Red Oak Grove (and Union Clay Graves)

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I had a bad day today. I was bushwacking in the Union Clay Works area. First I lost my sunglasses. Later I lost my GPS!!! Of course if I had my GPS I could have backtracked to find it. But NO, I didn't have my GPS did I now? I'm bummed. :cry:

Steve ~ who had a bad day.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I"ll be bushwacking there next weekend.If I find a gps other then my own I"ll assume it's yours and post it so you can claim it:)
P.S. You wouldn"t be bushwacking out there looking for the same thing I am would you?:)I found a new clue on the internet.I think we may both be bushwackin slightly off center.
manumuskin said:
I"ll be bushwacking there next weekend.If I find a gps other then my own I"ll assume it's yours and post it so you can claim it:)
P.S. You wouldn"t be bushwacking out there looking for the same thing I am would you?:)I found a new clue on the internet.I think we may both be bushwackin slightly off center.

Thanks Al. Yes, we are looking for the same thing.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
I had a bad day today. I was bushwacking in the Union Clay Works area. First I lost my sunglasses. Later I lost my GPS!!! Of course if I had my GPS I could have backtracked to find it. But NO, I didn't have my GPS did I now? I'm bummed. :cry:

Steve ~ who had a bad day.

Wow! That is a bad day. I am sorry to hear that.

The Magellan 'Meridian GPS' is discontinued but I got lucky at Sports Authority, they had three left. I payed 139.00 on sale then went to Best Buy and got a 32mb SD card for 39.00. Sports Authority wanted 49.00 for a 16mb card. Ben had commented that it would be a good time to upgrade. The Maridiad Gold, Platinum and Marine are in the 300.00 to 400.00 range. The only difference I could see is that the Gold had 16mb built in memory and the Platinum had that and a barometer. Not worth the upgrade in my book. I stayed with the Maridian since I have the car craddle, power cord and MapSend Topo already.

This all happened because I bought a clip on carrying case that the GPS did not fit in properly. :swear:

Steve ~ who is up and running again.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Ok the hunt continues.I noticed a clearing on atlas sheet 13 between the clay works and red oak grove and decided to check it out.drove the road between the two a few times and never noticed the woods being any different but walking the road made it apparent.This little settlement seems to be mostly on the west side of the road and about 50 yards wide and 150 yards deep.on the east side abot 50 by 50.What was this place about exactly half way between the clay works and red oak grove?All I found there outside of the unusual vegetation that says settlement was a real shallow hole.possibly a cellar but no more then shin deep and about 10 ft across.
Now I intend to do a perimeter gps survey of red oak grove then start traversing the area back and forth then start working my way north up the road to this old settlement.met a hunter out there today who knew nothing about the graves but knows an old local man who says he sees this old guy occasionally who parks at the road junction just north of red oak grove in a white vehicle and is seen walking around in the woods on the west side enigma to the locals because he obviously isn"t hunting.Now who could that be and what would he be checking on?Hmmm:)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
manumuskin said:
Now I intend to do a perimeter gps survey of red oak grove then start traversing the area back and forth then start working my way north up the road to this old settlement.met a hunter out there today who knew nothing about the graves but knows an old local man who says he sees this old guy occasionally who parks at the road junction just north of red oak grove in a white vehicle and is seen walking around in the woods on the west side enigma to the locals because he obviously isn"t hunting.Now who could that be and what would he be checking on?Hmmm:)

Are you implying I am this person, and that I am OLD!!! :cry: I can't believe you would think or say that Al! :shock: I am only 46.


TeeGate said:
manumuskin said:
Now I intend to do a perimeter gps survey of red oak grove then start traversing the area back and forth then start working my way north up the road to this old settlement.met a hunter out there today who knew nothing about the graves but knows an old local man who says he sees this old guy occasionally who parks at the road junction just north of red oak grove in a white vehicle and is seen walking around in the woods on the west side enigma to the locals because he obviously isn"t hunting.Now who could that be and what would he be checking on?Hmmm:)

Are you implying I am this person, and that I am OLD!!! :cry: I can't believe you would think or say that Al! :shock: I am only 46.

