The Fox


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Okay....I dig. You have been in the area a long time, but are younger than me by a few years. I moved into PL in 1965 when I was 11. I remember Bruce playing at the college. I was in a different state on business that week, but as I said on a different post I saw him at the Satellite Lounge in 74 or so. Do you remember the other thrift store down 530 towards Country Lakes? Had clothing and thinks like that. Very cramped.

Would that be Tenias Discount Department Store?Did you ever leave Satellite at closing time and the sun was rising.It would look like a gang of vampires in the parking lot. Down the road from Satellite past Wrightstown a couple miles was a tiny club called D-13/Zig Zag. Did you ever go there?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Would that be Tenias Discount Department Store?Did you ever leave Satellite at closing time and the sun was rising.It would look like a gang of vampires in the parking lot. Down the road from Satellite past Wrightstown a couple miles was a tiny club called D-13/Zig Zag. Did you ever go there?

That's right, Tina's!

I have left the Satellite at dawn. And so did half of the Fort Dix recruits in their long winter trenchcoats and shaved heads. Very strange times indeed. Makes for a screwed up "next day".

I don't remember the D-13. Wild was it?


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Hey, where was this Sunset View Inn? Never heard of that one. LaShiek was a drug infested hole, just like Crystal Palace Bar was in Mt. Holly. Has anyone ever heard of that one? That bar was down under like someone's basement bar. There was a group of us who worked at New Lisbon D. Center who would frequent these bars.
I revisited Wrightstown a few weeks back, what a sad trip. Most everything boarded up and ready to be pushed to the ground. Only bars there now are Kellys and what used to be the old Pioneer Bar which is now called Nite Dippers. Even all the motels look vacant. This town is almost like a vist to the New Egypt Market on a closed day. I only went to the Satellite a few times, once to see Molly Hatchet. I guess the Obies Bar is still there. I used to call it O Beats. I knew an old piney clan that beat the phone booth to peices with brass knuckles outside of Obies, a long, long time ago.
Sunset View Inn was across the street from the old Acme not far from Obies(that phone booth was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!) When you worked at New Lisbon did you ever go to The Pizza Stop? My buddies family worked there. Lous Pioneer Bar was called Illusions 2 a go go bar for a while. Ive been to Kellys and it seemed to be a decent place if you can handle a military crowd(Im an Army brat). Actually Wrightstown is going to be improved with all new building where the bulldozing took place.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
That's right, Tina's!

I have left the Satellite at dawn. And so did half of the Fort Dix recruits in their long winter trenchcoats and shaved heads. Very strange times indeed. Makes for a screwed up "next day".

I don't remember the D-13. Wild was it?
If you made a right turn out of Satellites parking lot just drive straight through Wrightstown, when you cross over Rt.68 it was a couple miles down the road in Springfield Twp.It burned down before I was able to go but my older sister used to hang out with a band named Money who played there a lot. Drinking till dawn usually meant no next day but you would try to get out the next night to show that you could still hang.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
I worked at the Pizza Stop many years ago. Don't know if your friends owed it then or not, it had several owners over time. Anyway, I was fired from there. They said I was mean to the customers! What a joke! Today I am a nurse. LOL Do not remember the Sunset Inn at all, must be before my time. Just like the Zig Zag. Pineys used to go there too and raise havoc. Wish I got to go there, but too little I guess.

Sunset View Inn was across the street from the old Acme not far from Obies(that phone booth was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!) When you worked at New Lisbon did you ever go to The Pizza Stop? My buddies family worked there. Lous Pioneer Bar was called Illusions 2 a go go bar for a while. Ive been to Kellys and it seemed to be a decent place if you can handle a military crowd(Im an Army brat). Actually Wrightstown is going to be improved with all new building where the bulldozing took place.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
I've been in Elrancho too. But I didn't know they tore it down. Lakeview was a hopping joint in it's time. They had lots of bands and people really had fun there. Of course they had their share of fights too, like any bar. Down the road going towards Whites Bogs, was another tavern called (Ithink) Speakeasy, later changing its name to LaSheik. When the name changed, so did the crowd...drastically! (use one's imagination) Then there is Obies, Pig-N-Whistle (if that is still there?) There was also a private bar in back of someones house across the street from the little steak house which stood next to Obies. I bet no one knew that was there! Maybe we should start a forum just for old bars, we all seem to enjoy discussing and comparing notes where taverns are concerned. Afterall, they too are a peice of pinelands history. What do you think?
The private bar was called The Palace Inn and was owned by the Gallagher family.Their son Tommy hung out with the same crowd as me.It was across P.B.M. Rd.from Sunset View Inn.I was in the library today and in a book of old photos of Browns Mills was The Sunset in the 1900s.It started as a tea house and started serving alcohol when prohibition ended.When the big acts played there it was owned by Butch Lupinetti who also owned Butches Place on South Pemberton Rd.He quit the bar business and now competes in barbeque contests around the country. Sunset changed names to Whispers and closed in the late 90s.It has been bulldozed and replaced by a bank.LaShiek was owned by a classmate of mine who bought it with money he got by robbing Great Adventure.It is now a funeral home.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Wow! That is so funny! Robbed G.A., that figures for that place. Just can't remember Whispers, boy that makes me mad! Can only blame it on getting old. If it was tore down in the 90s I've had to seen it... Thanks so much for sharing the great history. You know alot about the subject and I enjoy what you have to offer. Hope you are considering coming to the Lines in the Pines event in March. I would like to say hello. You found a great bunch of people her all with great things to contribute.

