Oh come on Guy.... it will be feel-good legislation. We could name it "Pines Lover's Law".
It will make you smile because you're saving the envi-i-i-i-ronment. And it will be easily passed because the majority of New Jerseyans have no interest in driving around the pine barrens so it won't affect them. And it fits the current mindset that has also brought us carbon credits and proposals to tax you based on where you drive using a GPS in every vehicle. Really - you've got no business driving around the pines anyway. What purpose does that serve? You are wasting gas and polluting the air. How un-green.
This is not the same thing as a permit to drive on IBSP beaches by any stretch of the imagination. I support that. We're talking about a really precious and limited resource - a few miles of undeveloped beachfront. That is a far cry from a million acres of pinelands preserve.
Frankly, I'm disappointed with those who would find such an idea acceptable in any way. Just another way to have the government control your travels and meddle in your everyday life. It would end up being all about random checkpoints and big fines for everybody who didn't have a current permit.