Aw, don't feel too bad...Joe is older than you, and he's not old! He'll be 50 in January. Besides, every woman worth her salt knows grey doesn't make a guy old, it makes him "distinguished". :wink:



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Well heck Teegate you ain"t but 7 years older then me.It must notta been you cause this hunter claimed it was an old dude.I"ll be where your at too soon to call you an old man anymore.Is Ben an old geezer?His truck isn"t white though is it?I run into Kendawg and Behr today or actually they found me.down to red oak grove.I seen your pics from the 70"s when I was a wee little youngun and assumed you was grown up so you must be old musta just been a teenager and from the back you was grownup size:)
still huntin

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I'll be 26 in January. My truck is maroon.

The gravesite location isn't marked on any old map I have seen. You have to really know where it is, because there is no rhyme or reason where it is located. If I didn't have it in my GPS, I would never be able to find it myself.

Anyway, please be less specific with describing your search areas. I don't want to say where it is, but almost as bad is saying where it is not. So please keep the details to a minimum.


May 29, 2003
Yeah, this person's "enthusiams" are really not in rhyme with vibes of the whole experience, in my opinion. Of course, my opinions are going to become "grizzled" to some. I really enjoy the slow manner of my explorations, since the areas I explore have waited so long for me. Of course, I want to find what I'm setting out for, but, I really don't want to miss out on the relaxed vibe that the people of the times must have enjoyed. This is NOT a scavenger hunt. Please try to relax and enjoy your time in the woods. BTW, I have a friend who is really into the Geocache thing. He goes out to these places and has no idea of the history of the areas. I told him about how much more enjoyable the areas are once you know the history. This has nothing to do with the person at hand, but don't think it's good to give coordinates to some of the areas, since it will attract undesirables.

I know the people in charge of the Geocaches are good people, but again, it's so much more important to becone aware of these places due to an interest in thre history than to be remotely and "blindly" be delivered. All this said, the Geocache people have not seemed to have caused ANY harm to any of the spots as of yet.

BTW, my Geocache friend told me that the remains of Martha Furnace site was purposely buried before being "treated" with "preserving materials" so as to preserve the site. Might be a good idea.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

At Martha vandals brought in heavy equipment and pulled out 14 foot cast iron beams that were part of the furnace. So the state was forced to bury the furnace to protect it because of that and other damage.

I think most of us don't quite understand the mind of these people, and that is why I believe posting GPS coordinates or giving directions to many of the place in the pines is foolish. Obviously Martha sticks out with the fence around it, but many of the places those of us come upon don't.

The below link has an article that was in the Courier Post years ago that clearly shows and tells what is happening in the pines. I have posted it before so some of you may have read it already.

The below link shows what the man in the above photo has contributed to in his sinister ways.



New Member
Sep 1, 2003
They should make the fines heavier for all illegal activities in the pines. (ie. vandalism, dumping/littering).


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
headin out again today.gotta find it now.Isabell is headin right for us and once she hits it"ll take me 2 weeks just to chainsaw my way back to the clay works.might even knock that standing grave down.Need to send somebody out there to epoxy it together.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Aww Ben, I am enjoying his updates and his search. Al seems like a nice guy and he is just enthusiastic and he perseveres. Thats a good trait. He's naturally excited about the hurricane. I get that way about hurricanes too. They cause damage yes, but their danger and tracking is kind of exciting.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Were you bashing me and I missed it?I meant chainsaw the roads back to the clay works because they"ll be all treed in.Don"t know where the graves are yet and won"t hurt them when I do.I"m just saying that from the pictures they might benefit from a professional going in there and doing some preservation work.they look like their disappearing.I didn"t find them today either but I will and when I do I"ll tell you and you can run right out there and check em.I won"t hurt your graves Ben.I have places in the barrens that are special to me and caves in other states that if someone trashed I"d be wantin to tear off some heads and...well you get the picture,matter of fact I"ve had some places trashed so I know how it feels.Yeah you make me mad sometimes when I"m out there beatin the bush lookin and swaetin and scratchin and I think why don"t he just give me a hint But I repeat again your graves are safe from me.
Seek and you shall find,
Ask and you shall receive
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