had just popped out on the road after following what was apparently the original road to half way paralleling the road you were on to the east.It"s a sunk in horse and buggy wide 2 ft deep trench covered in brush that i managed to follow for about 100 yards till it hit the road we drive today.and 50 yards down the road this white mini van passes me.i was parked back by the kiln which is why you didn"t see my barrensmobile.Outside of you I seen one motorcyclist pull up the trail toward my truck their by the red car and for some reason he stopped,turned around and then looked back and seen me about 100 ft off the trail,got a scared look and took off like a ghost.Am i really that ugly?come on teegate be honest:)heck i even shaved last week.I am a sight to behold with a 6 month old beard.
How can I send you my gps tracks so you see where I been.I"ve got that 82 acre block of woods lookin like a plate of spaghetti on my gps.I"m going to have to get more organized like making a map including perimeter and all the fire breaks on the gps and my maptech cd and then make east to west gps tracks in 100 yard grids and then just take each grid at a time and go over it.I"d say about half that block looks like your pics of the area and the other half is more hardcore barrens with bigger pines and thicker blackjack and scrub oaks.This might take me till winter but when the woods go nekked so will them graves;-)

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
What GPS software do you use? If it's Topo USA then you can save the track to a file and email it to one of us.

Guy drives a white Ford Focus. I drive a maroon Jeep Cherokee. Behr drives a green Ford Escape.

I am going to have to explore Union Clay works more. I have only seen bits and pieces of pipe, never anything substantial.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I was in a white Ford Focus and presumably you were walking in the direction of Red Oak Grove, but you were in the Union Clay Works area. Not far from where the dot shows up on the map that indicates a building. You were on the main road. I was heading toward Old Half Way and passed you, and as I did you waved. I am still assuming it was you. It was around 3pm or so maybe slightly earlier or later.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If it was not you there is someone else looking for the grave because this person was looking into the woods when I first noticed him. There wasn't any vehicle around so this person was doing some searching.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

As Ben said you can save the file and send it to either of us. I can even view .txt or an1 files if you save them in that format. My email address is on the main page in my articles, and Ben's is posted also obviously.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
yes that was me and I did wave at you.A common WV trait this waving at people you don"t know:)People very seldom do that here and most look at you in shock when you wave at them:)
I was parked back in the woods toward the kiln and pond on that skinny road that cuts thru the heart of the clay works.
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