Yeah, this person's "enthusiams" are really not in rhyme with vibes of the whole experience, in my opinion. Of course, my opinions are going to become "grizzled" to some. I really enjoy the slow manner of my explorations, since the areas I explore have waited so long for me. Of course, I want to find what I'm setting out for, but, I really don't want to miss out on the relaxed vibe that the people of the times must have enjoyed. This is NOT a scavenger hunt. Please try to relax and enjoy your time in the woods. BTW, I have a friend who is really into the Geocache thing. He goes out to these places and has no idea of the history of the areas. I told him about how much more enjoyable the areas are once you know the history. This has nothing to do with the person at hand, but don't think it's good to give coordinates to some of the areas, since it will attract undesirables.
I know the people in charge of the Geocaches are good people, but again, it's so much more important to becone aware of these places due to an interest in thre history than to be remotely and "blindly" be delivered. All this said, the Geocache people have not seemed to have caused ANY harm to any of the spots as of yet.
BTW, my Geocache friend told me that the remains of Martha Furnace site was purposely buried before being "treated" with "preserving materials" so as to preserve the site. Might be a good idea.