Speed Bump


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
The Office of Planning Advocacy is forcing Pinelands Villages to become Priority Growth Zones in its Revisions to the State Planning Rules, even though this initiative is counter to the spirit of the Comprehensive Management Plan.

On March 16, 2012, I asked former Pinelands Commissioner Dan Kennedy, now Deputy Director at the Office of Planning Advocacy, this question, “Under what memorandum of understanding or memorandum of agreement is the Office of Planning Advocacy working with the Pinelands Commission?”

His response was,

The operative MOU between the SPC and the PC is from 1999.
The "Advance Notice of Rules" in relation to the Pinelands does not list "villages" in the management area section b/c historically they have been treated as SPC centers (see Appendix C in the '99 MOU). If this new criteria based system is enabled, the plan would be to continue to treat these villages as centers, thus making them "Priority Growth Investment Areas." Clearly, the MOU would need to be reconsidered but the general relationship that has existed between the SPC and the PC is not broken and we are looking to strengthen and carry that positive relationship foward (sic).
You can feel free to share this response to anyone seeking this clarification.
It is my understanding that the governor wishes that this issue be kept quiet until after the election. In my opinion, this change in management direction, endorsed by the Pinelands Commission, could potentially be the greatest threat to the Pinelands National Reserve since the jetport. Turtle, sewering will forever change the character of Pinelands Villages for the worse.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
They have been working on the sewers for a couple months (or at least that's what I think they're doing) along Route 50, just South of Mays Landing. As far as I can tell, they started here: http://maps.njpinebarrens.com/#lat=39.433408770923506&lng=-74.73629951477051&z=16&type=topo&gpx= and are working their way North along the East side of Rt 50. Today they're digging out in front of Gregorio's Market (just South of the intersection of NJ 50 and US 40).

I always assumed that Belcoville had a sewage system since it's so close to the river, and I know that the original Belcoville complex included a sewage treatment plant. So I thought this was just some kind of upgrade/repair, but now I'm wondering if it's part of the whole Pinelands Village sewage treatment expansion?
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Feb 22, 2013
From a 23 year Zoning Board member (Springfield Twp Burlco) and past activist in trying to keep that community agricultural and rural: pass local resolutions/ordinances that ban public water supply and sewer systems. Once sewers/water systems are in place it's "welcome development, goodbye woods & fields".


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
According to current documents available through the New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN), Belcoville is listed as a Government Administered Area in Need of Redevelopment (see excerpt below).

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Rehabilitation and redevelopment areas are places where box stores, housing projects, and super Wawas pop up. While several Pinelands Village areas include redevelopment designations (Cologne, Pomona, Belcoville), note that Richland Village is conspicuously absent from the official redevelopment record. Richland, the Pinelands Commission's touted "smart growth" model, was never submitted and approved by the Department of Community Affairs, which has no jurisdiction in the Pinelands National Reserve by way of the 1999 MOU referenced in my post above.​
It is a confusing and contradictory problem: The DCA (or OPA) cannot approve Pinelands redevelopment projects as required under State statute, and the Pinelands Commission cannot approve redevelopment plans since it isn't addressed in the ruling Comprehensive Management Plan, yet there they are! The designation in the Pinelands context is meaningless, but redevelopment is absolutely necessary to create “Priority Growth Zone” overlays to circumvent the CMP and make development economically viable for the big builders. 47 Villages, 26,000 acres of new "Centers of Place." It is also a bonanza for grant-writing agencies, engineering firms, water companies, and the sewer plant build/maintenance industry; and politicians who help them behind the scenes.​