The private bar was called The Palace Inn and was owned by the Gallagher family.Their son Tommy hung out with the same crowd as me.It was across P.B.M. Rd.from Sunset View Inn.I was in the library today and in a book of old photos of Browns Mills was The Sunset in the 1900s.It started as a tea house and started serving alcohol when prohibition ended.When the big acts played there it was owned by Butch Lupinetti who also owned Butches Place on South Pemberton Rd.He quit the bar business and now competes in barbeque contests around the country. Sunset changed names to Whispers and closed in the late 90s.It has been bulldozed and replaced by a bank.LaShiek was owned by a classmate of mine who bought it with money he got by robbing Great Adventure.It is now a funeral home.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Wow! That is so funny! Robbed G.A., that figures for that place. Just can't remember Whispers, boy that makes me mad! Can only blame it on getting old. If it was tore down in the 90s I've had to seen it... Thanks so much for sharing the great history. You know alot about the subject and I enjoy what you have to offer. Hope you are considering coming to the Lines in the Pines event in March. I would like to say hello. You found a great bunch of people her all with great things to contribute.
I can remember things from 30/40 years ago but still forget to pay monthly bills!The pinebarrens have fascinated me for years and I have wanted to search for these hidden sites since reading Becks books.By reading old threads on this site I see there are many members with a great amount of knowledge of these areas and also some flat out historians!I hope to find some of these areas with their help and possibly help in any way I can. Hopefully Ill get to the Lines inthe Pines and put some faces to these names.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Anything I can help you with would be a pleasure. Since I am a piney, and have actually lived at Friendship, I know alot about the area and way of life in the pines. I admire alot of the people here, their knowledge and friendliness has made this site feel like home.

I can remember things from 30/40 years ago but still forget to pay monthly bills!The pinebarrens have fascinated me for years and I have wanted to search for these hidden sites since reading Becks books.By reading old threads on this site I see there are many members with a great amount of knowledge of these areas and also some flat out historians!I hope to find some of these areas with their help and possibly help in any way I can. Hopefully Ill get to the Lines inthe Pines and put some faces to these names.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Suresue,I have been reading old threads and came across the one about the 1974 National Geographic about the pines.In your posts you mentioned Hazey Dilks.I once heard a story of him fighting everyone in a bar one by one.I mentioned this story to a friend who lived behind me and he said he was Hazeys cousin.His name is Rob Ewers and his parents were Ray and Myrtle.Would you know of them or any other Browns Mills pineys.I know alot of them from going to Pemberton schools from Little Red Schoolhouse to P.T.H.S.class of 1979.Also kids from Chatsworth went to Pemberton but now go to Lenape.I'm sure we must know someone in common.


Apr 1, 2005
Silver Fox Sunday

I stopped at the Silver Fox Sonday around 3:30. The placed was locked up tight. Did I miss out on my opportunity to see the historic Silver Fox?


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Try any Friday or Saturday night after 6 p.m.
I think I saw it open only two weeks ago.
If the beer light is lit she is open. Don't judge by the fact that there are no cars in the lot except for the ship wrecked Cadoo.


Apr 1, 2005
The windows weren't boarded up. The Beer signs in the window weren't lit. Of course the Caddy was in the lot (as it's been since the late 80's, right?) It was one of those last minute stops. Wife & I were out on the NJ Wine Trail Sunday & as I passed I thought "Hmmm, with all this wine tasting, I need to get my taste buds back on track with a cold one!" Hence, I wheeled into the Fox......disappointed that it was closed. Thanks for the responses!


Sep 7, 2005
Wife & I were out on the NJ Wine Trail Sunday & as I passed I thought "Hmmm, with all this wine tasting, I need to get my taste buds back on track with a cold one!"

Don't always have your heart set on a cold one. No more taps as I recall, only bottles(some have been around awhile trust me) and don't be shocked to see some stuff sitting in a cooler just like at a backyard party. I myself have been there when there was no cold beer, so you took luke warm or Liquor, no ice. I doubt that is always the case though.
You did pick the wrong day. The hour also must be late to assure entry.
No boards, no lights, that's all fine. I figure the day you'll know the doors are shut is when that Caddy finally goes the wayside. It'll mean Foxy finally decided to get back behind the wheel and take that long overdue drive.
Or just hopefully to get some fresh ice.



Sep 7, 2005
What have we done

I fear yet another historic place of immeasurable value has fallen due to the attention given it as a result of this site. Yes there is damage at the Fox.
I do not think however the wolves have been led to the gates of a forgotten campsite to rape and pillage it. I simply think a garden variety Jinx was laid upon this place as a result of the talk on it. It is doomed now.
On driving by the Fox this morning coming from Hammonton I saw, and had to look twice mind you, that the signage was down. I took it at first as a wind issue or car accident however both approaches are down and the signage almost seems "placed" off to the side rather than blown or knocked down. I really do not see Foxy ramping up the old sign with a shiny new model so I am very afraid.
I fear this most recent dialogue, including my own has doomed us all.
I will be watching, and waiting.
In my mind a thousand nightmares show themselves in the forms of hellish new ownerships with.... ideas about the place.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
George, you never know. We as people always think the worst. Sooner or later, there will be no more Foxy. With that the bar will be gone forever and never be the same. I fear this more then any other thing that may or may not have happened with the sign. Like all piney things and piney people...vanishing forever. Only places preserved like Batsto, and thank God Atsion will be around awhile. BTW did you get the personal email I sent you on interviewing?