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
EHC to sell former school site to developer for $1
Posted: Friday, May 24, 2013
By MICHELLE BRUNETTI POST, Staff WriterThe Press of Atlantic City Media Group
EGG HARBOR CITY - City Council has voted to change the terms of a land sale to a developer who plans to build 100 units of affordable senior housing at the site of the demolished Fanny D. Rittenberg Middle School.​
Conifer Realty of Mount Laurel, Burlington County, and its Rittenberg Urban Renewal Associates requested the changes to give the company a better shot at receiving Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.​
Egg Harbor City is a Pinelands Town using redevelopment to force housing. I knew that the Department of Community Affairs had no redevelopment jurisdiction in the Pinelands National Reserve under the 1999 MOU, so I was always curious to find out how they intended to proceed with funding Pinelands "Smart Growth" redevelopment. Remember, the State clearly sees Pinelands Villages as Priority Growth Investment Areas but has no way to subsidize it.

So the developer's lobbyists came up with a quasi-governmental "independent" entity that circumvents use of government funding to directly lend for redevelopment in "Smart Growth" areas. Remember the title Richland Village: Growing Smart into the 21st Century? "The NJ Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency is established under, but is not a part of, the Department of Community Affairs and is constituted as a body politic and corporate and an instrumentality of the state, exercising public and essential governmental functions."

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The only thing in the developers way now is the Comprehensive Management Plan itself. The Pinelands Commission staff is trying to avoid at all costs discussion that redevelopment does not exist in the Pinelands National Reserve, despite my letter of interpretation from Paula Dow, the ex-Attorney General that supports my interpretation. To her credit, Commissioner Candace Ashmun tried to ask this question at a meeting, but the Commission's solicitor shot her down.​
Nancy Wittenberg, Executive Director of the Pinelands Commission, is a former head lobbyist for the NJ Builders Association.​


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Here it comes:

[Second Reprint]
SENATE, No. 2447

Sponsored by:
District 1 (Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland)
District 28 (Essex)
Codifies protections set forth in certain case law and limits use of eminent domain under the “Local Redevelopment and Housing Law.”
Opinion: Gov. Christie's Chance for a Good Veto -- Senate Bill S-2447

Vetoing this dangerous proposal would protect property owners across New Jersey from the misuse of eminent domain​
This issue will change forever the character of Pinelands Villages, and it is coming, under the radar, with the Pinelands Commission's blessing.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nothing makes me want to run someone over more than when a pedestrian just steps off a curb and walks right into traffic knowing full well the traffic is there. They are teaching kids in school that they have the right away but for some reason they are not getting the point across that they really don't. They have to step into the intersection or crosswalk and wait for traffic to stop. If traffic does not stop then they are at fault. if the pedestrian does not stop they are dead. This country needs to put more emphasis in school on pedestrian rules and less on vehicle rules. By teaching pedestrian rules the vehicle rules will be self explanatory.

I hate crosswalks and speed bumps. That should be the comment in all my posts.


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Good news, or at least it seems so.

For now the Office of Planning Advocacy has removed Pinelands Villages from Priority Growth Investment Areas. They are to become Alternate Growth Investment Areas.

An “Alternate Growth Investment Area” means:

“an area that has existing or planned infrastructure that will lead to development and redevelopment opportunities. State investments related to the efficient development and redevelopment of previously developed sites and optimization of existing settlement patterns should be encouraged but as a lesser priority than areas considered Priority Growth Investment Areas. Lands that meet one or more of the criteria identified by the State Planning Rules will meet this definition.”
Final State Strategic Plan: NJ’s State Development and Revevelopment Plan (Proposed for Adoption) 9/2013
Here's what the builders lobby has to say about this designation:

“The intentions behind the priority growth and priority preservation areas are fairly clear and straightforward: to direct state development funding to the Priority Growth Investment Areas and the state’s preservation funding to the Priority Growth Preservation Areas. However, it is hard to understand the rationale for the “alternate growth” and “limited growth” areas. Unless additional state funding is set‐aside for the Alternate Growth or Limited Growth areas – which would seem to negate the strategic purpose of the two priority areas ‐‐ it is not at all clear what the alternate and limited growth areas are intended to accomplish or why these designations are needed.”

New Jersey Builders Association, letter to Office of Planning Advocacy, March 26, 2012.
The behind-the-scene fight I and others waged may very well have worked! Let's hope this move cuts off HMFA priority funding (see above).



Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Just so you know how serious this issue is, check out this law blog comment about Richland Village:

AN EMINENT DOMAIN EUPHEMISM: An Area in Need of Redevelopment​
Under the new Development and Redevelopment Plan, politicians and developers will be given sweeping eminent domain powers. Once redevelopment begins, it is very difficult to stop even when mischief occurs.​


Apr 24, 2004
barnegat. nj
hi ben,
old storm here,still alive and kicking................well,more slowly but still kay aking and fishing in the barrens....................was glad to see the nature conservancy bought up my favorite fishing hole off stephenson road.................................do you have any information on that good looking pond......at least,on usgs maps, ......located just se of route 70 and leisure village in woodland twnship................fella told me its filled with pickerel,but you cant get even a four wheel to it............................im getting too old to hike in that far.........strom


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Nothing makes me want to run someone over more than when a pedestrian just steps off a curb and walks right into traffic knowing full well the traffic is there. They are teaching kids in school that they have the right away but for some reason they are not getting the point across that they really don't. They have to step into the intersection or crosswalk and wait for traffic to stop. If traffic does not stop then they are at fault. if the pedestrian does not stop they are dead. This country needs to put more emphasis in school on pedestrian rules and less on vehicle rules. By teaching pedestrian rules the vehicle rules will be self explanatory.

I hate crosswalks and speed bumps. That should be the comment in all my posts.


I am so glad you wrote this. You have expressed my sentiments with great exactitude. (Yeah, it's a word)
I glady risk tickets on a regular basis by not stopping for ignorant pedestrians who blindly step off of curbs with an air of arrogance that can be seen from a distance. My wife screams at me and I mumble multiple obscenities about the dummification of the American citizenry. (dummification is a word if you watch the Simpsons) I also yell at the arrogant pedestrian too. By the way, Stone Harbor's downtown shopping district seems to be ground zero for the dummification movement.

I have no problem stopping for children, who, by the way, are rumored to be not as smart as adults. I also have no issue with someone standing in the proper crossing area and who is making an obvious attempt to establish eye contact with me before stepping into my path.

I don't know when this pedestrian having the right of way credo got its start but it is creating a whole new generation of stupid people who are just begging to get a close up look at an oil pan.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
As you know, they recently put a pedestrian crosswalk on my property and I make it a point to never use it. All I do is mow and edge it to keep the law from coming after me. I cross the street where I want to and do so "after" the cars go by. I can brake easier than they can.


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Buena Vista officials continue effort to end investment in railroad-themed project

The Pinelands Commission’s Smart Growth prototype for 47 Pinelands Villages may at last meet its demise. The Buena Vista Township Committee voted last night (11-25-13) to repeal the 2006 ordinance that created the Richland Redevelopment Area.​
BUENA VISTA TOWNSHIP — The majority faction on Buena Vista Township’s committee continued its quest to end investment in a railroad-themed tourist attraction in the Richland section, introducing an ordinance Monday night to dismantle the redevelopment zone there.
There will be a public hearing Dec. 9 on the ordinance, which would repeal two 2006 ordinances that created a redevelopment zone in Richland.

Redevelopment began in 2003 when the municipality quietly took out loans and started purchasing properties, in violation of State redevelopment statutes. The project has been grossly mismanaged, mostly behind closed doors, and gone nowhere in 10-years. Public outcry halted the construction of two package sewer plants once their plans were revealed to residents. We now periodically flood because of the lack of required stormwater control structures. A website has been created as a clearing house for public documents related to the project to help the public better understand what has actually been going on.



Feb 22, 2013
Just saw in downtown Mt. Holly that the two speed bumps on Washington St. near the Post Office have been taken out and the road service is level. Anyone know the story behind this?